On the contrary, for the human race who dare to take risks or even give up their lives to explore here, every big fish and every weird spirit body is worth digging deeply. It is also a great blessing if they can capture alive or dig out the bones of the rune , at least not returning empty-handed.

Even Cao Ye noticed that the cultivator at the Venerable level was observing all this in secret with the root as a perfect means, and believed that after the king-level beasts or spirit beasts receded, they would come out to clean up the battlefield as soon as possible.

Two dogs fight, play off!

In addition, Cao Ye and others are also thinking about one thing, are they in the sky or in the ocean now?

In other words, you have come to a brand new Realm, and if you go up, you may meet the legendary ancient fierce king Kunpeng, and you can even find the entrance to the upper realm through the king's lair.

After a long time, Cao Ye had to make up a lie and explained to everyone: "There is a dividing line between the upper and lower realms, but those guys in the upper realm will not intentionally prevent the cultivators from the lower realm from ascending, and what we are facing now It's just a small microcosm of the upper realm, just like the spirit beasts or star soul beasts we encountered in the elf jungle and wilderness before, a common spirit body. But we don't even have this level If we can’t make it through, or we can’t adapt at all, and it’s difficult to survive, it can only show that our ability is not enough, and the only way back is to go back.”

In the group, Cao Ye was the only one who had the right to speak, but after the words fell, the practitioners fell silent, because they were all self-aware, and what they were facing now was not a powerful enemy, but a Devil who ate people without spit out their bones.

In order to boost morale, Cao Ye said: "Everyone, don't be too depressed. Don't forget, we have come here together by virtue of our real skills, which is enough to show that we are qualified, to fight boldly, to break through boldly, just a little It's just a mutated spirit beast, nothing to be afraid of!"

After the two words, the four great patriarchs showed a grateful expression. After all, they are able to visit here in their lifetime, which is enough to boast for a lifetime, even if they die here~

There are no regrets in this life. f

The brief moment of calm was broken again, and there was another bang, and a huge monster rushed out of the sea, biting the nine-headed turtle directly, and the nine-headed tortoise was broken to avoid the harm of natural enemies. After Santiaotou, he forcibly escaped from Dunhai.

Looking at the turbulent waves from a distance, the sea surface is divided into two, and only a black mountain ridge is seen floating on the sea surface. Along the huge body, you can continue to look down and see that the jagged teeth are chewing on the turtle head.

Then, the mountain-like body swayed for a while, seemingly extremely satisfied, and the waves filled the trench again. Comparing the two, the nine-headed turtle is an island moving on the sea, and this ancient dragon is a whole huge plate. .

"Master, this should be a dragon, isn't it?" Huang Hao was stunned. When he got the inheritance of the dragon, he was already shocked. In comparison, what he met was just a worm.

"No, it's just a dragon that is about to sharpen into a dragon. It's just that the living environment is different, which gives him different growth and good fortune. It's nothing to be afraid of!" Cao Ye could tell at a glance that it was not a dragon, and it was still layer upon layer. Transformation is the only way to achieve today's achievements. Its predecessor may be a small snake or an earth snake.

0......seeking flowers......

But judging from the blow just now, it seems that the power of the sea demon Venerable is not much different from that of the sea demon Venerable. However, the sea demon Venerable is only half human and half shark, not a pure Bloodline. The foundation is there, nothing to be afraid of.

When Cao Ye looked back, the body hair of the four ancestors stood up like a chopping board, and their hair seemed to have been electrocuted, and the changes were extremely ridiculous.

On the contrary, the fledgling juniors just exclaimed.

With the gusts of sea breeze blowing, the force of suppression was oppressing everyone very regularly.


But the prestige of this ancient dragon is still undiminished. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the lord of this sea area. In an instant, some breathing sounds hidden in the deep sea have been reduced a lot. After a quarter of an hour, only this One side of the lord roared up to the sky, as if he was declaring his own sovereignty.

"Then how long do we have to wait?" Huang Hao asked.

"Are you scared?" Cao Ye frowned and asked, "Of course this is normal. But have you noticed that, unlike the system established by our human race, this Realm is chaotic, but there is a very complete The ecological chain. Mutual restraint relationship is irritable, as long as there are traces, it will immediately attract predators, and what we have to do now is to master this law and use it as our weapon against the enemy!"

"Don't forget, our purpose is to come here for Kunpeng, not these stinky fish and rotten shrimps. Their bloodline is not pure enough!" Cao Ye's eyes are firm, and absolute confidence shines through these eyes Come out, of course, this is also an extremely effective stimulant gate. .

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