Chapter 357


There was a roar between the heavens and the earth, and the continuous sound of sonic booms mastered in the battlefield of chaos, and the pictures like the apocalypse were presented in front of all living beings.

The mid-air of the firmament has already become a catastrophe.

The dark stars in the sky spurred by the body of the weird ancestor god fell one after another, colliding with the blood sword condensed by the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.

At this moment, the catastrophe is approaching, and the void between heaven and earth has long been shattered under this collision.

In mid-air, what you like to see everywhere is the continuous blooming fireworks, and the shock waves generated by the collision are even more chilling.

I don’t know how long such a collision lasted, and countless creatures could only hear the constant roar in their ears.

The fireworks in mid-air have also been rising.


After a long time, the collision sound on the sky has been reduced a lot, and the dark stars that had covered the sky and the earth have also been reduced a lot at this time.

As for Slaughter Tianzun’s attack, it was shattered by the tyrannical power of the stars.

With all eyes in full view, dark stars continued to fall from the sky.

boom! boom!

These stars are constantly falling on the immortal defense that the god Demon of Chaos uses the power of the great avenue.

Along with the dull sound, the stars spilt down crazily, falling 300 on the defensive shield, rippling ripples on the shield, and did not penetrate it.

This scene lasted for a long time.

However, the stars in the sky were not able to shatter the defenses of the Chaos Demon God.

After all, this is the defense jointly displayed by the Slaughter Tianzun and the Chaos Demon God, and it cannot be so fragile.

A catastrophe slowly ended, and the dark stars that had originally appeared on the sky had already disappeared, leaving only the catastrophe between the whole world and the terrifying shock wave spreading towards the surroundings.

One blow failed to kill Slaughter Tianzun and the strange ancestor gods floating on the sky, and the hollow eyes blinked.

In a flash.


The majestic hand whizzed past the sky and the earth, taking away all the strange people from the battlefield below.

Everything happened between the electric light and the flint, the strange ancestor god came quickly, and went quickly.

In an instant, the strange family in the Chaos Battlefield disappeared.

And this also announced that this battle that had lasted for decades had come to an end.

At the same time, the master of the space that was stunned, his complexion was extremely gloomy, his gaze swept from the master of reincarnation, the god of chaos Demon, Feng Chen and other people in the Yan Luo Temple, and there was a touch of jealousy in his eyes.

Without the slightest hesitation, the whole person directly tore the space and disappeared above the chaotic battlefield.

As the war ended, the Lord of Samsara flickered, and he directly took the fuse of the battle, the Samsara Pearl in his hand.

It was a gray bead, but the size of a thumb, it looked very ordinary, but the face of the Lord of Samsara was so excited.

The war ended, and everyone looked at the Yan Luo Temple in shock.

In the last war, the Yan Luo Palace had only three strong people in the original realm, but now, the Yan Luo Palace has one more strong in the original realm, and it is also a strong in the original realm of the sword.

There is also the god son of Yan Luodian, Feng Chen.

When they looked at Feng Chen’s gaze, their eyes were more shocked and shocked.

Originally, this battle was related to Feng Chen. After all, the initial battle was a battle of great avenues.

But then it was Feng Chen who fought Yecheng and Tianzhou with great strength, and the abrupt battle came to the appearance of Reincarnation Pearl.

“From today onwards, who would dare to provoke the Yan Luo Temple?”

“A power with four origin realms is the top power of God deservedly.”

“It’s no wonder that there are so many strong people from the heavens who choose to collude with the weird clan, and the main reason is that the pressure on them is too strong.”

“Yeah, they have been guilty of the Yan Luo Temple, and with the Yan Luo Temple’s style of doing things, the only thing that can make them immortal is the strange family.”

“Haha, have you forgotten how many times the weird race has suffered at the hands of Yan Luodian?”

“Let me say, the weird people now don’t dare to shake Yan Luodian.”

“It is estimated that the people of the weird race will be quiet for a period of time. All they can wait for now is the complete recovery of the weird ancestor god.”

“The whole God is going to completely change the dynasty.”


After a series of shocked remarks, the creatures of the heavens looked at the strong men in the Yan Luo Temple one after another.

They didn’t leave, after all, the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures floating in the sky, they had been hanging down for a long time.

But even though the war has ended, they dare not go down and fight for it.

Mainly because the people of Yan Luodian haven’t left yet.

At this moment, under everyone’s gaze, Feng Chen blinked, glanced at Heavenly and Mortal Treasures in the distance, and then withdrew his gaze.

These things are of great use to the common people, but to themselves, they are completely useless.

Then his eyes flashed, and he looked at Ba Dao.

Ba Dao also noticed Feng Chen’s gaze and flew over with a smile on his face.

“Sir, I broke through!”

The sound of a speech also represented the excitement of Tyrannical Dao and the ability to continue to protect Feng Chen.

When Feng Chen broke through the half-step Origin Realm before, Tyrant Sword was a little anxious, anxious that Feng Chen would catch up with his strength.

The current Overlord Sword has become a true Half-Step Origin Realm, a true Sword Master, he naturally has this strength.

Feng Chen looked at Ba Dao and nodded slightly: “Good job.”


At this moment, the Lord of Samsara flashed over with an excited face.

The Lord of Reincarnation first looked at the Chaos Demon God and killed them, and finally set his sights on Feng Chen.

“Feng Chen, I really want to thank you this time.”

“If it weren’t for you, the reincarnation bead snatching this time would definitely not be so easy.”

The Lord of Reincarnation is telling the truth, this battle caused by the Reincarnation Pearl is too terrifying.

Even the weird ancestor gods took action in the end, and the Lord of Reincarnation could not imagine what the outcome of this battle would be if Feng Chen and Chaos Demon gods did not take action.

Listening to the words of the Lord of Reincarnation, Feng Chen also smiled slightly.

“The Lord of Samsara doesn’t need to say that, after all, you and I are already allies.”

“The Lord of Reincarnation can use the Reincarnation Bead to raise the cultivation base, which also means that the strength of our Yama Temple has increased a lot.”

As Feng Chen’s words fell, the Lord of Samsara was taken aback for a moment, and then a thick smile appeared on his face.

“If that’s the case, then I won’t be polite.”

“Speak up wherever you can use me in the future.”

Feng Chen nodded: “Let’s go, too. The people around you have been dazzling those Heavenly and Mortal Treasures for a long time.”

The Lord of Reincarnation speaks.

“Well, I’ve been stuck in the Origin Realm of Eighth Stage for too long, too long. This time I got the Reincarnation Orb, and I have to try to make a breakthrough.”

“After I break through, I will definitely go to Yan Luo Temple to thank you very much.”

“it is good!”.

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