Chapter 385

Heaven collapses, everything falls.

The sound of morning bell and evening drum sounded from the universe.

At the moment when this sound came, the heavens and the world, within the nine heavens and ten earth, were flooded with a breath of sorrow and the power of the space avenue at this moment.

Click, click!

At this moment, all the common people heard the sound of space breaking, and a sense of sadness slowly rose in the hearts of countless creatures.

This is a vision of the fall of the Great Dao’s Origin Realm.

at this time.

In the universe, sentient beings look towards the source of the sound.

Everyone saw that the unprecedented punch of the Primordial God Venerable, the strongest punch he had performed since his appearance, fell fiercely towards the unprepared Master of Space.

There was a sound, and the body of the Lord of Space quickly collapsed, together with the collapse of the long river of time above the Lord of Space.

This represents the fall of the Lord of Space.

“The Lord of Space has also fallen.”

“In a single day, God has two original realms that have fallen.”

“If you count the strong man in Hongmeng World, there are already three.”

“And the people who killed these three origin realms are all this half-step transcendence powerhouse.”

“Oh my God, what a powerful existence is that half-step beyond the realm 13?”

“Unimaginable, who else in the world can resist his punch?”

“Even the Lord of Space was smashed to pieces with a punch. This is a bit too scary.”

“The whole God is really going to change.”


The sentient beings watched the fallen space master constantly exclaiming.

The Lord of Samsara also looked in the direction of the fall of the Lord of Space, and shook his head, somewhat regretful.

He certainly didn’t regret the fall of the Lord of Space. After all, he had known the Lord of Space for so many years and had fought against him so many times. Today, he witnessed the fall of the Lord of Space with his own eyes.

What he regrets is that the old monster who has lived for so many years, the Lord of Space, stood on the wrong team.

He chose to stand on the opposite side of the Yan Luo Temple, which is doomed to the fact that sooner or later he will fall.

The Lord of Reincarnation regretted, and couldn’t help looking at Feng Chen.

This person who hadn’t seen them at the beginning, after thousands of years of development, has completely shuffled the whole God.

The Lord of Reincarnation knows that with the fall of the Lord of Destruction and the Lord of Space, the whole God will open a new era, an era headed by the Temple of Yama.

Different from the shock of countless creatures, those people in the space domain in the distance saw the Lord of Space being killed by a punch.


Roaring anger continued to echo in the universe, and these people’s eyes instantly turned red, and each other’s eyes fixed on Yan Luodian and the others, and the strong killing intent seemed to rush to the sky and envelope the Yan Luodian and others.

Perceiving their gazes, Tyrant turned his head to look at Feng Chen: “Your honor, they…”

Feng Chen didn’t even look at them, and said, “Surrender and not kill.”

Words fall.


The power of the sword in the entire body of Tyrant Sword surged instantly, the light of the sword in his hand flickered, and the whole person turned into an afterimage and shot towards those who were full of anger.

At the same time, Chaos Sword Sovereign and Slaughter Heaven Sovereign also turned into an afterimage, killing everyone in the space domain.

Although these people have witnessed the fall of the Lord of Space with their own eyes, they are full of murderous intent towards Feng Chen and them one by one.

But in front of the top powerhouses like Chaos Sword Sovereign, faced with the choice of life and death, even though they were a little angry, they still chose to surrender.

However, there are some people with backbone, even facing the Chaos Sword Sovereign, they are not afraid of death. Instead, they exhausted the last power of the whole body, and they had to use killer moves when they knew it was not enough.

However, their cultivation base is too far apart from that of the Chaos Sword Sovereign, and even if they urge the god-defying abilities, it will be of no avail.

This cannot change their final fate.

In a roar of anger, those who had resisted died in a pool of blood.

When countless people saw this scene, they were silent.

They naturally have some sympathy for these people in Space and Daoyu.

But in the same way, they also know that this is the law of nature, the law of nature that the weak eat the strong.

And they have always been against the Yan Luo Daoyu. This is their final fate, because the Yan Luo Daoyu is the last to rise, not the space Daoyu.

And they also believe that if it is a transposition and the rise of the spatial realm, then what they see now will be the slaughtered Yanluo realm.

In this world, although there is a strange family of common enemies, in God, there is never a lack of strong people, nor a lack of arrogance among the billions of living beings.

And the one who can decide all of this is the real strong.

Only the strong have the right to speak, and the weak can only be slaughtered.

Under their silent gaze, the people in the Space Dao realm who had been full of anger in the sky, gradually following the destruction of the Chaos Sword Sovereign, those angry voices have been weakened and weakened, and they are even inaudible.

Below, Feng Chen’s gaze also followed, Xuan even withdrew his gaze.

There are many people in the space domain. Although some of them are surrendering now, no one can guarantee what they will do in the future.

Even if they join the Yama domain, they will be “specially taken care of” in the future.

After thinking for a while, Feng Chen looked at the origin of the space lord in the distance, and his face gradually showed a thick smile.

As long as oneself swallows the origin of this spatial avenue, it also means that one is one step closer to the origin realm.

Although the half-step original realm of Space Avenue did not appear, it was because the Lord of Space had always survived.

But now that the Lord of Space has fallen, there will inevitably be a half-step breakthrough in the original realm of the Great Dao of Space.

What Feng Chen has to do is to directly swallow the origin of the Lord of Space. If this is the case, it can directly isolate those Tianjiao who intend to break through the half-step origin realm of Space Avenue.

At the same time, Feng Chen doesn’t need to continue to fight for the Great Dao, because the origin of the Lord of Space will become the three and half-step origin realm powerhouse during the Great Dao battle.

As long as the origin of the Lord of Space has been swallowed, the next step will only take a long time.

Because of the two avenues of time and space, although both the time avenue and the space avenue can enter the original state, in the end, it needs one of the most important links.

That is the weapon of time.

Only the Treasure of the Long River of Time possesses the ability to fuse the two avenues against the sky.

Feng Chen thought about it, and then slowly moved towards the origin of the Lord of Space.

At this moment, the attention of countless creatures was once again attracted. They looked at Feng Chen deeply, with expectation and curiosity on each other’s faces.

They also want to know what the person with the two avenues of time and space will grow up after swallowing the origin of the Lord of Space, and to what extent the cultivation base will reach.

Feng Chen came to the origin in full view.

Looking at the origin of the dense spatial fluctuations, Feng Chen’s face was full of smiles, and he immediately grasped it with one hand.

Buzzing! .

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