Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Three Hundred And Fourteenth Chapter Wide Open Field Of Vision

In ancient times, mountains and seas were full of beasts, but now, Kunpeng is here!

Not only did they find its traces, but they also found the path leading to its lair.

Then, under the cover of clouds and mist, on the top of the clouds, the shocking scene made everyone present dumbfounded and trembled.

I saw only a dry cliff, hanging upside down above the head, it seemed like a piece of sea floating in the sky, above the stratus clouds, there was such a scenery, it almost subverted the cognition of everyone present. Incomparably grand, a huge lair building hangs upside down.

It has existed since ancient times, and it has been hidden here from beginning to end. It is difficult to find the mythical beasts and supernatural powers in North Korea.

So much so that the entire sky was dyed with the blue color of Wang Yang, and there were faintly, countless beasts and human races, and the bones floated among them. The berserkers who died in battle in ancient times were not sealed by thousands of miles of snow.

However, Cao Ye and the others were not the first group to pass through the gate of the temple. The team that saw this scenery already included hermits, strong men and clan forces who entered here by mistake. The endless disputes and fighting never stopped, but It was still a step late and missed the prelude to the killing.

There are human races, monster races, and some unknown races of all spirits. When the battle is about to end, the war in The Underworld is still raging. The anger is greater than fear, and the shouts are loud, but the purpose is only to find the Kunpeng. The endless treasure book of the earth, its inheritance, can naturally make them never look back, and even sacrifice everything.

Those who can still travel among the clouds alive are mostly elites of various ethnic groups, which shows that geniuses emerge in large numbers.

"It's the Lightning Wolf's surprise attack, killing my descendants!|!" A loud roar came slowly, and a big blue bird flew up, swooping down, and its sharp claws directly hit the Lightning Wolf. .

Above and below the entire sea of ​​clouds, the storm created by the golden wings made the entire battlefield more colorful.

I can't tell which branch it is, but from the pure Bloodline exuded from the big bird, it can be seen that compared with the birds and beasts in the lower realm, it is one point faster and, of course, three points more brutal.

Swooping down from the commanding heights of the sky, its speed is as fast as lightning, and the Lightning Wolf running between the sea of ​​clouds, which already has the bloodline inheritance of thunder attribute, its speed is not inferior at all, facing each other, a dazzling chasing battle, The game battle kicked off in front of everyone.

All of them glowed with azure light, dazzing and radiant, passing over the top of the sea of ​​clouds, the water vapor was overwhelming, as if a fire had been lit, it suddenly boiled, and it could be seen that the creatures here were abnormal. Powerful and terrifying.

Soon, the Sky Lord tore the Lightning Wolf into pieces, the shattered flesh and blood, and a blue Thunder Pill, the extremely angry blue bird, swallowed it mercilessly, and in its belly Refining Blood Essence to fuse it seems barbaric and simple.

Once upon a time, Huang Hao and others saw a similar hunting scene in the ancient ruins during the trial in the unknown Realm, and depicted it on the stone wall in the form of pictures and texts, so as to wake up.

And this place is called the Forbidden Sea, and they continued to go up through the portal of the temple. They did not see the entrance to the upper realm, but came to an insurmountable Realm.

As soon as they stepped into this Realm, Cao Ye was the first to perceive that their own power was being suppressed. Almost all strong men above the Spirit Transformation Realm had a certain level of cultivation and weakened strength.

This move made them exhausted their strength and energy. They finally crossed the threshold and experienced all kinds of difficulties and obstacles. However, what they encountered was yet another big challenge.

It is extremely difficult for those who have surpassed the spirit transformation realm. When they first entered this place, they could only gather everyone in one place and use the secret formation to cover up the breath of the human race, so as to temporarily avoid disasters.

Immediately afterwards, the big cyan bird swooped down again. Its wings were sharper than the divine bird Manqin, and its speed was so fast that it was outrageous. When it crossed Wang Yang, it caused a series of explosions. The huge waves that have risen are precisely the anger that it has not yet discovered.

However, the Lightning Wolf was just a decoy. Although one of them died, he opened his mouth and howled before he died. The thunder and howling sound from his mouth attracted a pack of wolves to attack.

The roar of thunder and the intertwining of lightning were not only deafening, but even their sight (good Zhao) had been blocked by the lightning.

Countless bloody mouths swung privately towards the big blue bird who was alone. The lightning wolves were lurking in the deep sea, their sharp teeth were shining with a thunder-colored luster, and the cyan water chestnut feathers were torn apart in one bite.

The scene of tragic death is hard to watch directly, and the rule of The Weak are Prey to the Strong has taken root in the hearts of everyone.

Whether it is human beings or immortals, or ancient gods and demons, they all follow the same path, natural selection and survival of the fittest.

Suddenly, in the depths of Wang Yang's sea of ​​clouds, there seemed to be a huge living body breathing, and the violent and chaotic tide instantly calmed down. .

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