Chapter 275


The void rippled and ripples, and waves of fluctuations continued to spread to the surroundings, and a powerful coercion enveloped from all directions.

Under this tyrannical pressure, a huge hall stood in the sky.

Along with the rippling void, Tianzhou’s figure appeared, and his gaze looked at the huge hall.


The two words echoed continuously throughout the void.

“People from Time Domain?”

There was an echo.

Tian Zhou immediately said: “Junior time Dao domain Tian Zhou, I would like to see seniors.”

“Say what you have.”

“People from your time domain will not come to me for no reason.”

Tianzhou is also direct: “The junior wants to ask the senior to kill someone.”

“Let me kill? Do you know the cost?”

Tian Zhou nodded: “As long as the predecessor obliterates the other party, the price will not be charged by the predecessor.”


“I’m a little curious, who can make your time and domain people pay such a high price.”

“Yan Luodian, Feng Chen.”

“Feng Chen?”

The other party was obviously very confused about this name.

“It is Feng Chen, as long as the predecessors obliterate it, any price as long as I can do it will promise.”

“How strong is the opponent.”

Tian Zhou thought for a while, and said in deep thought 13: “It should be at the level of Emperor Immortal.”

“I took it.”


The three characters fell, the entire space shook rapidly, and a black shadow flickered out of the high-altitude hall.

Looking at the disappeared counterpart, Tian Zhou’s face was full of smiles.

“A half-step origin of Void Avenue, I still don’t believe you will not die this time!”

After learning about the development of Yan Luodian and the location of Feng Chen, Tian Zhou came here for the first time, and he wanted to kill Feng Chen.

After all, he didn’t know Feng Chen’s true strength, so he didn’t dare to rush out.

As for the half-step origins of Kendo and Sword Dao are still fighting, naturally there is no time to participate.

Tianzhou doesn’t believe that Feng Chen, who is facing a half-step origin of Void Avenue, can survive.



The sword yin reverberated through the nine heavens and ten earth, shaking the world.

Here is the universe above the Yan Luo Dao realm, the endless flashes of sword light raging, colliding continuously, and then erupting a series of terrifying noises.

It was the Chaos Sword Sovereign and the Holy Sword Sovereign in the battle.

The battle between the two has been going on for several years, and there are more and more creatures around.

Although it was a few years, it was only a flick of a finger for those present, and it was just a few decades. Therefore, the battle of these few years was no more than a blink of an eye for them.

The battle between the two in the universe was extremely fierce. The Chaos Sword Master holding the Immortal sword became more and more fierce, and the whole person was completely like a god of war, defeating the suppression of the Holy Sword Master.

“The Sword Sovereign Chaos is really terrifying.”

“Just now I sensed that the sword of the Yan Luo Temple had turned the sharp spear into two. The two moved to the Chaos Battlefield for a life-and-death battle. Unexpectedly, the strength of the Chaos Sword Sovereign in front of him was so terrifying.”

“The Holy Sword Venerable is a strong man who has entered the half-step Origin Realm for many years, but now he has been suppressed one after another. It is really terrifying.”

“It seems that the ultimate battle with the Heavenly Sword Master should be the Chaos Sword Master.”

“There are really two amazing characters in Yan Luodian.”

“I don’t know the strength of the Yama of the Yama Temple, I am afraid that he has already entered the original state.”

The divine minds in the universe are constantly colliding, commenting on this battle without suspense.


The ancient rhyme poem blinked, looking up to the sky, opening his mouth slowly and slowly: “Husband, it seems that the Chaos Sword Sovereign will win this battle.”

“I just don’t know what the situation of the Domineering Sword in the Chaos Battlefield is.”

Feng Chen looked calm when he heard the words, and said calmly: “There is no need to worry about the tyrant, he will not lose.”

“You can bring your father back. I have a hunch in the dark that the battle of Chaos Sword Sovereign will not be so simple.”

The ancient rhyme poem nodded slightly.

During the conversation between the two, one person had been paying attention to the battle between the Chaos Sword Master and the Holy Sword Master, and he was the Heavenly Sword Master.

After all, one of the two fighting at the bottom will be his opponent, and he must understand the opponent’s combat power.

And when he saw that the Holy Sword Venerable below was retreating steadily, and he was suppressed and unable to fight back, the Heavenly Sword Venerable’s complexion gradually became dignified.

He was hesitating, hesitating to join the battlefield.

Nothing else, just because he saw the horror of the Chaos Sword Master, even he, the number one swordsman in the nine heavens and ten earths, did not have absolute confidence to face him.

Or in other words, facing the Chaos Sword Sovereign, he was not sure to kill him.

But if you join the battlefield now and kill the Chaos Sword Master together with the Holy Sword, it would be a little too inappropriate.

Under contemplation, there was a flash of light in the eyes of Venerable Heaven Sword, and he wanted to understand.

Rather than being swallowed by the Chaos Sword Sovereign, it is most appropriate to join the battlefield at this time. He still knows the importance of life and face.

After swallowing the Chaos Sword Sovereign, and then swallowing the Holy Sword Sovereign, he will become the Sword Master by then.

In the face of absolute strength, who would dare to say anything?

With a burst of thought, Venerable Heaven Sword’s sword energy all over his body, suddenly shattering the universe, the terrifying sword energy frenziedly, turning it into actual sword energy.

In the blink of an eye, the entire universe was flooded with endless sword energy, turning into a vast sea of ​​swords.

“Venerable Heavenly Sword is going to make a move?”

“It seems so.”

“Does the Heavenly Sword Master want to kill the Chaos Sword Master together with the Holy Sword Master?”

“Swordsmanship fight, that Dao can still have three people?”

“There has never been a dispute between three people in the Great Dao since ancient times.”

“No way, this Chaos Sword Sovereign is too powerful, and Heavenly Sword Sovereign has no confidence to win at all. At this time, shooting is the best choice.”

“That said, after all, after swallowing Venerable Holy Sword, the strength of Venerable Chaos Sword will increase again, and Venerable Heavenly Sword will not be an opponent by then.”

“It seems that Chaos Sword Sovereign is going to be difficult now.”

Between words, Venerable Heaven Sword locked down the battle below.


Just when it is about to make a move.


The scorching heat of the universe rose instantly, and the rolling high temperature made countless creatures feel incredibly hot. The terrifying hot air wave even some emperors and even half-step roots felt the extremely terrifying heat. Back again and again.

Far away in the depths of the universe, a blazing flame rolled in, crushing the entire sky and turning into an endless wave.

In the sea of ​​flames, countless creatures vaguely saw a figure.

That figure stepped on the sea of ​​fire and pointed at the Chaos Sword Sovereign with the supreme power.

The sea of ​​fire evaporates, turning into a huge blazing sun on one side, burning the void, burning everything, and falling in the air, the target is the Chaos Sword Sovereign!

“The powerhouse of the half-step origin of the fire road!”

“His goal is Chaos Sword Sovereign.”

“Under what circumstances, there is a strong man who has a half-step origin.”

“Could it be said that this person’s goal is also the Chaos Sword Master?”

“Hi! This is the real battle!”.

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