Chapter 274


“The strength of Tyrant Sword is a bit too strong.”

“Unexpected, too unexpected, the other party is a sharp gun that has entered the half-step original state for many years.”

“A knife! The power of the knife just now was too terrifying, even though I was a little palpitated.”

“It seems that the way the Lord of Reincarnation was right at the beginning, this overlord sword really has a good chance to become the next sword owner, and even surpass the opponent.”

“A Transcendent powerhouse will appear in Yan Luodian.”

The sharp spear was split into two with a knife, once again shocking countless creatures.

Everyone still knows the strength of the sharp gun. Although it is not a top powerhouse, it can be counted as a top-notch existence in the half-step Origin Realm.

However, they were cut apart by a half-step origin who had just been promoted, and it was impossible for them not to be shocked.

“Your strength really shocked me!”

After all, he is a strong man in the half-step Origin Realm, and he is not in the Chaos Battlefield. Naturally, the Gunslinger cannot fall so easily.

The shocked sound of sharp guns continued to be heard, and the figure that was originally divided into two was slowly condensed.

The sharp spear looked at Tyrant Sword in the distance, with a solemn expression in his eyes: “Who are you? Absolutely not an ordinary sword master.”

Hearing the words of the sharp spear, Tyrannical Dao glanced at it, and calmly locked the magic knife.

“With this strength, do you want the two of us to go together?”

“Fortunately, you are still the boss of the Sharpshooter Dao realm, and you are not strong enough.”

“You were defeated before I used my full strength. With such strength, I still want to destroy my Yan Luo Temple? It’s just a dream!”

Words spread all over the sky and echoed in countless universes.

And this sentence made the sharp gun’s complexion drastically changed, the whole person’s face was full of anger, and the whole body was burning with anger.

From the initial hand-holding of his attack to the current verbal insults, how did this make the sharp gun suffer? He is a half-step strong man in the original realm.

“Junior! Dare to fight the Chaos Battlefield!”

As soon as these words were spoken, the entire world and the universe instantly became quiet.

They all looked at the sharp gun with unbelievable eyes.

The battle between Sharp Spear and Tyrant Sword was obviously a disadvantage, and now he invited Tyrant Sword to the Chaos Battlefield?

In the Chaos Battlefield, if one party dies in battle, it is very likely that he will not be able to regenerate. This sharp gun has been in the Chaos Battlefield all the year round, don’t you know this?

Different from the doubts of others, Ba Dao was very calm, and what the Gunslinger said was exactly what he thought.


Tyrant Dao didn’t answer, but directly responded with actions, turning the whole person into an afterimage and pointing directly at the chaotic battlefield.

Looking at the far away Tyrant, there was a touch of confidence in the sharp gun’s eyes, and he went straight to the chaotic battlefield without stopping.

“Your Excellency should have something to follow.”

“This is inevitable, otherwise it is impossible to set the battlefield on the chaotic battlefield.”

“His Majesty must have the confidence to kill the tyrant sword.”

“Then the Tyrant Blade should fall.”

“At that time, the strength of your superior will skyrocket again.”

The people in the Gunslinger Domain below looked at the Gunslinger that left and opened their mouths.

The gods naturally chased after him. Even though he saw it with his own eyes in the battle just now, he felt that things were not easy because the sharp spear dared to set the battlefield on the chaotic battlefield.

Although he has absolute confidence in Badao, he still needs to be careful just in case.


Here is the time domain.

“Senior Brother Tianzhou, the investigation is clear.”

“Then Feng Chen is indeed the god son of Yan Luodian.”

Originally, Tianzhou had been waiting for news, but now that the news came, Tianzhou’s whole person was shocked and angry.

He was shocked by Feng Chen’s development, some of which exceeded his expectations. Now there are two half-step strong men.

His anger is naturally that the restart of the long river has accelerated Feng Chen’s growth, which is already so terrifying.

“Never let him grow like this.”

Tian Zhou murmured, and the whole body gradually became illusory, as if he had gone somewhere.


A touch of chaos bloomed, whirlpools flowed, chaotic gusts of wind between heaven and earth.

This place is the periphery of the chaotic battlefield.


The space was distorted, and several figures appeared, it was the overlord sword, the sharp spear, and the gods.

After all, the current chaotic battlefield is too chaotic, especially the interior of the chaotic battlefield is full of crises, and the two set the battlefield on the periphery.

When he arrived at the Chaos Battlefield, the confidence in the eyes of Gunslinger became more and more intense.

The eyes flickered, locking the domineering sword, and there was a long scream.

“The arrogant younger generation, today you have to pay for your arrogance.”

The voice fell.

The sharp spear and the whole person’s hands quickly formed a seal…


Accompanied by the seal of the sharp spear, the whole body is constantly rising with light, and the ripples are chaotic and a flaming aura envelopes from all directions.

next moment.

The hands of the sharp gun Jieyin stopped, and a strange pattern appeared in front of him.

It is also the appearance of this pattern that instantly flying sand and rocks around the entire chaotic battlefield, an infinite pulling force erupts from the pattern.

The pattern rotates at a high speed, and at the same time, the endless aura above the sky is rapidly condensing down.

Looking at the other end of the pattern, there is a dotted line connecting the sharp gun itself.

Accompanied by the breath instillation, everyone felt the breath of the gunslinger’s whole body in the rapid increase.

Seeing this scene, everyone understood.

Understand why the gunslinger had to set the battlefield on the chaotic battlefield when it clearly didn’t have the upper hand.

“No wonder! No wonder!”

“I’ll just say that when this man was so confused, he was going to the Chaos Battlefield to die.”

“The lover has a back hand.”

“I’m afraid Tyrant Sword will fall now.”

“Although the Badao was able to suppress the Gunslinger, now the strength of the Gunslinger is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the two are no longer on the same level. It is absolutely impossible for the Gunners to kill the Gunslinger.”

“The ending will be reversed.”

“I have to say that ginger is still old and spicy, this time the Domineering Dao will suffer.”

“Who can be blamed for the loss, this time the loss will cost him his own life.”

With the soaring breath of the Gunslinger and the collision of divine consciousness in the universe, most of them have seen the end. After all, the strength of the Gunslinger has increased too much this time.

Originally, the half-step origin realm belonged to the top powerhouse, but when the sharp spear used the secret method obtained from the chaotic battlefield to continuously improve its cultivation base, the aura exuding from the whole body rapidly increased.

In the blink of an eye, the cultivation base reached the peak of the half-step Origin Realm, infinitely close to the Origin Realm.

At this moment, the sharp gun’s eyes blinked, and the corners of his eyes were shining brightly, and afterglows scattered towards the surroundings, a powerful, unmatched breath spreading from his body.

For this secret method, he almost lost his life in the Chaos Battlefield. After obtaining the secret method, he has been hiding and not willing to use it. Now he has to use it in the face of the Overlord Sword.

“Junior, it’s time to end!”.

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