Chapter 358

The battlefield of chaos, due to Feng Chen’s battle over the great road, and the great battle caused by the emergence of the Reincarnation Pearl, came to an end.

This battle undoubtedly did not establish the Yan Luo Dao domain, and the Yan Luo Temple’s status as the overlord of the heavens.

It’s just the origin realm of Fourth Stage, which is enough to look down upon God.

Not to mention, those thousands of Immortal~kings who have surrendered to the Temple of Yama.

The Temple of Yama has become a holy place for countless cultivators from God, and has an absolutely safe holy place.

While the whole God was talking about Yan Luo Temple, some people also discovered that the space domain where the Lord of Space was located had disappeared from God.

There is no doubt that Space Daoyu chose to seal itself after this war.

And this has also triggered a lot of discussions among people all over the world.

Some people say that it is because the relationship between the Lord of Space and the Temple of Yamasara is too poor. Every time before, the Lord of Samsara would always come forward to stop the Lord of Reincarnation. Now seeing the strength of the Temple of Yama, the Lord of Space is forced to choose to block the universe.

It is also said that the relationship between the Lord of Space and the Lord of Reincarnation is too rigid. Now that the Lord of Samsara has got the Reincarnation Orb, it is very likely to break through. The Lord of Space is worried that the Lord of Reincarnation will trouble him and chooses. Block the universe.

It can be said that there are different opinions, but this is all proof that the former overlord of God, with the rise of the Yan Luo Temple, has reached the point where he has to choose to seal himself.

And this has once again increased the reputation of Yan Luodian.


“Another Origin Realm?”

The endless darkness here is a place where no light can enter.

Naturally, it is a dark realm.

At this time, the Lord of Darkness, after noticing the battle in the Chaos Battlefield, a dignified color appeared on his face involuntarily.

There is also the relationship between the Lord of Reincarnation and the Temple of Yamasara. In that battle, the people of the Temple of Yamasara helped the Lord of Samsara to snatch the Reincarnation Pearl.

The Lord of Reincarnation will surely break through to become the original state of Ninth Stage.

After this series of thoughts, coupled with the speed of Yan Luo Temple’s expansion, the Lord of Darkness can’t help being a little worried. Sooner or later, this Yan Luo Temple will stare at the Dark Dao realm.

After thinking about it, the Lord of Darkness looked in the direction of the Chaos Battlefield with a deep voice.

“It seems that the plan is going to speed up.”


Destroy, violent, violent wind swept across the sky and the earth.

Here is the forbidden land of God, the destruction of the Dao realm, and it is also the place where the Lord of Destruction survived in ancient times.

At this time, in the dusty hall, the Lord of Destruction stood in front of a mirror.

Looking at the Lord of Destruction, a look of respect appeared on his face at this time.

You must know that the Lord of Destruction is a strong man in ancient times, and the strength of the top Ninth Stage Origin Realm, who can make him such a respectable person, shows that the other party’s identity is extraordinary.

“Don’t worry, the son of God will definitely make a breakthrough this time.”

The Lord of Destruction looked at the mirror and said.

The picture in the mirror flickered. It was a very burly middle-aged man. His whole body was filled with an indescribable sense of power. Even his hair was upside down as if struck by lightning. Even though the mirror was exposed, he could still feel it. To the terrifying coercion that the other party exudes.

“The current Meng’er has become the half-step original state of the Time Avenue. I have a foreboding that there is a person in the half-step original state of the Time Avenue in God where you are. This time I will send Meng’er to your God.”

The Lord of Destruction nodded: “I have also heard about God, the man on the Great Avenue of Time, but recently it has caused the whole God to make trouble.”

“This time the son of God is coming, relying on the talent of the son of God will definitely be able to kill him.”

The person in the mirror continued: “Well, you don’t need to take action during this great battle, just let Meng’er play by himself.”

“As for the Lord of Space, you don’t need to worry about it either.”

The Lord of Destruction nodded: “I understand.”

When the words fell, the Lord of Destruction wanted to speak but stopped, but still did not speak.

The person in the mirror naturally saw what the Lord of Destruction wanted to say, and said.

“Don’t worry, it won’t take long for you to leave God. When you leave God, with my help, it is not a problem to become detached.”

When the Lord of Destruction heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

“Thank you senior.”

When the words fell, the mirror became blurred, and it looked like an ordinary mirror.

The Lord of Destruction once again restored his former majesty, looking in the direction of Yama Daoyu, crossing the plane.

“Yan Luodian, let you jump for a few more days.”


· ···Find flowers···········

At the end of the war of chaos in the battlefield of chaos, all the large and small forces in the heavens surrendered to the Temple of Yama.

It can even be said that the current Yan Luo Temple has almost gathered the powerhouses in the entire God, even the Origin Realm.

As for the Chaos Sword Sovereign and Tyrant Sword, although they have become the original realm, they are still responsible for the surrender of those forces.

At this time, Yan Luo Dao domain.

The sky full of powerhouses volleyed in, and each respectfully headed towards the place where the Tyrant Sword and the Chaos Sword Sovereign were located below.

During their flight, they couldn’t help looking at the palace suspended in mid-air.

In their eyes, how sacred it is to make a palace, and that palace also symbolizes where God’s top strength gathers today.

“Now the days are very leisurely.” Chaos Sword Sovereign said with a laugh.

… 0 0

The Tyrant on the side shook his head when he heard the words: “I don’t want to be free, I want to find someone to fight.”

“The last time I just broke through what I wanted to fight a battle, who knew that the strange ancestor god appeared, it’s a pity.”

When the Chaos Sword Sovereign heard the words, he teased: “Yes, you go to the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.”

“It’s really impossible to find the Chaos Demon God, too.”

Ba Dao: “…..”

“Those two are perverts, I went to them when I was full.”

Sword Sovereign Chaos heard a chuckle: “Speaking of which, hundreds of years have passed, and the entire God still hasn’t seen the power of the Dao of Time and Dao of Space, the original realm powerhouse, I guess the Lord is also a little anxious.”

When Ba Dao heard this, he hurriedly said: “Forget it, don’t be so fast.”

“The last time your Lord broke through and became a half-step Origin Realm, I finally managed to catch up. If the Lord breaks through the Origin Realm again, how can I protect the Lord?”

Regarding this, the Chaos Sword Sovereign shook his head: “It’s not that easy. You must know that the Lord has two avenues of time and space. It is not like us that you want to break through and swallow the four powerful avenues.”

“I remember listening to the Lord said that he wants to break through and become the Origin Realm. In addition to devouring the Dao Origin Realm, he needs some necessary conditions.”

“I seem to have heard it too.”

When the two were in charge of these surrendered powerhouses, they had a brief discussion.

When they were discussing, suddenly.

Boom! NS.

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