But there are quite a few spiritual objects, and even the meat of some descendants of the ancient spirit beast, and a lot has been stored along the way!

"I didn't expect you two to be foodies, one is chubby and the other is happy!"

Looking at the state of the Star Soul Beast, it looks like a furry ball, lying on the edge of the bed, looking at the moon in the water, stretching out its furry paws to grab the shadow.

"Master, did you drink too much?" Huang Hao was the one who drank too much, and he was still talking drunk.

Human Sovereign was gnawing a piece of golden fish in his mouth, swallowing it in one gulp, enjoying it in an enviable manner.

"The relationship between you two, master and apprentice, is really good. I can't see it at all!"

As soon as his words fell, the wind chime hanging beside the bed rang suddenly, and everyone was shocked. They thought they were in some trouble. According to the normal reaction, the ghost ship was ominous, and no one would follow. Everyone When I came to the stern, most people's eyes fell out.

On a small boat, there is a beautiful shadow reflected, which fits perfectly with the current scenery, and can only be described with a beautiful word.

The material used to disguise itself as a ghost ship is the divine iron from the bottom of the sea, and it is used to build and repair it, so that the dilapidated warship can be re-sewn.

It was originally just an idea of ​​the people, try it out, after all, you just offended the people of the Sea Clan, and the strength of the entire Human Clan team is uneven, the goal is too big, so you can only take risks. In fact, the three words ghost ship are so useful .

"Who are you? Where did you get the courage...?" Huang Hao asked drunkenly, his tone seemed not very good.

"I said I was lost, would you believe me?" It looked like a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. Under the rendering of the moonlight, it was hard to see her face clearly, but her voice was very sweet, and she continued: "Don't be so Fierce, meeting here is a fate, can we get married because of this fate?"

The hazy face under the moonlight made Huang Hao, who was drinking heavily, a little imaginative, and he couldn't speak for a while. Daddy only had a graceful and moving figure, so beautiful, as if he had stepped out of a painting Under the moonlight, she looks like an elf girl.

After a while, Huang Hao came back to his senses slowly, and continued to ask: "Who are you? Where did you come from? Where are you going? Don't you know if this is a ghost ship?"

What should be cautious should be cautious, after Huang Hao rubbed his eyes, he looked carefully again.

"Is this how you talk to fairy daughters?" Immediately afterwards, Wang Chunchun, who was also walking heavily and with a slightly red face, stepped forward.

"Don't be so suspicious, it looks like a lost member of the human race, hurry up..." Wang Chunchun looked very attentive, three steps instead of two steps, and in the blink of an eye, people floated onto the boat.

After careful inspection, I found that the young girl was not very old, her real age was about sixteen to eighteen years old, her figure was tall and straight, with a protruding front and a concave back, very stylish and eye-catching. Especially the black hair, compared with the boys and girls I met before, there are less rumors, very down-to-earth, there are a pair of smart eyes under the curved eyebrows, full of wisdom, plus this Although the egg-shaped face is far from being transcendent, in this environment, the hearts of some young men flickered, like a fairy descending to earth.

Beauty is true beauty, and it is rare to see it here, and it is a human body, and it is even rarer among the rare.

"Are you drinking?" the girl asked.

"Please answer my question?" Huang Hao stared at her seriously.

"Don't be stingy, there are no problems, meeting is fate, drink a glass of wine, warm your body, isn't it good in the cold weather?" Wang Chunchun's heart was completely agitated, his blood boiled, Other teenagers of similar age are waiting for the girl's invasion to stop them.

Under such circumstances, no one would refuse this beautiful face except for Huang Hao.

While speaking, the girl was very familiar, and she walked over with light steps. She was wearing a black dress, which floated up against the sea breeze. In the deep night and deep sea, under the moonlight

The skin of a lotus flower as white as snow was perfectly set off by this black dress.

Gentle and elegant, cheerful and lively, the meaning revealed in a pair of beautiful eyes is also like a kind of temptation, which easily captured Wang Chunchun's heart.

(Zhao Zhao's) In the distance of Cao Station, the girl's breath and temperament are so special, and the halo of holiness from the inside to the outside is very strong. Because of this, the sudden appearance of her perfect him has some weird taste.

|Meeting is fate, Huang Hao, don't be too serious, change your mind. "Human Sovereign said, after all, at his age, he would not have any perverted thoughts about these children, he could see it more clearly, and he couldn't see other ways except strangeness.

"Meet by chance? Forget it, although everyone has no opinion, what else can I say? Spring Dage, take this Little Sister to have some snacks!" Huang Hao finally let go, rolled up his sleeves, and sat In front of the square table. .

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