Chapter 337

The avenue was sealed, and the origin was sealed. At this time, Dong Chen, a strong man of the weird clan, no longer had the previous confidence on his face.

Especially when looking at the chaotic god Demon that came quickly, a look of horror appeared on his entire face.


Now Dong Chen is completely an ordinary person, and the god Chaos Demon blinked and came to him.

His hands changed rapidly, and strands of immortal runes fell on Dong Chen’s body.

The power of the Great Dao is spurred, and the strands of immortal runes contain the powerful Dao power, and every strand of immortal rune is enough to destroy the world.

In the blink of an eye, Dong Chen’s whole body was wrapped in thick runes, and he couldn’t see where his body was.


Suddenly, there was a clear sound, and Dong Chen found that the source in his body could be used, and without any hesitation, he shot directly towards the distance.

Immediately, he frantically urged the power of the Dao in his body, trying to get rid of the immortal runes on his body.

But it is so easy.


A deafening roar suddenly resounded across the world, and mushroom clouds bloomed where Dongchen was.

At the same time, blood was spilled from the air.

When the smoke and dust slowly receded, and when God’s creatures saw Dongchen again, they all showed thick smiles on each other’s faces.

At this time, Dong Chen’s whole body was ulcerated, and Guolu’s bones could be seen even in some serious injuries.

Even though the attack of the Chaos Demon God did not kill the opponent, it also severely injured him.

“Why is this person so strong?”

“For an instant, even the avenue was blocked, sealing the origin.”

“I can’t go on like this, he is too strong.”

Regarding the weird clan, the strong men looked at the battlefield, their expressions dignified.


Suddenly, a cold snort sounded.

All the powerhouses looked at them, all their eyes condensed, this is the top powerhouse among them.

When they stared at each other, this person turned into an afterimage and shot towards the battlefield.

“I’ll go there too.”

As the strong man went, another voice came.


At this time in the battlefield.

Chaos Demon locked onto Dongchen condescendingly, his eyes changed, and his hands stuck out again.

When he saw God Chaos Demon sticking out his hands, Dong Chen’s whole body was not well.

The shadow caused by the attack of the Chaos Demon God just now was too terrifying for him. He didn’t dare to give up any more, but the whole person jumped up and appeared directly in the black king sun rolling on the sky.

Immediately spurred the power of the whole body, intending to suppress the chaos Demon God first.

With the urging of the power of Dongchen Avenue, Tumbling Wang Yang actually boiled at this moment.


The next moment, Wang Yang collapsed, spreading to the heavens, and then pouring down, turning into black rain.

The rain was extremely terrifying, and it directly shattered the void wherever it passed, and fell on the earth, causing the earth to rise with wisps of black smoke.

The overwhelming rain is directed at the chaotic Demon god.

Originally, the Chaos Demon God was brewing an attack, but now he noticed the black rain falling and waved his right hand at will.


The immortal runes were condensed, and a bright light burst out fiercely. The breath of eternity spread out, and the blooming runes appeared directly above the Chaos Demon god.

After doing all this, the god Chaos Demon stared at Dong Chen and slammed into the void.


The sword chant sounded, and at the same time, there was a sharp breath that ruined the world, and a long sword wrapped in infinite runes appeared in the hands of the Chaos Tianzun.

The long sword is a bit illusory, and it is formed by the condensing of great roads.

Holding a rune long sword, the god of chaos Demon locked Dongchen and shot it down.

Click! Click!

The rune sword suddenly magnified in the air, and in the blink of an eye, the air was covered by a rune sword.

Tens of thousands of rune swords seemed to smash the entire chaotic battlefield, and directly killed Dongchen in the whistling.

As for the rain in the sky, it just passed through the rune sword and couldn’t have any effect on the rune sword. When the rain fell on the chaos Demon god, it was directly absorbed by the immortal rune on his head.

“how is this possible!”

Finding that his attack could not hurt the Chaos Demon God once again, Dong Chen was not calm in an instant.

Especially looking at the rune swords coming from all over the sky, the whole person constantly displayed magical powers to resist.

However, he discovered that these rune swords were virtual and could not fall on the rune swords at all.

Seeing the rune sword getting closer.


A loud noise suddenly exploded from the sky, the universe exploded, and the world suddenly shook. The countless creatures in the chaotic battlefield were shocked by this loud noise.

Even the master of reincarnation, the master of space, such a powerful person feels a strong aura of danger.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes looked towards the sky.

Everyone saw a meteor passing by.

Next interest.

This scribbled meteor blasted directly towards the chaotic battlefield below.

“Good job!”

The three-character shout suddenly sounded, it was the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign.


The Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign held the Killing Spear, locked on the rapidly falling stars, and the power of the avenue of killing all over his body skyrocketed, pointing directly at the meteorite.

At the moment when the Slaughter Tianzun was about to collide with the meteorite, he shouted fiercely, and the power of his whole body was instilled in the Killing Spear.


The Gunkiller collided with the meteorite, making a sound of morning bells and drums, shaking the world.

Look at the meteorite that suddenly landed. Under the blow of the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, it shattered directly, and scattered rubble.

Slaughter Tianzun was suspended in mid-air, looking into the distance.

There was a broken plane with a black figure, the aura was soaring, above all the living beings, and the whole body was surrounded by stars.

He is like a master in the universe, who can break the mountains and rivers with his gestures and destroy the horror of the universe.

“Eighth Stage Origin Realm!”

“Hey! I thought the battle was about to end, but I didn’t expect another powerful figure from the Eighth Stage Origin Realm to appear.”

“God, is there a battle between God and the weird race today?”

“There are too many powerful people sent by the weird family, right.”

When the strong man of the Eighth Stage origin stage appeared, all the common people uttered a cry of exclamation.

But Slaughter Tianzun stared at the opponent, killing intent all over his body, without the slightest fear.


At this moment, a sound of clank suddenly came, and he looked at Dong Chen, who was originally suspended in mid-air. At this time, his whole body had become like a fishing net, falling from the air with holes.

He failed to withstand the attack of the Chaos Demon God, causing him, who was already severely injured, to worsen once again.

When Dong Chen fell, the sound of breaking through the air came again, and another strong man of the Origin Realm appeared behind Dong Chen.

“Master Dongchen.”

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