Chapter 335


A word rang from the Slaughter Tianzun’s mouth, and in mid-air, the bloody Wang Yang filled the sky, colliding with the black mirror.

As the word Slaughter Tianzun fell, the slaughter aura in the blood-colored Wang Yang suddenly rose, and the mirrors melted strongly.

Seeing this scene, the strong man of the strange family condensed fiercely, and immediately waved his hands at the same time, and the power of the whole body was rapidly instilled in the mirror.


There was a loud noise, and the mid-air turned into a catastrophe, and the blood-colored lake and a mirror disappeared between the heaven and the earth at the same time.

The short-term collision with each other also proved that even if the current Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign faced the two source realm powerhouses, they did not fall in the slightest.

However, the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign turned his gaze on Tian Xing at this time, entangled for so long, he no longer intends to continue to entangle like this.

My heart moved, and in an instant, there was a roar of heaven and earth.


There was a loud noise, and a force of destroying the heavens and the earth spread endlessly toward the surroundings, and rolling around, there was exactly a horror that would destroy the heavens and the earth.

Killing God’s 13 guns appeared in the hands of Slaughter Tianzun.

The Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign holding a sharp gun, the power emanating from his whole body also skyrocketed to a peak at this time, as if he were a master, locking the two original source realms.

Suddenly, Slaughter Tianzun’s heart moved, and the sky suddenly shook, as if it had been swept by extremely terrifying power.

Looking at the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, he had disappeared in midair at this time.

And at this moment, the colors between heaven and earth are all filled with blood that makes one’s heart palpitating.

The Scarlet Spear was suspended in mid-air, as if to tear the entire world and the entire chaotic battlefield to pieces.

When seeing the Gunkilling Spear suspended in mid-air, the complexions of all the creatures changed drastically.

Sky Star and that Origin Realm stared at the same.

“It’s that blow!”

An exclamation sound came from Tian Xing, when the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign was one enemy three on the battlefield of Chaos, the blow that he performed had left a deep impact on them.

Now that the Slaughter Tianzun performed this blow again, the two of them instantly took it seriously.

Without the slightest hesitation, they directly used the ultimate move.

The power of Tianxing’s whole body avenue frantically urged, because he felt that the Slaughter Tianzun wanted to kill him this time.

The power of the avenue rolled and spread, sweeping across the sky and the earth, and the gray and ominous aura completely enveloped the whole person of Tianxing.

If it was looming, Tian Xing’s palm changed, and the void above his head directly collapsed, and an extremely terrifying force crushed out of the void.

In an instant, a palm came out from the void. Unlike the gray light on Sky Star, this huge palm contained strands of blood.

And there is a black arrogance surrounding it.

A palm protruded from the void, above the top of the sky, like the horror of a palm of the world, under Xu Xu, it turned into billions in mid-air, and blasted toward the slaughter spear.

At the same time, the strong man of the strange clan also used a killer move, and saw that he was also swiftly urging the power of the whole body.

Click, click, click.

As it spurred the power of the avenue, the space behind it shattered again and again, and tens of thousands of black mirrors emerged.

Under his urging, the mirror quickly condensed.


A loud noise erupted, and in the blink of an eye, a black giant condensed from countless mirrors stood tall between the sky and the earth.

The black mirror giant tops the sky with his feet on the ground, giving people a very strong sense of oppression.

And that strong man is even more integrated into the body of the mirror at this time.

A giant of the size of the sky, a huge palm of billions of feet, at this moment has become the source of all the visions between the heavens and the earth, an incomparably terrifying power spread, and the faces of the heavenly beings who were onlookers from afar are all looking Great changes, rapid retreat.

On their way back, the Scarlet Gunslinger moved.

Everyone saw that the Killing Spear directly penetrated the plane, leaving a bloody trace in the air, and blasted directly at the mirror giant.

The mirror giant suddenly protruded out the huge hands that were shining with black light, and wanted to try to make the next blow with these hands.


The Gunkiller fell on his hands, a deafening roar erupted, and a catastrophic shock wave spread wildly around him.

And in the center of the collision, the Gunkiller broke out with unprecedented power. Only hearing a “boom”, the Gunkiller Scarlet passed directly through the huge hands of the mirror, and the power fell on the giant’s undiminished power. Belly.

“You can’t break my defense!”

“Because he is the hardest in the world…”


The strong man’s words hadn’t been finished yet, and the dull sound erupted, and the horror of the sharp gun pierced his stomach directly with the terrifying power.

With one blow, this powerful man was hit hard, and the sharp spear was swiftly turned and blasted toward the huge strange palm.

A blow that even the Seventh Stage Origin Realm couldn’t resist, how could a severely injured Sixth Stage Origin Realm be able to resist it.

next moment.

Everyone in the world, the creatures of the weird race, all heard an ear-splitting sound.

The incomparably weird hands on the sky were directly passed through by the Killing Spear, and the great power contained in it was directly shattered.

The target of Killing Gun is directed at the sky star.

At this time, Tian Xing was completely panicked.

He was originally responsible for delaying the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign, and he was so confident at the beginning of the war, but now, seeing the Killing Spear roaring, he was completely panicked.

Tianxing stared at the Killing Spear, madly displaying his supernatural powers, trying to resist the attack of the Killing Spear.

However, his magical powers seemed so vulnerable under the power of the Killing Spear to destroy the world.

With the continuous sound of sonic booms, the supernatural powers displayed by Tianxing shattered directly.

“Good death!”

Seeing the long river of time of the day star completely shattered, a source of origin appeared in the sky, and the countless creatures of God all made excited and happy voices.

At the same time, in the battlefield, the figure of Slaughter Tianzun appeared, looking at the strong man of the weird clan.

The strong man of the strange family has now been retreated from the mirror giant, and he has noticed the gaze of the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign and the fall of the heavenly star. The whole person’s heart moved, and he didn’t intend to stay anymore, he directly tore the void and turned and left.

The main reason is that the power that Slaughter Tianzun has brought to him is too terrifying.

Seeing the opponent fleeing, the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign did not chase him, his eyes blinked, and he looked at the battlefield of the Chaos Demon God. .

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