Cao Ye's words made the people in Primordial Shenshan not know how to answer, but they also made them sure that Cao Ye really knew everything. Those eyes rolled over, showing no emotion, but they just felt it. He was telling them, for They, he knew everything.

They had nowhere to hide, so they had no choice but to promise: "It's natural, with the ability of the disciples, this trip will definitely bring a big Good Fortune.

Seeing that they understood the meaning of own, Cao Ye didn't say much, but signaled them to leave.

"When his own matter is resolved, he will meet with you, and you can leave now."

Cao Ye spoke, and their request was also spoken. The people from Primordial Mountain had no reason to stay, so they were soon led down the mountain by the disciples of Sword God Sect.

Those who stayed on the mountain were only the people from Butian Pavilion. Although they thought they were not very close to the Sword God, they could still be called a family. , Naturally, he can be regarded as the sword god's own person.

Seeing the Sword God looking over at this time, there was no feeling of fear, but he smiled and said: "I have seen the Sword God, we are disciples of Butian Pavilion, and the old man Jiling, please ask us to bring you a message, go and have a look when you have time He, he has been thinking about you.

When they said this, they were apprehensive, but they had to finish what Ji Ling had told them, so they all looked closely at the Sword God to see how he would react.

Who knew that the sword god was very talkative and smiled at them: "I see, I will tell your family Jiling that I will visit him when I have time. It's getting late, and you can stay on the mountain for one night before leaving."

"Thank you Sword God, I will never disturb you, I will stay quietly, and I will leave tomorrow morning."

The people in Butian Pavilion were overjoyed and grateful to the Sword God.

I didn't expect Sword God to be such a kind person in private, so approachable. Compared with his cruelty to the enemy, this attitude is simply refreshing.

The people in Butian Pavilion immediately relaxed, and even smiled at Huang Hao. Among them, there was no one who didn't know Huang Hao.

Huang Hao asked Cao Ye: "Master, when shall we leave for the Rain Clan?"

Since the Master said that he was going to the Rain Clan, it shouldn't take long. According to the Master's vigorous character, he will definitely leave immediately.

The two of them wanted to go to a certain place, so they had to travel thousands of miles every day. Maybe they were still talking here one second, and the next day they would have landed on the territory of the Rain Clan.

"Anytime, are you ready?" Cao Ye said he was going to the Rain Clan, so naturally he could go anytime.

"Let's start again after sending away the people of Butian Pavilion." Huang Hao was not in a hurry.

Anyway, the Rain Clan can't run away, so don't worry.

Compared to this, he is now more curious about the images of Master and Mistress, wanting to step forward and touch their real bodies.

Like a child, he went straight into the arms of Master's wife.

Incomparably real, he finally hugged Master's wife for the first time.

"Master, will you all appear in this image in the future? Can we travel as a family of three?"

He was very excited, looking at the appearance of the Master and his wife, he felt that they were a match made in heaven.

As for him, he was the apprentice who was doted on by them together, which couldn't be better, so that the hatred for the Rain Clan was not so strong.

If what he suffered before was all for meeting Master's wife, then those things might be a good thing for him.

He just doesn't know where his biological parents are at this moment, and does he miss them just like he misses them from time to time?

This time he went to the Rain Clan, he definitely couldn't avoid the Martial King's mansion. He was looking forward to the reaction of the people from the Martial King's mansion when they saw him.

Maybe there will be some unexpected gains when I go to the Martial King's mansion this time.

Huang Hao and Master's wife were happy and happy like a family of three, envious of others, and the people from Butian Pavilion didn't bother them.

The people of the Sword God Sect sent the others down the mountain one after another, and they also returned to the top of the mountain.

The appearance of the Sword God today, to them, is no different from the coming of the gods to the world. Naturally, they are very careful in doing what the Sword God has ordered.

At this moment, seeing Huang Hao acting like a baby with the Sword God, he was very envious in his heart.

"The relationship between senior brother and Sword God is indeed very close, as close as father and son."

"That's right, Sword God is so approachable in private, you think if we go up to talk, will Sword God talk to us.

"It should be, why don't you try it?"

……ask for flowers…

"I dare not, why don't you try?"

Several disciples pushed each other, eager to try, but none of them had the courage to step forward. For them, the sword god is a god, even if he is a kind god, how dare they go forward to talk to the god.

What they didn't expect was that the Sword God took the initiative to look at them.

"Let's leave if you have nothing to do. Thank you for your hard work today." The tone was gentle, like an elder who cared about them. He looked like a young man, but he had the majesty of an elder.

"No hard work, no hard work, thank you Sword God for your concern." They were flattered, emotional, and their eyes were red. How could they be able to get a word of Sword God's concern.

Unexpectedly, this was not over yet, and saw that the sword god took out another simple picture scroll exuding white light, and threw it over casually.


"Take this thing back and understand it with all the brothers and sisters. It will benefit you a lot."

The crowd knelt down in fear, and the leader raised his hands above the head of the country, respectfully catching the things Cao Ye randomly threw, not daring to be slighted.

They were so touched that they didn't know what to say. The Sword God always did this. Even if they did what they should do, they would still be rewarded by the Sword God. This was not at all the same as where they were before.

Holding the things they got, they knelt on the ground in a daze, until a force lifted them up, and the voice of the sword god sounded in their ears: "Get back."

That's right, this mountain is the place where the sword god lives. Letting them go up the mountain today is an exception. Now, they should also return to their respective mountain peaks.

It's just that today is destined to be a sleepless night. Naturally, they have to study and comprehend what the Sword God gave them all night.

When they left, they did not forget to take away the people from Butian Pavilion and send them to the residence they had arranged, and left the space of this mountain to Sword God, his companion, and Dao who was in their arms. brother.

The whole mountain finally quieted down, only the three of them were left, and the atmosphere became much more comfortable.

Too much happened today to warrant their talking all night.

On the other side, as many forces left Sword God Mountain and set foot on their way home, a storm about this incident was gradually decreasing. .

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