Chapter 381

“Don’t think about it today!”

Feeling the terrifying power erupting from the fist of the prehistoric god, the Lord of Destruction raised his head and roared, and the breath of destruction in his body skyrocketed.

The Lord of Destruction was completely angry.

The eyes were locked tightly to the prehistoric god, and the whole person waved his hand fiercely.

A drop of blood drips from the palm of the Lord of Destruction, and the blood merges with the Breath of Destruction, covering the Lord of Destruction.


A deafening roar followed, causing the world to roar.

The next moment.

Everyone witnessed the figure of the Lord of Destruction disappearing between the heaven and the earth, and as he disappeared, there was a tower that rapidly condensed.

The destruction of the tower increased rapidly in size, and it was suspended in the world in the blink of an eye.

There are seven floors in the destruction tower, but the sixth floor is suspended between the sky and the earth, and the seventh floor is no longer visible. The main reason is that the destruction of the tower is too large.

As the destruction of the towers condensed, the visions between heaven and earth skyrocketed wildly, and the visions suddenly blasted toward the prehistoric gods.

When he saw the ruined tower, the face of the deity god finally showed a serious look.

But even so, he shot out with one punch.

As the fists whispered, the horror that seemed to destroy the sky and the earth fiercely blasted toward the destruction tower.

With all eyes in full view, the primordial gods fell on the destruction tower with endless violent power.


The loud noise began to erupt at this moment.

Countless creatures clearly saw that under the fist of the prehistoric god, the huge tower of destruction shattered.

The first layer collapsed, followed by the second layer, and the third layer…and continued to the sixth layer.

The Master of Destruction smashed the six-story tower with one punch, and until the seventh floor, the power of the Master of Destruction’s fist was much weaker.

at the same time.


There was a loud noise above the sky, the world sank, billions of stars flickered, and the body of the Lord of Destruction fell along with the spire of the tower.

Hovering around the spire of the tower are billions of stars.

At this moment, the prehistoric god was facing a world, a cosmic power.

The spire of the tower and the prehistoric gods fell fiercely, and the target was directed at the prehistoric gods.

It was at this moment that the serious color on the face of the prehistoric god gradually became richer.

But shortly afterwards, the honest smile appeared again.

Immediately, everyone felt their eyes flashed, and a bright Jinze burst into the whole world in an instant.

Under the endless light rippling, the original bronze fist of the prehistoric god actually had strands of golden lustre blooming.

The blooming Jinze further foreshadows the power contained in the fist of the prehistoric god.

At this moment, all creatures, no matter it was in the origin realm or half-step origin realm, when this power erupted, the whole body shuddered uncontrollably, and the punch looking at the prehistoric god was to the extreme.

The power contained in the fist of the primordial gods did not dare to imagine how terrifying it was, and they could not imagine how monstrous power would erupt later.

With all eyes in full view, the fist of the primordial gods who bloomed with Jinze slammed toward the spire of the falling tower.


The sound of morning bells and evening drums blasted in the ears of all beings.

In a flash.

They saw that the fist of the Primordial God Venerable directly smashed the spire of the tower with the body of the Lord of Destruction.


Heaven is dead, everything is silent, and the world sinks.

At this moment, there is endless aura of destruction scattered in the sky above the heavens and the world, and all living beings feel that their hearts are full of sadness.

In the center of the battlefield, the Lord of Destruction was hit by the fist of the Primordial God, and the whole body was illusory rapidly.

The unbelievable eyes were wide open, unspeakable shocked.

He didn’t expect that this punch of the Primordial God Venerable would be so terrifying, and this was the last thought in his mind.

The sky trembles, the aura of destruction is flooded, and the long river of time above the Lord of Destroy is rapidly shattered, together with the body of the Lord of Destroy.

In the blink of an eye, a source of destruction was suspended in mid-air.


The world is silent.

All the creatures, the strange people, the common people of the heavens and the world, at this moment, looking at the origin floating in the air, they are dumbfounded.

After a short silence.

“Destroy…. The Lord of Destroy has fallen.””

“He is a strong man in ancient times, and he has fallen today.”

“God, the Lord of Destruction failed to survive the baptism of the era, failed to become transcendence, but was killed by this strong man.”

“The heavens collapse, the heavens are slain, the Lord of Destruction represents an era in ancient times.”

“Who would have thought that the person who fell first in this war turned out to be the Lord of Destruction.”

“A strong man from ancient times has actually fallen.”

“The fall of a top powerhouse represents the rise of another powerhouse, and he is this half-step transcendence top powerhouse who is full of wild aura.”


In the countless exclamations, the eyes of countless creatures looked at the desolate gods, and each other’s eyes were filled with shock.

They had thought about the great power of the prehistoric gods, but they never thought it would be so powerful.

Even the Lord of Destruction couldn’t bear such a terrifying punch from the opponent. Who can resist it in the world?

Especially the weird family.

When they saw the fist of the Primordial God Venerable destroying the Lord of Destruction, the expressions on their faces were all solemn to the extreme.

One punch can kill the strong in the original state of Ninth Stage, and they have not yet used their magical powers. They can’t imagine that if the primordial gods really use their full strength, they will be unable to resist half a step beyond the realm.

After their dignity passed, there is no doubt that they immediately issued the order to speed up the restoration of the ancestral god’s recovery. After all, such strong people can only be resisted by Transcendence.

Air torture on the chaotic battlefield at this time.

The Lord of Desolation and Desolation killed the Lord of Destruction with one punch, and also made many powerful people in the world of Hongmeng (good enough) look fearful.

Their gazes were filled with jealousy in the eyes of the primordial gods.

Originally, they Hongmeng World sent so many powerful people to kill the Temple of Yan Luo, but they did not expect that in the end such a top powerhouse who was half-step beyond the border appeared.

Even now, after seeing the power of the prehistoric gods, they have already begun to retreat.

Especially the strong man on the Avenue of Death who fought against the prehistoric gods before.

After seeing that the Lord of Destruction was killed with a punch, he was a little grateful. Fortunately, the Primordial God Venerable didn’t hit him with that punch, otherwise, he was somewhat unable to confirm whether he could resist it.

If he can’t resist it, then his fate will be the same as the Lord of Destruction.

Under the gaze of countless gazes, the Primordial God Exterminating the Lord of Destruction was as if he had done a very ordinary thing, and turned indifferently to look around the battlefield. .

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