Chapter 336


The black Wang Yang rolled and moved, and Dongchen, who was briefly imprisoned in mid-air by the whirlpool, was also the Seventh Stage of the weird family of origin realm powerhouses. The power of the whole body spread and rose up.

Arousing Wang Yang’s constant surging, Dong Chen looked at the Chaos Demon God, with a confident expression on his face.

Although he also noticed that the Chaos God Demon was also the origin of the Seventh Stage, Dong Chen still had the confidence to defeat the opponent.

In a flash.

The palm of his hand protruded, and the space moved rustling. At the moment his palm was thrown out, Wang Yang above directly turned into a waterfall, from which a huge black water wave was poured out.

The water wave suddenly magnified, and was directly enveloped by the chaos Demon god.

When he was using his supernatural powers, Dong Chen found that the Chaos Demon God was not moved at all, as if he hadn’t noticed his attack.

This discovery made the smile on Dong Chen’s face thicker.

next moment.

“Die to me!”

Dong Chen shouted loudly all over the world.

Click, click, click.

The sound wave came from the huge black water wave, very crisp, and then there were palms struggling out from it.

The palm of his hand looks so hideous, and there is still a strong breath of uncertainty.

In the blink of an eye, this dense palm covered the entire sky, frantically looking for the Chaos Demon god.

Facing the whistling palm, God Chaos Demon still didn’t move at all, it seemed that he really didn’t notice it.

“Huh, really arrogant.”

Dong Chen looked at the unmoved Chaos Demon God with a cold snort.

Although this blow was not his ultimate move, it was also an attack on the Seventh Stage’s original state, but the opponent was so arrogant that he directly ignored it.

He was confident that this blow would severely damage the Chaos Demon God.

At this moment, the common people’s attention was also on the Chaos Demon God, and doubts appeared on each other’s anxious faces. They didn’t know why the Chaos Demon God neither dodged nor made defenses.

Some people even mean that God Chaos Demon is a bit too pretentious.

Just like this, in full view, the dense palms fell on the ground, and they were about to fall on the Chaos Demon God.

Chaos God Demon still did not move.

The next moment.


When everyone saw with their own eyes, each of their palms fell on the Chaos Demon God, a sudden change occurred.

The original strength of Dong Chen and the palm that contained only the power of the extremely terrifying avenue, went straight through the body of the Chaos Demon God, without causing any harm to him at all.

“how is this possible.‖!”

Dong Chen’s pupils condensed, and he never expected such a result.

It’s not that they didn’t resist, but the attack didn’t fall on him at all.

At this moment, as the offensive passed through the body, Demon Chaos moved.

Chaos God Demon slowly stretched out his hands.

The hands of Xu Xu’s light in the sky and the earth, and in an instant, the hands of the god Chaos Demon have become extremely dazzling.

At the same time, the power of the great avenue on the body of the Chaos Demon god swelled crazily, and a series of tiny vortexes distorted the void and formed directly.

In a flash.

Chaos God Demon’s hands changed, and he waved fiercely around him.


A series of small vortexes spread towards the surroundings in mid-air.

And in the spread, they are connected to each other, forming a circular vortex.

Seeing the vortexes sweeping by, Dong Chen frowned. He felt too strong pressure from the vortexes, but his instinctive reaction caused him to descend rapidly, pulling away from the circular vortex.

And it’s not just him, the two strong men of the strange family who are fighting against the wind lord in the distance and the land lord also clearly feel this circular vortex.

The circular vortex fought back and forth, like a catastrophe in the air, sweeping across the surrounding area.

At almost the same time, Dong Chen and the two source realm powerhouses in the distance descended directly, which also allowed them to avoid the circular vortex at the same time.

Dong Chen stabilized his body, looked at the vortex passing by, and couldn’t help looking at the chaos Demon God: “That’s it?”


Chaos Demon made a soft sound.

A word fell, and both hands clenched at the same time.

Click! Click!

At the moment when the God of Chaos Demon clenched his hands, the entire world suddenly shook, and the terrifying power erupted frantically in the Chaos battlefield.

At this moment, everyone, whether it is a strange race or the creatures of God, felt a sudden shock in their heart, as if they felt a terrifying danger.

Under this monstrous power, the mid-air that the whirlpool had passed through was directly affected.

A leaf was imprisoned in mid-air, because the power was too terrifying, and the gravel was suspended in mid-air and did not fall.

At this moment, everything in the entire world was directly imprisoned as if someone had pressed the pause button.

“not good!”

Seeing the vision between heaven and earth, Dong Chen’s eyes condensed fiercely.

However, he just secretly exclaimed for these two words, and couldn’t make a sound at all, because now he couldn’t make a sound either, and was directly imprisoned in mid-air.

At the same time, the two powerhouses of the strange family in the distance are also confined in horror.

With the occurrence of such a scene, the expressions of sentient beings also solidified in the imprisonment in the chaotic battlefield.

They couldn’t figure out what happened.

“. 々Do it!”

In the imprisoned world, the low voice of Chaos Demon God sounded.

The two words fell into the ears of the Lord of the Wind and the Lord of the Earth, making his two faces instantly show ecstasy.

Because they found that only the strangers were imprisoned, and the two of them were not imprisoned at all.

In ecstasy, they stared at their opponents, and now they were imprisoned, they were completely lambs to be slaughtered. They did not hesitate to directly mobilize the power of the whole body to use the ultimate move to destroy the world.

For a time, a violent wind screamed between the heavens and the earth, and the terrifying power of the Great Dao swept across the sky, shaking the heavens and the realms.

The ultimate moves of the Lord of the Wind and the Lord of the Land covered the sky and covered the sun like a (promise) and descended on the two masters of the original realm.


There was a loud noise, and these two powerhouses were unable to act at all, nor were they able to defend themselves, because their origins and avenues were directly sealed.

In the face of the overwhelming ultimate move, each other can only show horror, which is the only thing they can do.

With a loud roar and fireworks blooming, the common people clearly saw that, under this loud noise, facing the two ultimate moves of the Lord of the Wind and the Lord of the Land, the two weird powerhouses directly followed the explosion. Was bombed into scum.

At the same time when they performed the ultimate move 1, the gaze of the god Chaos Demon also placed on Dong Chen.

Even though this power that was imprisoned by the seal could not last long for a top-notch source realm powerhouse like Dong Chen.


Both are top-notch powerhouses, and anyone who dares to be distracted can be seriously injured in the war, not to mention that they are now sealed off.

Dong Chen looked at the Chaos Demon God, with a frightened expression in his eyes. .

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