Chapter 379

In the face of the mighty prehistoric gods, this Ninth Stage source realm’s powerhouse directly used the god-defying supernatural powers.

The endless power of Death Avenue has condensed into a bone bridge, from which there are thousands of ghosts holding weapons to kill the wild gods.

In an instant, tens of thousands of ghosts shrouded the prehistoric gods.

Zheng! Zheng!

As the offensive fell, there was a piercing cry, and bright sparks sputtered out where the desolate god was located.

Under the constant clank sound, those ghosts were directly shaken off, and then shattered when they flew out.

In the blink of an eye, more than half of the ghost that originally engulfed the desolate gods died instantly.

The desolate god is another step forward, a strong man on the road of death.

On the bone bridge, there are tens of thousands of ghosts, and the desolate gods just killed only a thousand, and there are too many.

As he took one step, countless ghosts came to kill with weapons.

The god of the wild snorted coldly when he saw it.

The breath of cold snort turned into a bronze color, before condensing a bronze road in front of him.

And those ghosts that are constantly hacking and hacking will be like moths to the fire, and they will continue to attack the prehistoric gods, or enter the Bronze Dao realm.

Their fate is directly fragmented.

At this moment, the predecessor god, who was in the tens of thousands of ghosts, was completely like a killing god. God blocked and killed God, Demon blocked and killed Demon.

Even though there are thousands of ghosts, they can’t get close to the god of chaos at all.

When he saw this scene, the strong man on the Avenue of Death was not calm, his entire face was full of solemnity.

Deep in his heart, there was an extremely unknown premonition rising rapidly.

“Too annoying!”

At this moment, a trace of impatience appeared on the simple and honest face of the primordial god.

For these annoying “flies” the prehistoric gods plan to take action.

I saw Honghuang Shenzun slowly lifted his right foot.


The world shook violently, and countless creatures were even more terrified. At this moment, the light of the entire world dimmed in an instant.

The most shining light is naturally on the right foot of the prehistoric god.

An endless force skyrocketed wildly.

Under such a monstrous vision, the primordial god kicked it out fiercely.

The power spread, and the prehistoric god himself turned into an afterimage directly, kicking towards the powerhouse on the Avenue of Death.


The first among them was the huge bone bridge, facing the foot of the prehistoric god, it shattered and looked so fragile.

As the bone bridge shattered, thousands of ghosts shattered at the same time.

The prehistoric god maintained a kicking posture, and hurried towards the powerhouse on the Avenue of Death.

Seeing the primordial gods approaching closer, this time the death avenue powerhouse was enveloped in a dense atmosphere of danger in his heart.

At this time, he also hates incomparably!

Hate that his cultivation base has no peak, if it weren’t for the constraints of rules, he would definitely be able to defeat the Primordial God by virtue of his half-step transcendence strength at the peak.

Although he thought this way, he did not dare to neglect. Facing the foot of the predecessor god, he knew the horror, and did not make unnecessary resistance, but urged the power of the whole body to burst into the distance.


After all, his cultivation base was suppressed, how could he ran to him with the full kick of his right hand, the prehistoric god.

The powerhouse on the Avenue of Death also noticed this, feeling the rapidity of that terrifying force. After all, his hands changed rapidly, and the whole person began to become illusory.

In such dangerous times, he used the secret method of escape.

At the moment when the powerhouses on the Avenue of Death dissipated, the foot of the prehistoric gods also fell.


Morning bells and evening drums reverberate throughout the world, shaking everything down, and the world has changed drastically.

Although the strong man on Death Avenue ran very fast, his foot still fell on his calf.

With the sound, everyone saw a calf falling from the air, turning to the strong figure on the Avenue of Death to condense.

At this time, the blood on his legs couldn’t stop flowing.

The current death avenue powerhouse has no time to take care of his injuries. The whole person stares at the prehistoric god, his eyes full of solemnity.

If he hadn’t run fast just now, the foot of the primordial gods could even kill him directly!

When this scene happened, the whole world was silent for an instant, and the shock in the eyes of everyone looking at the primordial god was so strong.

“Twice shots, almost killing the strong man in the Ninth Stage Origin Realm, it’s too exaggerated.”

“When are the people in Ninth Stage so weak?”

“It’s not that Ninth Stage is weak in origin, but that this person is too strong!”

“He is a half-step transcendence, and he should also crush the Ninth Stage’s original state.”

“Horror, too scary…”

“It seems that the result of today’s war will be rewritten.”

“The person who rewritten the result is the top powerhouse in front of him.”


Exclamations kept ringing, causing an uproar in the heavens and the earth, and all the creatures were deeply convinced by the powerful power of the prehistoric gods.

Powerful and unmatched, it is so easy to deal with the dignified Ninth Stage original realm.

And seeing this scene, the faces of the strangers were also not calm.

They also didn’t expect that there would be a powerhouse of this level in the Yan Luo Temple.

It’s not just that people who are not calm deliberately are not calm.

There is also the Lord of Space, who just came out of the space domain. Originally, he planned to watch Feng Chen be killed.

But who could have thought that it would end up like this in the end.

Not only did he not witness Feng Chen’s death with his own eyes, but instead saw the emergence of a top powerhouse who was half-step beyond the border.

At this moment, the Lord of Space didn’t hesitate at all, and he didn’t want to watch the next battle.

Turn the body directly, enter the space domain, and completely block the space domain.

Even the constant strengthening of the blockade is obviously afraid.


The battlefield is here.

The prehistoric god has become the focus of everyone’s attention.

At this time, the gods of the wild and desolate set their sights on the powerhouse of Death Avenue.

When he was about to start, Feng Chen spoke.

“Leave him alone, get rid of the trash fish first.”

The words sounded, and the god of the wild nodded his head respectfully: “Yes, your honor.”

The sound of just three words shocked all creatures again.

“What do you mean? He is not the Yama of Yama Temple?”

“Oh my god! How strong is this Yan Luo Temple?”

“How do you feel that Yan Luodian is like a strong manufacturing base? There are too many strong ones.”

“Even half a step beyond the realm is not the Hell of the Yama Temple, how terrifying is the strength of this Hell?”

Astonishment kept sounding, they thought that the prehistoric god in front of him was the king of Yama, after all, the cultivation base was so tyrannical, it should be the king of Yama.

But they didn’t expect that the strong man who is half-step beyond the border is not the King of Yama!

Amidst the horror of the crowd, the eyes of the gods of the wild blinking like a bronze bell, locked on the battlefields in the distance.

“Let me see who should I kill first?”.

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