Chapter 359


The sound of the morning bell and the evening drum suddenly sounded in the heaven that had been quiet for a long time.

In an instant, under the loud noise, God screamed quickly.

A supremely powerful coercion spreads far and wide.

At this moment, the dead wood in God is in spring, everything recovers, and the whole God is instantly filled with this breath, turning into a vibrant scene.

Under the vision, everyone looked at a place.

That is the domain of reincarnation.

Because this extremely strong breath of reincarnation came from within the reincarnation realm.

Similarly, countless creatures also thought that the Lord of Samsara in the battlefield of Chaos had obtained the Samsara Orb.

“The Lord of Samsara has broken through!”

“Hey! Originally the Lord of Reincarnation in the Eighth Stage Origin Realm, if I break through now, wouldn’t it be the Ninth Stage Origin Realm?”

“Ninth Stage’s original state, it’s only one step away from being able to detach from it.”

“Although the difference between the Ninth Stage and the Eighth Stage is only the First Stage, it is a world of difference.”

“The existence of the Ninth Stage Origin Realm has already been counted as the top powerhouse in the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms.”

“Yes, there are no transcendents in God, or even in the battlefield of Chaos. As for the original state of Ninth Stage, it can be counted with one hand.”

“The Lord of Reincarnation is now God’s top powerhouse.”

Under the sky full of visions, countless creatures talked about it.

As they discussed, above the sky and in the universe, endless bright rays of light rose, and the Lord of Samsara appeared in the sky.

The dazzling figure and the aura of the whole body, the whole person looked at the heavens and the world like the world, exactly like the same divine residence.

Along with the ascension of the vision, the Lord of Reincarnation flickered from the universe and headed directly towards the Yan Luo Dao domain.

In the Yan Luo Temple at this time.

Feng Chen also looked towards the sky and saw the Lord of Samsara coming, his face also showed a smile.

“Congratulations to the Lord of Reincarnation for breaking through and becoming a strong person in the Ninth Stage.”

I don’t know how many years of breakthrough, the face of the Lord of Samsara is naturally full of smiles.

“When I was in the Chaos Battlefield before, I said that after I break through, I will definitely thank you in the Yan Luo Temple.”

The words of the Lord of Samsara paused and continued: “I came here this time to tell you good news.”

“When I broke through and became the Ninth Stage Origin Realm, I felt that the time of the Long River in the Primordial Palace of the Chaos Battlefield had moved forward.”

When the words sounded, Feng Chen was also overjoyed: “If you say so, I will be able to get the weapon of the long river in the near future.”

The Lord of Samsara nodded: “This time it’s probably a hundred years ahead of schedule.”

Listening to the words of the Lord of Reincarnation, Feng Chen’s face was full of smiles.

I asked Ming Wushuang before, and the other party said that the artifact of the Long River is in the source hall of the Chaos Battlefield, but it will take at least a thousand years to wait for the artifact of the Long River to emerge.

Hundreds of years have passed, plus the good news now brought by the Lord of Samsara, that is to say, it will take several hundred years for the Long River Tool to come out.

The Lord of Reincarnation looked at Feng Chen, who was full of joy, and was also a little curious. After all, he had never seen Feng Chen so happy before.

“I don’t know what effect that Time Long River Tool has on you?”

Feng Chen heard the words, but did not conceal it, and said in a deep voice, “It can help me break through the original state.”

“Huh?” The Lord of Samsara was taken aback, with doubts on his face: “Is your breakthrough different from ordinary people?”

Feng Chen shook his head: “Because I have two avenues of time and space, if I want to break through, in addition to devouring the origin realm and fighting the avenue, it will take a long time.”

“A breakthrough can only be made if the weapon of the long river of time is obtained.”

As soon as the words came out, the Lord of Reincarnation frowned slightly: “I’m afraid the strange people also know this.”

“Hundreds of years of light and shadow, I am a little worried.”

“Last time in the battlefield of reincarnation, the strange ancestor god shot, although the strange ancestor god did not fully recover at the time, but it is not far from the real recovery.”

“In addition to your threat to the weird race, I am a little worried that the recovery of this weird ancestor god will be advanced.”

Listening to the words of the Lord of Reincarnation, Feng Chen asked: “Can he still control the recovery?”

The Lord of Reincarnation shook his head: “The weird ancestor god can’t control it naturally.”

“But don’t forget, Yan Luodian has offended many powerful people of God.”

“It’s hard to guarantee that they will help the weird race and intensify the recovery of weird ancestor gods in the face of your breakthrough.”

“If the weird ancestor god recovers when the artifact of the long river of time emerges, it will definitely be a disaster for God…”

“Especially the Yan Luo Temple, you are the thorn in the eyes of the weird race, the resurrection of the weird ancestor gods, it is absolutely impossible for them to watch you get the weapon of time and make a breakthrough.”

As the words of the Lord of Reincarnation fell, Feng Chen also fell into silence.

The Lord of Reincarnation is indeed right. The last time I saw the strange ancestor god in the Chaos Battlefield, the opponent was obviously stronger than when he first appeared.

If there were any help from the strong men of God, it would indeed be possible to accelerate the recovery of the weird ancestor god.

Especially the Lord of Space, the person who controls the Avenue of Space, with his help, is too helpful for the recovery of the strange ancestor god.

Looking at the silent Feng Chen, the Lord of Samsara turned to smile: “But you don’t have to worry too much.”

“After all, all this is an afterthought, it’s just a guess.”

“Those strong men who want to help the weird ancestor god recover must also understand that if the weird ancestor god is completely recovered, it will also be a catastrophe to God.”

“By then, these people who have helped the weird race will all become sinners of God and become the focus of abuse by millions.”

The Lord of Samsara’s words fell, and he paused and continued: “Everything depends on the development of things. It is said that the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and no one can say.”

Feng Chen nodded.


Then the two chatted some follow-ups, and the Lord of Samsara left.


The sky is high and the clouds are faint, and the enveloping aura is constantly rippling, surrounded by mountains, and clouds and mist are rising.

Here is a realm that resembles an Immortal realm. Below are two Immortal kings practicing in this Immortal realm.

“You said, do you want Yan Luodian for a cultivation base like ours?”

The other King Immortal shook his head when he heard this: “It is said that King Immortal in the Yan Luo Temple has tens of thousands of names, and the cultivation base of the two of us is too low.”

“Tell me to wait until Emperor Immortal to surrender.”

Hearing this, the other party nodded: “It seems to be too.”

“Wait for Emperor Immortal, when you go to the Yama Dao domain, you will definitely receive treatment far more than King Immortal’s treatment.”

“Hurry up and practice.”

After a brief discussion between the two, they practiced in this place that looked like an Immortal realm. They wanted to become the Emperor of Immortal and enter the Temple of Yama.

Just when the two were meditating.


Buzzing. .

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