"It's been so long since all the forces entered the wilderness to look for the sword god, why hasn't there been any news, the whole army must have been wiped out."

In the False God Realm, some people talked about this matter that started from the False God Realm and spread to the entire real world.

Although a period of time has passed, there are still a lot of people paying attention to the final result of this matter.

"So many people went into the wilderness, I don't believe that no one came back alive."

"Who knows, the Sword God has always been mysterious, and it's not impossible to use some method to make those people go forever.

"You are so against the Sword God, I'm afraid you are betting on the Sword God, right?"

"Fuck you, I didn't take part in the gambling game. Things in the world are ever-changing, so I don't do such boring things.

"If you still don't admit it, let me tell you, I beat the Sword God. Maybe I can earn a lot of gems this time."

"If I had known, I would have gone to the Great Wilderness to have a look, maybe I could still see the Sword God."

"Don't worry, there should be news soon. As far as I know, recently, the person who went to the Great Wilderness 27 has not returned for a long time, and some powerful people have already sent people to the Great Wilderness to check the situation."

"Really, I haven't heard of it.

"Just wait, if there is no news within two days, I will give you fifty fine biscuits."

"Is this true? Don't deny it when the time comes."

A few people were talking, when they saw the light of the passageway of the False God Realm light up, and many people entered the False God Realm, there were at least a hundred of these people here and there.

"What's the situation, how do you organize a group to come to the False God Realm today?"

"Could it be someone who just came back from the wilderness and wanted to pass on the news? After all, there is no more convenient way to pass the news than the False God Realm."

Thinking of this, everyone walked towards the passage tacitly, wanting to ask these people the purpose of coming to the False God Realm.

Who knew that before they could ask, someone in this group had already spoken first.

"I have the latest news from the Sword God here. If you want to know, you can exchange it with Jingbi!"

Hearing these words, everyone became excited. Sure enough, it was someone who had just returned from the Great Wilderness. The latest news from the Sword God? This sentence alone was enough to arouse everyone's curiosity.

Immediately, someone asked: "Are you hearsay, or are you people who have returned from the wilderness?"

It is not impossible to spend money, at least make sure that the source of the news is absolutely reliable.

"Naturally, we are people who have just returned from the Great Wilderness. As soon as we arrived at the boundary of the ancient country, we immediately entered the False God Realm. The news will definitely not be false. This incident is really wonderful.

The man intentionally drew everyone's attention, deliberately prolonging the tone, and his expression was also mysterious, as if what he had grasped was not the news of the sword god, but some amazing secret or unknown secret.

"I just have one question, who won? Seeing that you have returned safely, could it be that the Sword God is an embroidered pillow that was snatched by you?"

"Want to know? Bring Jingbi!"

Those people are not fooled, they want to hear the news for nothing, and they think well. They are worried about the sword god, and the news they finally got back alive, how can they be so cheap to these people.

If you say it casually, you will be sorry for their hardships these days. If you want to hear the news, how can you not pay a price.

"Okay, isn't it Jingbi? I'll pay, how much do you want?"

"Everyone present, one hundred Jingbi!"

"Why don't you grab it? One hundred fine wall is enough, and everyone has to pay for it?"

"It's fine if you don't want to! This news is what we got in exchange for a narrow escape!"

"Near death? What the hell happened!"

"It's still the same sentence, take the Jingbi first, otherwise I won't reveal half of it to you!"

The people who came didn't all keep their mouths shut, and no one was willing to speak first.

There is no way, one after another, someone handed over the Jingbi.

When the last person also handed over the Jingbi, that person Shi Shiran opened his mouth.

"This battle is won by the Sword God!"

A thunderous explosion sounded on the ground, informing everyone of the result of the battle.

"I knew that every time the Sword God doesn't appear on the stage, it's enough. Once he appears, he will definitely become a blockbuster. Hahahaha, I bet on the Sword God! This time I should make a lot of money!"

"Hiss, so many people entered the Great Wilderness, and it turned out that the Sword God won? How strong is the Sword God!"

"Don't be a fool, tell me quickly, what happened when you entered the Great Wilderness! How did the Sword God win? Now that you won, how did you come back? Could it be that the Sword God let you back after defeating you?"

"The people who went to Sword God Mountain this time, very few came back. Only those of us, Sword God magnanimously gave us a choice to come back alive. The rest of them all died in Sword God Mountain. Even that Xiao Xitian, the mysterious behest teacher, was no exception, and all the people he sent died.

"On the Sword God Mountain, every step of the way is in crisis, this time it's really an eye-opener."

"Having said so much, let's talk about the main point, does the Sword God really control the Supreme God Cang?"

"Yes, have you really seen the Sword God? What does he look like?"

"Sword God Mountain? When did a Sword God Mountain appear in the wilderness? Is that where the Sword God lives?"

"What's going on? Tell me carefully!"

Questions were asked one by one, all wanting to know the details of the incident.

On the other side, Cao Ye and Liu Shen have already brought Huang Hao, ready to go to the territory of the ancient country Yu Clan, to completely solve the instigator of this incident, and plan to "clear the old scores of the year" together with the Martial King's house.

"Master, can we still come to the Sword God Sect to play in the future?"

"Of course you can. Since the members of the Sword God Sect voluntarily recognize you as a senior brother, the whole sect will naturally listen to your orders. If you want to come, you can come at any time. There is a teleportation array in the barren village, and it's not like you don't know how to come. "

"Then Kunpeng Shenzang, Master and Mistress will accompany me?"

"How old is a child, and you still want to pester me and your wife? Go to this trial by yourself. Although your wife and I have a way to go, we are too lazy to run around."

"Master~ I heard that this trip will pass through the North Sea. You and Mistress like to see the scenery so much, don't you want to see it?" Huang Hao pestered Cao Ye to persuade him and Liu Shen to go with him.

"When these matters are settled, your wife and I will have a place to go. If we have time, we will visit you. Now, let's do what we have to do."

"By the way, master, don't you still want to baptize me? After beating the Rain Clan, do you want to go back to the deserted village to be baptized?"

"Of course I remember this, so don't think about it, obediently come to the Yu Clan with me to ask for justice, strike while the iron is hot, and let the Yu Clan disappear completely!"

Cao Ye didn't mind hitting on the Yu Clan at this time, and the words he said were ruthless, but they were all out of concern for Huang Hao.

He wanted to clear all obstacles for Huang Hao when he and Liu Shen went to other places. Although he didn't know when he would go to other places, these things in front of him could already be put on the agenda.

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