All living beings dare not approach this place. They all know that there will be a terrifying expedition here, and they are quite helpless when they encounter such a situation.

But no matter what, since the matter has come to this point, there is nothing to say. We must deal with everything as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the problem will definitely become more and more serious.

"The creatures of the Liu family came out for you, and you are still here watching the scenery, aren't you afraid of the Liu family?"

At this time, Chu Huang also came here. Although Yan Chengfeng was already a strong warrior in the realm of the Martial God, as the saying goes, two fists are no match for four hands.

Even with the most terrifying combat power, in the face of some situations, you still have to be as careful as possible. If something goes wrong, the end will be miserable.

She also didn't know what Yan Chengfeng was going to do next, anyway, the current Fengdu City was very unstable, and if she really encountered trouble, it would be a disaster.

No matter what happens next, she doesn't bother to care. Before the calamity of heaven and earth comes, perhaps, everything will not have an answer!

She had a feeling that this time the Nangong family's banquet would definitely have something to do with the calamity of heaven and earth.

As for what will happen in the end, he is not too sure.

But no matter what, as soon as it comes, it's okay, everything is just a mirror, and there is no need to think too much.

After all, what should come will come, there are many things, do not need to care about.

"The Liu family wants to suppress me, but it's not an easy task. Even if the Liu family's life is finally released, I don't necessarily have any losses."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "Don't you feel that the pressure of this world is getting more and more terrifying?"

"Especially the unfathomable cultivator, the more terrifying the pressure he feels."

"When I came to this world before, I was still wondering why I had a feeling of being rejected. Now, I fully understand."

"This is a sign of the calamity of heaven and earth. Maybe it won't be long before some creatures with the cultivation base of reaching the sky will be the first to die."

"The destruction of heaven and earth starts with those creatures who have the means to reach the sky. Perhaps, the next reincarnation is about to open."

Yan Chengfeng is not very clear about the secrets of this world, but there are some things that need to be dealt with slowly.

No matter what happens next, it doesn't matter anymore. At this time, you should plan ahead.

Otherwise, when the danger comes, and then start slowly, the ending will be very miserable.

In the current situation, sentient beings are also quite helpless, and can only take a step by step.

No matter what the outcome is, since it has come this far, there is nothing to say.

Anyway, he also has a way to escape the reincarnation of heaven and earth. Of course, if he can, he hopes even more that none of this will come true.

The reincarnation of heaven and earth is no joke.

At that time, many souls will surely fall.

Although he is not a soft-hearted person, at such a critical juncture, some things should be handled with caution.

He still has many relatives, friends, and confidantes. If the catastrophe of heaven and earth comes and everything in the world begins to reincarnate, it will definitely cause him a heavy loss.

So, in this case, there must be no mistakes, and you should be careful.

For this piece of heaven and earth catastrophe, he also has nothing to do.

Today's many situations are probably like this, and it is not an easy thing to thoroughly understand.

So, now I can only do my best and obey the destiny.

Yan Chengfeng was very troubled by many things that happened recently, but no matter what, he couldn't take a step back.

For the current situation, I believe that no one can control it!


Chu Huang also sighed helplessly. Many of the current situations cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Especially the catastrophe of heaven and earth, this catastrophe in the world, is indeed a test for all living beings.

No one knows what will happen in the end.

If the problem is too serious, then there is no other way but to deal with everything slowly.

"These things are really not that easy to deal with, but I believe there will be opportunities."

Chu Huang has always held a good attitude towards this catastrophe, because, given the current situation, it is indeed not easy to rush to deal with some things.

So, you still have to be as careful as possible, and you must not make any mistakes.


Yan Chengfeng also shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly. Perhaps, there are really many things in this world that need to be dealt with slowly, right?

This is the case in some cases. If you are too hasty, everything will become more and more serious.

"The creatures of the Liu family should be here soon, aren't you ready to leave?"

To be honest, Yan Chengfeng really didn't take the life of the Liu family in his eyes. Even if the life of the Liu family came out, he was never afraid.

If these people want to clamor with him, they must pay a heavy price.

This time, he also wanted to take this opportunity to completely destroy the Liu family.

After all, there is no benefit to keeping the Liu family at this time, so it is better to take this opportunity to completely kill the life of the Liu family.

"These are all small problems. You are not afraid of the living beings of the Liu family, so how can I be afraid?"

Chu Huang is also a very bold person, she didn't take the Liu family in her eyes at all, and the mere Liu family was nothing to be afraid of.

As for what will happen in the end, I don't know, and she has no interest in knowing, these are just small problems.

"However, you still have to be careful yourself. Since the Liu family has chosen to come out, it will definitely not give you any chance to survive."

Chu Huang also felt that this time the Liu family was serious and wanted to be serious.

Therefore, she was still a little worried about Yan Chengfeng's safety.

In such a situation, she is very helpless!

There are indeed many problems now, which need to be dealt with slowly, and must not be careless.

"Don't worry! Everything is under my control, and there will never be any mistakes."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm, he was very calm, and he didn't take the life of the Liu family into his heart at all.

The Liu family can't bring him any threat yet.

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