Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 958: Out of the Nest, Dangerous Night

Chu Huang left.

Seeing the back of Chu Huang leaving, Yan Chengfeng couldn't help frowning. The current situation is indeed quite complicated.

But since the creatures of the Nangong family didn't show up, he didn't bother to think about it. Anyway, there are still many things that are more interesting.

Since the night in Fengdu City was so lively, he also planned to wait until night to act.

"Go find a place to sleep first, then come out at night to hang out and see what is hidden in this Fengdu city."

Yan Chengfeng didn't delay here either, disappeared without a trace in an instant, and went to find a place to sleep.

Time is like a stream of water that never returns. No one knows where it will stop in the next second, which will bring infinite harm to all living beings.


Fengdu City is full of stars like the sea, the scene here is quite good, but now no one comes to appreciate it.

In the recent period of time, a lot of things have indeed happened. The creatures who stayed in Fengdu City did not dare to hang out outside.

If something really happened, it would have ended tragically.

The Fengdu City at night was very unsettled. There were many situations that needed to be dealt with seriously. Once something went wrong, there was bound to be a dead end.

Sentient beings are also very clear that many of the current situations cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

If they act rashly, the end will probably be even more miserable, especially in the current situation, it is even more difficult to be careless.

So many invincibles have come to Fengdu City, if they make a rash move, they will lose their lives.

Facing such a scene, all sentient beings also have some lingering fears.


Today's night, although the scene is very beautiful, it is also very dangerous now. Faced with such a situation, all sentient beings feel that it is not very good.

After all, the eldest young master of the Liu family has fallen. If there is no movement from the Liu family at this time, it would be really strange.

The eldest young master of the Liu family fell. After this matter was passed back to the Liu family, the life of the Liu family was furious. They did not delay, and immediately summoned a lot of strong men, and it was inevitable that Yan Chengfeng would be completely solved.

Just an ignorant ant, even dared to provoke the Liu family, the Liu family couldn't swallow this breath, and in any case, they had to be completely beheaded.

He must not be allowed to go unpunished, otherwise, all living beings will still think that the Liu family are all weak and can be bullied casually.

If Yan Chengfeng provokes the Liu family, he must pay a painful price, and he must let Yan Chengfeng know how miserable it is that he provokes the Liu family.

For these ignorant bugs, he will never show mercy, and kill those who stand in the way.

The entire Fengdu city is brightly lit.

This place is not like other times, it is very lively, because the life of the Liu family has already come out of the nest, and is looking for the trace of Yan Chengfeng.

If they were to find Yan Chengfeng, it would definitely make Yan Chengfeng unable to survive or die.

Just an ignorant reptile, who dares to be the enemy of the Liu family, you must know how miserable it is to provoke the Liu family.

These ignorant ants must die, and he wants to slaughter all living beings.

"The Liu family is looking for traces of Yan Chengfeng everywhere. It seems to be outside Fengdu City. Can you tell me if this conquest can be started?"

"This is really hard to say, maybe it's possible! But the current situation is not very clear, we don't need to pay too much attention, take a step and take a look, there may be opportunities."

"Let's go over and take a look. It would be a pity if we just missed this lively event."

"That's true, let's go take a look! The Liu family came out this time to target Yan Chengfeng."

"Even if Yan Chengfeng has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, this time, he will probably die!"

"He wants to compete with the living beings of the Liu family, but it's still a little immature. After all, how can the powerhouse of the Liu family be able to compete with ordinary people."

"Yan Chengfeng is dead. No one can save him. It's not good for him to offend anyone. He insists on being an enemy of the Liu family.

All beings are talking about it, they don't think that Yan Chengfeng has the ability to compete with the Liu family, and provokes the living beings of the Liu family, then Yan Chengfeng will definitely have to die.

The Liu family's heritage is all over the sky, how can it be that ordinary people can compete. It is not a wise move to be an enemy of the Liu family.

All sentient beings feel that the current situation is very complicated, especially the current situation. If something goes wrong, it is estimated that everyone will suffer!

Yan Chengfeng was very calm. At this moment, he was standing quietly above Fengdu City. Of course, he knew that the Liu family had already come out to target him.

However, he didn't take it to heart.

Just a group of ignorant clowns jumping on the beam, there is nothing to be afraid of, he only has one idea for these ignorant reptiles.

If these people are stubborn and insist on coming against him, then he will definitely not show mercy.

Want to shout in front of him, but not so easy.

Anyway, no matter what, he will not take a half step back.

These ignorant bugs, no matter how many come, he will not be afraid, and there is no need to be afraid.

"Yan Chengfeng's courage is really big! The Liu family has already come out in full force in order to suppress him. He is not arrogant or impetuous. Is he really not afraid of death?"

"If you offend the Liu family, his fate will be very miserable. Perhaps, he already knows this, and there is no way to escape, so he will not escape!"

"The Liu family came out for him. Even if he had wings, he would be doomed."

"He is here waiting for death to come, which is the most correct choice."

"The powerhouses of the Liu family seem to have already rushed here, so let's retreat a little bit faster! Avoid hurting innocent people when we get there."

"This is the scourge that Yan Chengfeng caused by himself. If we are affected, I am afraid it will be a little bad..."

The surrounding creatures did not approach this place, and they all stood watching from a distance. After all, the background of the Liu family was too terrifying. If they set foot rashly, only more dangerous things would happen.

Encountered such a situation, they dare not be careless, after all, a mistake will lead to eternal hatred.

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