"Why don't you sit down and have a drink?" Cao Ye looked at the other party sincerely.

"Okay, I finally met the master." The girl smiled slightly, seeing her situation, she was also very happy, otherwise, even if Huang Hao's offense did not provoke the other party's anger, he should have walked away.

The girl came and went without a trace, leaving behind only a gleam of brilliance, but she was quite polite and generous, a piece of delicious sea fish was slowly roasted on the side bonfire under the exquisite knife work .

Without any precautions, Cao Ye couldn't see what this woman's purpose was. The brewed monkey wine can be regarded as the best tonic under the sacred product. Naturally, he is not stingy, and while eating the barbecue, he can taste the fine wine.

Seeing the master like this, Huang Hao felt unhappiness and suspicion in his heart, followed by a loud laugh, and as the table was filled with spiritual grade ingredients, the little farce just now ended hastily.

However, there are many good things hidden in the other party's Qiankun bag. In terms of grade, they are not inferior to the good things inherited by this group of people. The wine brewed by Hundred Year has a strong aroma, especially that The cup containing the wine is crystal clear, not only has a delicate fragrance under the moonlight, but also has a hint of spirit.

"It's fairly safe here. Everyone is tired from the journey, so drink some wine to warm up and relieve fatigue!"

During the conversation, the girl's eyes basically did not leave Huang Hao's body, and said casually: "You are really a snack, but you can't drink, you are so bad."

"Who are you talking about?" The girl's face was also flushed, and Huang Hao's situation was even worse, especially when the sea breeze was blowing, the heavy alcohol had already got on his head, and there was no place on his body that was not red. , Seeing this, Xiao Ming took another sip of wine and wiped his own hair.

"Wang Chunchun said that you are a fairy daughter, and has been sneaking at you all the time, but I saw that she looks slightly fat, and she is also a little fatty, carrying so many things with her, and said that I am a foodie, hehe!" Hao sneered.

Seeing this, the girl's expression was a little stiff, and then she leaned forward and back together with a smile, as if she touched a laughing point, she didn't care about her own image, as for herself in the eyes of others, it didn't matter.

Being so natural and doing as the Romans do, on the contrary, made this mysterious figure a little more cute and lively.

"Who in the world doesn't like to eat? You can't be hungry all the time, how can you conquer the world like this?" The three giants looked at Cao Ye, who was standing by the side, and said strangely: Your master doesn't look like you Ah, he is taciturn. It is strange that you are mean and talkative. "

"My apprentice usually talks a lot, but he never provokes right and wrong. It's all right and wrong that provokes him." Cao Ye added, also probing from the side.

However, the other party didn't talk to each other at all. They were grilling meat here, drinking wine there, talking to each other and spending the long night.

But what is even more exaggerated is that the girl is like a hunter in the forest. She is not only a loner, but also likes to taste the fear of her prey. Everything died under these eyebrows.

Huang Hao was like a brat, knowing that he couldn't compete with a girl, instead, in the name of a foodie, he competed with the other party, and ate until the middle of the night.


The sea is shimmering, and the bright moon in the sky is getting lighter and weaker. Because of the identity of the ghost ship, few people come to approach like a girl, but it looks very peaceful.

Until the end, Cao Ye, Huang Hao, Renhuang and others seemed to be unable to hold on anymore. The girl was like a big eater, but in reality it was a bottomless pit, actually is not gobbling, but could not fill his stomach.

A green luan with a length of more than ten feet was eaten clean after being skinned and cramped. It can be seen that this person's fearfulness is not only reflected in his strength, but also by the rice emperor.

No one would feel distressed if they ate so much, anyway, everyone was exhausted, and Huang Hao and Cao Ye had just broken through, and they needed these great supplements to replenish themselves.

"Miss Fairy is not only beautiful, but also has an amazing appetite. I'm willing to bow down to you, little brother, and I can't afford to accompany you!" Huang Hao grinned, then rubbed his stomach, and finally stood up reluctantly.

The girl wiped her bright red lips, looked lazy, and after stretching, she stood up gracefully, holding the last glass of fine wine in her hand, and said, "Okay, I'm full too!"

"We met by chance tonight, and we drank all night because of fate, but we still don't know where the immortals come from?" Cao Dian asked.

The girl stood at the bow of the boat, looking into the distance, slowly moving her muscles and bones, and then she turned her head quietly after stretching, and said, "It's been said that our meeting is just a matter of fate, so you don't need to know too much. What's more, the current situation is difficult to tell!" Don't let us have a drink and talk when we meet again next time."

Her beautiful eyes are shining with light, like a pair of bright lights, which can illuminate the future. .

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