Chapter 380

The gaze of the primordial gods swept over, causing the roar and collision of the original masterpiece of heaven and earth to stop abruptly at this moment.

Especially the several powerhouses of the Hongmeng world, as well as the Lord of Destruction, when being watched by the prehistoric gods, they dare not look at each other.

The main reason is that the fighting power that the Primordial Gods just exploded was too terrifying. Even the powerful death avenues at the peak of the Ninth Stage Origin Realm were completely crushed. How could they fight the Primordial Gods?

Under the scan, the eyes of the gods of the prehistoric gods were fixed on the Lord of Destruction.

He can clearly feel that there is nowhere to fight in front of him. Only the Lord of Destruction is more anxious here, and the Lord of Destruction is also the strongest existence among the five of them.

Being locked in such a way by the prehistoric gods, the Lord of Destruction couldn’t help but shock.


The primordial gods took two steps and came to the Lord of Destruction.

“You first withdraw.”

The Lord of Samsara behind him didn’t hesitate at all when he heard the words, but there was a touch of joy on his face.

He has clearly seen the power of the prehistoric gods, and he certainly doesn’t worry about dealing with the Lord of Destruction.

The Lord of Reincarnation retreated, and the Lord of Desolation looked at the Lord of Destruction with a simple smile on his face.


“The Avenue of Destruction, I like it very much.”

Although the smile of the deity god looks very simple and honest, in the eyes of the Lord of Destruction, it is so unkind, so that he subconsciously urges all the power of the whole body.

When the Lord of Destruction urged the Dao of Destruction, the whole world was crazy at this moment, and the roar was endless.

A gust of wind swept away, filled with endless aura of destruction, as if it were about to destroy the entire world.

The Lord of Destruction stared at the prehistoric gods and took the lead.

I saw that the Lord of Destruction changed his hands, and the strong aura of destruction was rapidly condensing in God.


The ultimate move was condensed, and the roaring masterpiece turned the rapid vibration of this high-altitude into a thick vision.

At the same time, the sky shook, and above the Lord of Destruction, there was an extremely large sphere condensed.

This huge sphere is so huge, even comparable to a meteorite, and the aura of destruction contained in it is even more terrifying.

In the blink of an eye, this sphere of destruction comparable to a meteorite hovered across the heavens, with a size of hundreds of millions of meters, as if there was a terror that would destroy the entire chaotic battlefield.

In an instant, the Lord of Destruction urged this extremely large Destroy Meteorite to blast towards the Primordial God in the sky.

Under the incomparably huge destruction meteorite, the body of the prehistoric god was as small as gravel.

But the Lord of Destruction didn’t care at all, and his rough face was calm.

The aura above the destructive meteorite fought around, the sky shook, and the violent wind caused by the billowing vision fell on the desolate god. ,

The Primordial God Venerable was not affected in any way, and slowly clenched his fists as he watched the rapidly approaching destruction meteorite.

No fancy attacks, all fists.

Facing the ruined meteorite, the gods of the wild slammed a punch.


Under the gaze of countless eyes, the sound of morning bells and drums resounded across the world, turning into a boundless vision. When this loud noise came, the whole world trembled fiercely, and the surrounding void had long been shattered. It’s dysfunctional.

In the center of the sound, the world fell silent, and only the scattered aura of destruction was shattered by the prehistoric breath emanating from the predecessor god.

A punch, just a punch, this ultimate move performed by the Lord of Destruction was directly smashed, and there was no resistance at all against this punch of the prehistoric god.

The power of a punch once again shocked the Lord of Destruction, and only then did he really see the power of the Primordial Protoss.

But now as the opponent of the prehistoric god, the power that burst from that punch surprised him again.

Just when the Lord of Destruction was shocked by the power of the fist of the Primordial God, the punch of the Primordial God who smashed and destroyed the meteorite did not diminish in the slightest, and it had already exploded towards him.


The speed of the prehistoric god was too fast, and it was fleeting in the blink of an eye. The Lord of Destruction had just raised his head and saw the prehistoric god, that punch came.

A dull sound rang out, and the fist of the Great God Venerable landed firmly on the Lord of Destruction.

The Lord of Destruction instantly sprayed blood, and the whole person flew out, his chest sank deeply.

When a roar sounded, the figure of the Lord of Destruction was blasted into the ruins below.

One punch, another punch, and the Lord of Desolation was severely wounded by the Lord of Destruction.

The strength of the prehistoric gods suspended in mid-air surpassed everyone’s expectations once again, shocking countless people.

As the person involved, the predominant goddess’ bronze bell-like eyes looked at the ruins below, and a simple smile appeared on his face again.

“You’re not so pure in Destruction Avenue.”

As soon as the words came out, the sentient beings were instantly speechless.

They are the old monsters in the original state of Ninth Stage of Destruction Avenue. They have lived from ancient times to the present.

It is said that the Destruction Avenue is not pure, if the Destruction Lord’s Destruction Way is not pure, they can’t imagine who else in the world can surpass the Destruction Lord’s power.

The prehistoric god fell with a sound, and his fists condensed again.

And with the condensing of this fist, the vision between the world and the earth rolled in an instant, and the endless breath of the wild and wild rose wildly.

The strands of pure and wild breath turned into a torrent and furiously condensed towards the fist of the wild god.

At this moment, all the people in the world felt the terrifying prehistoric aura, which made them tremble constantly in their hearts.

Countless creatures also know that this time the Primordial God Venerable is planning to kill the Lord of Destruction.

The Lord of Destruction in the ruins below, felt this extremely terrifying power and the breath of the wild, and his whole person was agitated, and he jumped up without taking care of his own injuries.

Seeing the fists of the desolate gods, the face of the Lord of Destruction was dignified and angry.

He is the master of destruction, even in ancient times, he has never been so crushed and beaten.

And now, he has reached the original state of Ninth Stage, and he will be crushed and beaten by others. How can he not be angry.

Especially the opponent did not use any magical powers at all, and every attack was an unpretentious fist.

But it was this seemingly unpretentious fist that made the Lord of Destruction overwhelmed.

Feeling the power soaring from the fist of the predecessor god, the Lord of Destruction did not hesitate at all, and instantly urged the power of destruction that could be activated in his body.

A pair of eyes stared at the primordial gods, and when he destroyed the avenue, the surrounding void kept shaking, and the vision had long been higher than the sky.

The Lord of Destruction screamed to the sky fiercely.

“Don’t think about it today!”.

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