Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 960: The only one in all ages, the ancestor of the Liu family

"Then be careful yourself, I'll go back first."

Since Yan Chengfeng was not afraid of the Liu family at all, Chu Huang also felt that there was no need for him to stay any longer.

She quickly left Fengdu City and came to a safe area, silently waiting for the big event to happen.

Yan Chengfeng was also very calm, he didn't take the Liu family in his eyes at all, and naturally he never thought of escaping.

He just stayed at the head of Fengdu City in a grand manner, waiting for the life of the Liu family to come here.

Even if the Liu family came out in full force, he was never afraid.

The road to the strong, fearless.

Vast galaxy, endless dust.

Beneath this endless galaxy, the entire Fengdu City revealed a kind of extreme depression, such a coercive aura, which seemed extremely terrifying, as if to tear everything apart.

The souls of the Liu family have come here. They have always held a grudge against Yan Chengfeng's beheading the eldest young master of the Liu family. They want to kill Yan Chengfeng completely.

So that Yan Chengfeng knew how miserable it was for offending the Liu family.


The cloudless night sky suddenly began to thunder and lightning, and a large number of creatures came here. They are all strong men of the Liu family, flying with swords and standing in the air.

The pressure of their breath is very terrifying, and the wisps of energy burst out, as if to tear everything apart, and nothing can stop it. All beings have lingering fears about the current state.

The living beings of the Liu family went all out, and they came out of their nests to kill Yan Chengfeng.

They all knew that this time, Yan Chengfeng would definitely die, and no one could save him.

"Yan Xiaoer, this old man heard that you achieved a victory in the Undying Mountain. You killed the ancestors of the Shen family in the Central Plains. This kind of combat power is indeed quite terrifying, but you are a bit wild."

At this time, a loud voice rang out, and that voice was full of anger. It was just an ignorant flea who dared to provoke the Liu family.

If you want to step on the Liu family's head to make a fortune, you are simply asking for your own death.

He will never show mercy to such an ignorant flea.

An old man in a cyan robe stepped into the air, and his breath was very strong. He flew through the air, and between his gestures, there was a violent burst of ferocity. Such a rhyme is really overbearing.

The monstrous aura surged out, tearing almost everything apart, and no one could stop it.

Seeing this old man in green robe, all sentient beings' eyes widened involuntarily, and their hearts were full of surprise. They had no idea that this old ancestor of the Liu family was still alive.

This is a peerless powerhouse that has been invincible in the world countless years ago. Among the same age, he has always belonged to the top existence.

There is absolutely no one who can stop such a hegemon. Those who delusionally fight against it will eventually die, and no one will be an exception.

"This is the great ancestor of the Liu family, Liu Wuming. He is still alive. In front of him, he has dreamed forever, slaying the white dragon to prove the Tao, and since then, he has been invincible in the world."

"An old antique like him even ran out to join in the fun. It seems that this time, Yan Chengfeng is really doomed!"

"Yan Chengfeng is also very unlucky. He provokes the Liu family, and the spirit has attracted the attention of the Liu family's grandfather. This time, he will definitely die, and no one can save him if he comes."

"I really didn't expect that Liu Wuming would end up in person. This time, if Yan Chengfeng really fell, if he could fall into the hands of such an invincible person, he would have died properly!"

"How powerful is Liu Wuming's strength? How can it give people an unfathomable feeling."

"This is really not very clear. The current situation can only be dealt with slowly..."

There were many monks watching, and they were a little surprised to see the Liu family's Taishang patriarch personally go off to target Yan Chengfeng. However, since the Liu family had already come out of the nest.

It seems that Liu Wuming appeared here, which is also a reasonable thing.

Now, the great catastrophe of heaven and earth is coming, and many strong people in the world have already felt the danger. They all want to leave this world and seek real longevity.

Countless monks have been groping for something like longevity, all wanting to live with the sky and live forever.

However, in the end, there are very few people who can do it.

Everyone is helpless about the current situation, but they have nothing to do.

Even if it is a means of reaching the sky, it will eventually die, and no one can stop such a catastrophe.

The only thing that can be done is probably to finish everything in a limited time!

Liu Wuming stood in the air, his expression was indifferent, and the fierce killing intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger. At this moment, he just wanted to completely slaughter Yan Chengfeng.

Such an ignorant flea is not qualified to live.

What's more, Yan Chengfeng has already provoked the Liu family, and if he provoked the living beings of the Liu family, he must die, no matter who it is, there will be no exception.

He must kill these creatures completely.

The catastrophe in the world will soon come, and at that time, the heavens and the world will not be able to escape.

That catastrophe was a boundless destruction, a catastrophe for the common people. Everyone would be buried under this catastrophe.

However, it is not easy at all to get out of the realm of the common people. Many problems are like this. It is really not easy to do it perfectly.

"Yi, I know that in your hand, you still have the key to open the gate of heaven. As long as you obediently hand over the key to open the gate of heaven, then I can consider giving you a treat."

Liu Wuming's expression was indifferent, and he said in a deep voice, "If you are stubborn, then what awaits you must be endless perdition. I hope you have self-knowledge, and sometimes you can't be too arrogant."

His expression was indifferent, and he would definitely not let go of such ignorant bugs.

However, he is also very curious about the key that opens the door to heaven.

If that rumor is true, it can really open the gate of heaven, and can really live forever.

At that time, there is no need to worry about the catastrophe of the heavens and the world.

As long as you can live forever, no matter what you do, it is very good. As for other issues, you don't need to think too much.

As long as you can live, that's fine.

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