Just as the girl was about to reach out her hand, Huang Hao suddenly moved the cup in front of her.

"Eat something from the sea, this wine is not suitable for you, it's very expensive!" Huang Hao smiled.

The girl didn't look embarrassed, she looked up and down, and said playfully, "I'm not your enemy, there's no need."

Immediately afterwards, the girl's cuffs flashed, and a delicate little bag fell to the ground. Inside the bag, there were all kinds of ingredients, as well as more expensive wine. The scent of the wine slowly wafted out of the bottle, which could be judged .

"What a delicate Qiankun bag, it seems to be made from real animal skins." Huang Hao looked indifferent on the surface, but he was quite surprised in his heart. The Qiankun bag was made from the hide of ferocious beasts , it can be seen that the girl's background is extraordinary, and the human race power she relies on may not be known.

"Fate brought you to meet me, but I didn't snatch you, why should you be so careful?" The girl's eyes shifted slightly. 910

Huang Hao rubbed his chin, pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "Because beautiful things do not exist, they are like a kind of tempting trap, maybe you are actually just a bait on a fishhook, come and test explore?"

Huang Hao's big eyes rolled around, always paying attention to the expression of the master, because it is not easy for Cao Ye to show up at this time, after all, he can't see anything else now.

At the same time, the strange feeling in his heart became more and more intense. It was very tempting to meet someone of the same kind in this situation, which was not good.

And the guesses that flashed through his mind were not wild imaginations. Before the final result, anything could happen. Maybe this is a group of robbers.

The alliance forces and divisions that have surfaced are already very clear. It is not difficult for people to think about such a person suddenly appearing. Maybe he has been staring at himself for a long time, but now he is taking advantage of the dark night and high wind, and he is getting more and more lonely, doing some robbery things, because it is possible.

The Emperor is in charge of this ship, and the four great patriarchs are like guests. Master, with this strange feeling, this is the first time he has a strong ominous feeling, and he can't tell what's wrong.

"Why don't you say anything? Let me guess right, you are the bait on the hook, right?" Huang Hao asked repeatedly.

"There are so many of you, what are you afraid of? I should be the one who was robbed. You see, there are so many treasures in this bag. I am honest with each other, but what did I get in exchange?" the girl said. Asked with a smile, the graceful figure trembled slightly, at this moment, the whole body and demeanor exuded a seductive luster all the time, under the dim moonlight, there appeared a monster in the world!

Seeing Huang Hao not saying a word, with a dusty expression on his face, the girl's agile eyes suddenly widened, and her divine speed changed accordingly, and she said with a half-joking expression: "If you want to say that again, sister, I will Get angry, if you don't make it right, you will really rob the whole (ajca) ship!"

"You dare! Are you provoking?" Huang Hao seemed to have entered a special state, and what he said was obviously half-joking, but it became true in his ears. He slapped the table and shouted: "I will Knowing that you are scheming, I was cheated out, let's show your cards, I will not be polite!"

At this moment, Wang Chunchun walked over happily with two jugs of good wine. Suddenly seeing that the situation was not good, he was about to step forward to stop him and show off his thick face.

But Huang Hao has already started, as if in a psychic state, the aura of heaven and earth formed a halo to protect his arms.

Immediately afterwards, he punched out, the strength was neither light nor heavy, and within such a short distance, the girl really had the intention of plotting something wrong, and there must be some changes.


In the next instant, the sapphire wine bottle fell to the ground, Huang Hao's fist hit the bottle impartially, and the girl turned into a rain of light, just like her hazy and gradually blurred figure when she came, It just disappeared in front of my eyes.

The cold sea breeze blows, and the girl's appearance is no longer there.

This not only surprised Huang Hao, but Cao Ye, who had been following the development of the situation, was also slightly surprised.

"The apprentice's temper is so stinky, so the master probably won't be much better."

In the other corner of the world, raindrops like streamers slowly gathered in the distance, and that hazy figure, the girl's body surrounded by holy light, reappeared again, her figure and aura were erratic and hard to catch, but it was still that Ethereal, clean and flawless, only in paintings can there be such fairies and beauties.

"It's so strong, is there really such a Supernatural Power in the Cultivation Technique inherited by the human race?" Wang Chunchun opened his mouth wide and read in a daze.

Huang Hao was completely silent. The person sitting in front of him just now was obviously a flesh and blood body, but what he felt now was a ray of brilliance, full of charm.

"I'm ignorant and offended the fairy, please don't blame the fairy." Cao Ye walked on the moonlight, and stopped slowly, sincerely inviting. .

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