Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 315 The Weak Are Prey To The Strong

The whole world has a certain tacit understanding with it, the ups and downs are orderly, and the breath of the sea tide spreads up to the sky.

"Not good!" All the living beings watching from the shallow place suddenly shouted.

Generally speaking, all races and spirits other than the human race have a special aura to represent their position in the territory, but for Human Cultivator, anyone who exceeds the spiritual realm will have a transparent color in the eyes of the strong , like a layer of cloud covering the body.

Although the practice Realm of Cao Ye and others is suppressed by the laws of the environment here, they still cannot change the inherent aura color.

Strange and strange life forms seemed to have discovered their existence invisibly, and the pressure on their shoulders suddenly multiplied. They wanted to leave the battlefield and find a secluded place, but found it difficult.

The ups and downs of breathing caused a very special fluctuation, which was suppressed in their hearts. The cultivator below Hualing Realm is fine. If it exceeds this range, for those strong, it will not only expose 660 of their own Status and situation are in jeopardy.

However, the situation was not as bad as imagined. The direction that the Lightning Wolves attacked suddenly turned sharply, and launched a brutal attack towards another human tribe hidden in the dark.

Sure enough, the strong man who was suppressed by the Realm, after exposing his identity, was chased by a group of sea monsters, as if he had met a fresh prey, he chased him from the airspace to the bottom

Puff puff puff puff.....

The blood sprayed out continued, and when the Lightning Mad Wolf met those monsters, it immediately left the field as if it had encountered a natural enemy, disappearing behind each other's undulating reefs.

There were even a few wild wolves, who had already been torn into pieces before knowing where the opponent was, and there was a touch of bright red in the blue sea waves.

The same situation happened to different groups of people, and it was almost fleeting. The sea area I saw (ajei) had been dyed a layer of bright red, and all kinds of creatures and spirits in different postures surrendered between the waves, in a state of dying Terrible.

Finally, the scarlet breeze blew past, and the oppressive sea tide also blew along with it.

Along with it came a strange roar.

In the distance, like a moving reef, floating in the sea, in an instant, a gray-white nine-headed turtle raised its head proudly in the sea, and the nine heads emitted different vibration frequencies, making the cultivator hiding in the dark , and exposed several waves.

When the behemoth started to hunt all races and spirits, the golden luster all over its body replaced the plain and unpretentious color just now, and its nine heads sucked water fiercely and sprayed towards the weak spirit body.

Such a domineering and absolute power frightened those weak creatures into stupidity, and generally dared not move, allowing the aftermath of power to swallow them up and swallow them up.

"Master, I seem to have seen this guy, it appeared on the murals! Although it is more abstract, after reading it, it seems to be called Nine Spirits! It can be regarded as the overlord of the sea, but is this really the sea?"

Huang Hao stands behind a rock in the shadows, his head sticking out, he is watching the battle from a distance, what he thinks in his heart and what he saw before, I hope it's not the same, because in the stone mural, he saw an even more horrific scene One scene, carnage!

At the same time, a huge sea fish leaped out of the water with crimson scales, and it seemed to have a mysterious purple ring under the crimson light.

When diving into the sea, it fell into the deep sea like a meteor, and the waves rose into the sky.

When the dust settled, all races and spirits hiding in the dark or behind the reefs were all destroyed and became food in their mouths.

Although the strength that was pressing on the body was removed, the group counterattack made by the strong man in the spirit transformation who suddenly came back to his senses was insignificant.

If you want to blame it, blame this place for being too special, full of ferocious beasts, and the members of the human race living here, whether they entered here by mistake or those who came here on purpose, are like a shame, because they have given up on the so-called human race. Dignity, fled.

However, these strange and exotic beasts are all wandering around the Kunpeng's lair, and they are practicing in the fringe areas, and even preying and hunting, which is enough to prove what level the real king of this Realm, Kunpeng, is. exist.

There are more corpses floating up and down in the sea of ​​clouds, and the rotten breath emitted by the corpses soaked in seawater is a very special signal to persuade them to quit.

"Roar..." There was another roar, but the big fish with crimson scales did not compete with the nine-headed turtle, it plunged into it, and its shadow was no longer seen.

In fact, whether it is in the territory of the human race or in other Realms, there are the same rules.

If the two powerhouses meet unless it is absolutely necessary, they will naturally not tear their faces apart. What's more, they are the underdogs, facing so many prey, why bother to fight. After eating and drinking enough, you can evacuate.

But there are mixed fish and dragons here, and many spirit bodies and creatures that surpass the Realm of Transformation Spirit, it is difficult to distinguish the level of their strength with the usual method of the human race, and therefore they have been in a state of avoiding battle. .

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