Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter One Hundred And Ninety Two: One Day And One Month

In the early morning of the next day, the sun was shining on the earth, and the members of the Sword God Sect were waiting neatly at the foot of the mountain, wanting to obey what the Sword God had to say.

Although they didn't sleep all night, their spirits were very high. They studied the things given by the Sword God all night last night.

While they were shocked by this, they were even more grateful to the Sword God, remembering that the Sword God was about to leave for the Rain Clan, they had been waiting at the foot of the mountain early in the morning, and wanted to go to the Rain Clan with the Sword God.

The people from Butian Pavilion were sent down the mountain early in the morning, and they told them before they left that they would report to the Pavilion Master when they got back. I believe that Butian Pavilion would also send people to the Yu Clan. I still have the heart to watch the excitement.

It's not that they don't want to help, but that after seeing the sword god's combat power "five seven seven" yesterday, it seems like they are joking when they say they want to help.

Do you think the sword gods look like they need their help?

So they went down the mountain very quickly, and rushed to Butian Pavilion day and night.

They set off one night late, presumably they will arrive at Butian Pavilion, the battle situation yesterday has already been spread all over the world, the name Sword God is destined to make everyone crazy again.

I didn't feel it when I came here, but now I left Jianshen Mountain and walked back from the Great Wilderness, only to find that there seems to be something strange about the time on Jianshen Mountain.

It's just that I stayed on Jianshen Mountain for a whole day, plus the two days I found Jianshen Mountain and went up the mountain, it took a total of only three days, but now it seems to you that three months have passed, is it an illusion? ?

The people in Butian Pavilion shook their heads, and went back to the ridiculous thoughts in their minds, how could such a thing happen, let's go back first.

On the other side, seeing that the people who had entered the Great Wilderness had not returned, the various forces finally couldn't bear it any longer, and sent people into the Great Wilderness to check the situation again, but this time it was mainly for investigation, not for the purpose of finding the Sword God.

After all, after such a long time, there is still no news, most likely something happened, bad or bad, but I don’t know what happened, anyway, we can’t be so unclear and have no news, so the Great Wilderness ushered in again A group of people.

At the same time, the members of the Rain Clan are also trying their best to find out the latest news, especially related to Sword God.

It has been so long since all the forces entered the Great Desolation, yet no news came out, as if those people had disappeared for a while.

Many people have already asked the Yu Clan for an explanation. After all, the earliest news came from them. After hearing their news, they decided to send the elite of the sect into the Great Wilderness to find the location of the so-called Sword God.

Now a few months have passed, there is no news, the elite has been lost in the sect, and there is no way for the Rain Clan to explain it.

The members of the Yu Clan were in a state of desperation these days, and people kept coming to their door, so they tried their best to find out what was going on in the Great Wilderness.

However, they are doomed to futility and gain nothing.

Nearly 10,000 people entered the wilderness to find the location of the Sword God, but less than 1,000 people survived being dragged.

In the boundless wilderness, it is very difficult to inquire about news.

This matter of finding the people who entered the wilderness caused a lot of noise in the whole world. Some people speculated that they found the treasure and didn't want to come back.

Some people think that they found the Sword God, and then all of them were killed by the Sword God.

Some people even think that they all joined the Sword God Sect. After all, didn't those people seem to be possessed by demons and insisted on establishing the Sword God Sect?

Maybe the Sword God is good at bewitching people's hearts, and maybe he uses the sacred treasure in his hand to lure everyone to join the Sword God Sect.

In short, there are all kinds of speculations, but none of them can tell the world with definite information, what is the final result of this incident related to Sword God involving countless people.

Some people who were put down the mountain by Cao Ye finally met someone who came to inquire about the news after walking for a month.

"Are you? That's right, you are the ones looking for the location of the Sword God?" Seeing a group of people looking for it in the wilderness, I remembered my previous self, who also searched in the wilderness like this, until the mountain Appear.

Thinking of his experience on that mountain, he couldn't help persuading him: "It's better not to listen to the rumors and find the Sword God, the Sword God is not something we can provoke......

As soon as this remark came out, the expression of the person on the other side became visible to the naked eye: "Are you the group of people who went into the wilderness to look for the sword god before? Are you still alive!?"

"What do you mean we are still alive? We are the group of people who went to find the Sword God, but you don't want to know the location of the Sword God from us. If you want to find the Sword God, you can't pay the price."

"We're not looking for the sword god, we're here for you! Do you know how long you've been missing!"

"Disappeared? It is normal to have no news for a short time after entering the Great Wilderness. Why are you so surprised.

"When you entered the Great Wilderness, there was still news at the beginning, until all the forces received the same message, and after a sacred mountain appeared, there was no more news.

"That's right, after this news, there has been no more news. It has been a month and a half."

"Impossible! We only stayed on Sword God Mountain for one day. It should be said that we only stayed for one day. How could it be three months?"

"One day? Sword God Mountain? Did you really find Sword God? What happened? What about the people who went with you? There are only a dozen of you in this group. Could it be that only 5.6 of you survived?"

The people who came to inquire about the news asked a lot of questions in a series, and they didn't care about the surprise that their words brought to these people.

"What's going on here, you should hurry up and tell us so that we can go back and report back. Now the whole Great Wilderness is full of people sent by various forces to inquire about the news."

"It's a long story, let's talk about it as we go, I didn't think about spreading the news before, now we should think about it, the value of the information we say is worth it.

"You guys! Do you want to sit on the ground and raise prices with this information?" The person who inquired about the news looked at these people in disbelief.

"Information is valuable, and we have to pay a price to know it. Want to know the news of Sword God so easily? No way!"

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