Chapter 273

Here is a huge palace, with time gears turning around the palace.

This place is the domain of time.


The two-character exclamation suddenly spread from the time domain, shaking the entire time domain.

In the hall, Tian Zhou looked at the person in front of him with shock written on his face: “What you said is true?”

The man nodded.

“Just got the news that over the Yan Luo realm, the Chaos Sword Sovereign and the Holy Sword Sovereign are engaged in a kendo battle, and the overlord sword in the half-step origin realm that is also the Yan Luo Temple in the Sharp Spear Realm is also fighting with the sharp spear. Everyone is the powerhouse of Yan Luo Temple.”

Once again confirmed, Tian Zhou’s entire face changed.

“How can it develop so fast.”

“It shouldn’t be right, why have two half-step original realm powerhouses appeared~?”

The shocked Tian Zhou murmured,-asked again.

“Is this Yan Luo Temple from Feng Chen?”

“Feng Chen?”

When the person heard it was full of doubts, he seemed to be very confused about the name Feng Chen.

Turn around.

“I don’t know if Feng Chen is from the Yan Luo Temple. There is no such rumors from the outside world. They are all talking about a person who both swordsmanship and swordsmanship belong to Yan Luo Temple.”

Tian Zhou frowned when he heard that, since he couldn’t confirm it, it was okay.

Otherwise, he is really worried. If this Yan Luo Temple is really from Feng Chen’s hands, then the other party’s development is a little too far beyond his own expectations.

However, now that there is a Temple of Yama, and there are still two top powerhouses in the half-step Origin Realm, we must figure it out.

“Go to investigate, and you must find out for me what is the relationship between this Yan Luodian and Feng Chen.”


“I hope it has nothing to do with Feng Chen.”


“Just got the news that both Chaos Sword Sovereign and Tyrant Sword are from Yan Luo Temple.”

“Hey! Horror, there are actually two half-step Origin Realm powerhouses in a Dao Realm.”

“And if it’s an ordinary Origin Realm, it’s fine, the key is still a swordsman and a swordsman.”

“If the Overlord Sword and the Sharp Spear fight the Overlord Sword to win, and if the Chaos Sword Sovereign consumes the Holy Sword and the Heavenly Sword Sovereign, doesn’t it mean that the Yan Luo Temple will have two powerful masters in the original realm?”

“It’s too terrifying. It is impossible to imagine what a powerful person with two original realms in a Dao Realm represents.”

“What you are talking about is just a second story. Let’s not say that the Chaos Sword Master can beat the Holy Sword Master. Can the Overlord Sword defeat the Sharp Spear right now?”

“That said, everything is also based on each other’s victory.”

“How can it be possible to defeat the opponent.”

Everywhere in the universe, people who watched the battle between the Tyrannical Sword and the Gunslinger, all made shocking remarks when they learned that the Chaos Sword Sovereign and Tyrant Sword Realm were from the Yan Luo Temple.

There is even a little fear of the Yama Temple. After all, there is a swordsman and a swordsman. When they grow up, this Yama Temple may be unstoppable.

However, in turn, they also want to understand, can these two really defeat their opponents in this battle?

In their verbal discussion, the collision between the lower sword and the sharp gun has long been unknown how many rounds it lasted.

Every collision between the two shakes the entire universe, as if it will be torn apart at any time, unable to withstand the terrifying aftermath of the collision.

The magical powers between each other are fully displayed, and the sky is shaking and blasting at each other.

The fighting spirit on the entire face of Tyrant Dao became stronger and stronger, and when he was at war with the sharp spear, he also became more comfortable.

On the other hand, the sharp spear was retreating steadily, and Yue Zhan’s heart became more shocked.

The fighting power exploded by this junior in front of him far exceeded his expectations, which shocked him incomparably.


It was another fierce collision, setting off a roar of the universe, shaking the road, and trembling nine days and ten places.

The sharp spear’s eyes were sharp, looking at the Tyrant Sword in the distance, the breath of his whole body skyrocketed, as did the spear in his hand.

The breath of the whole person soared like steps, and the surrounding wind swept through, and the light suddenly appeared.

At this moment, under the endless bright light around the gun, the whole person seemed to become a dazzling dazzling, and there was also a terrible sharp breath in this bright and bright sun.


I saw the brilliance swept across like a day and a half, it was the sharp spear wielding the long spear in his hand, which made a fatal blow.

Click! Click!

One shot down, carrying the supreme light, the power of a mountain and a river, penetrates the star dome, smashes the world, and crosses the endless mountains and rivers straight to the Tyrant Sword.

With the power of this gun, countless creatures kept trembling, not to mention the Emperor Immortal, even the Emperor of Heaven, and even the powerful half-step origin were trembling, and did not dare to spy on them with divine consciousness.

· ···Find flowers···········

It is hard to imagine how terrifying the force that this gun might have killed.

But this is the case, they still want to pay attention to Tyrant Dao.

I want to see how the Badao will resist this full blow in the face of the sharp gun.

The eyes of all the people were staring, how calm the Tyrant’s face was, and he looked straight at the half-moon that came across with the dragon’s spear light.

As the gunlight pierced the universe and approached, Tyrant Sword slowly stretched out the large sword in his hand, changing from one-handed sword to two-handed.


The sword groaned out, and the air wave set off a gust of wind, raging across the universe.

The gleaming light condenses at a speed visible to the naked eye, instantly illuminating the universe.

Holding the sword in both hands, he swung it down instead.

With a single cut, at this moment, the entire universe seemed to have fallen into a short pause, and everything seemed to merge on that single cut.

.. ….. …

Countless people can even hear each other’s heartbeats.




It was silent, but no one dared to underestimate the sword of the Tyrant Sword, even if some half-step Origin Realm powerhouses held their breath, they backed away again and again.

next moment.

The knife fell.

The universe collapsed instantly, the sky collapsed, and the world fell into a roar in public for nine days and ten.

The world is shattered, and billions of stars are turned into powder. In the eyes of countless people, this knife seems to be able to scratch the Shattering Void, cut through the chaos, and destroy the horror of God.

With all eyes in full view, the knife swept across.


An ear-shattering roar spread within the Xinghai Universe, shattering the eardrum, and the terrifying shock wave spreading around and piercing everything.

In this terrifying roar, the full blow of the sharp gun, the long spear that bursts with bright light, collided with the shadow of the knife.

A face-to-face, just a face-to-face, the spear smashed directly, and the knife shadow cleared everything along the way. After smashing the spear, the offensive fell on the sharp spear without any reduction.

The attack of the Tyrant Sword was too much for the Tyrant Sword, and the Sharp Spear did not react at all, or he did not expect that his full strength and would be resisted by the Tyrant Sword, and directly shattered so easily.


There was a soft sound, blood spattered, and the sharp spear was facing the knife.

In response, the sharp gun was directly divided into two.


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