Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 112: Tiandao Academy was defeated, Cailin came to the door

Qin Wu took away the serial numbers drawn by the four, and then said: "According to the serial numbers, the Chudi Academy is against the Ancient Demon Academy, and the Xingchen Academy is against the Tiandao Academy."

"The monks from Xingchen Academy and Tiandao Academy prepare, the competition will start soon."

"The competition between the Chudi Academy and the Ancient Demon Academy will be held tomorrow morning."

Hearing this news, Yan Chengfeng instructed: "You guys stay and watch the battle and find out what the other party means."

"If you are promoted tomorrow, then there must be one of the obstacles in the way of your promotion in Xingchen Academy and Tiandao Academy."

"Although I don't care if you can get the first place, but you don't lose too badly to embarrass me."

Tang Haoyue patted Yan Chengfeng's shoulder and said with a smile, "Brother Chengfeng, don't worry! I'll see my sister come back with the first place for you."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said, "I'm too lazy to teach you a lesson, just don't let me down."

Qi Shuiyao and the others nodded with serious expressions, they would never let Yan Chengfeng down.

"Dry charm."

Yan Chengfeng held Gan Mei's jade hand and drew a circle in her hand.

Gan Mei understood Yan Chengfeng's meaning in seconds, let out a sigh, followed him, and left quietly.

The departure of the two did not attract the attention of others. Everyone was waiting for the expedition of Xingchen Academy and Tiandao Academy to start.

The expedition was proceeding as scheduled, the Xingchen Academy was fighting against the Tiandao Academy, and there were many monks who came to watch the battle.

The Xingchen Academy is led by Yi Cailin. She is not only the genius of the Xingchen Academy, but also the eldest lady of the Yi family's business. Her combat power is beyond doubt.

There are very few who can compare with it.

Moreover, Yi Cailin had a good physique, and led the monks of the Xingchen Academy to fight against the Tiandao Academy, beheading all the young Tianjiao of the Tiandao Academy.

The Tiandao Academy has long since fallen. Even if there are still invincibles in the courtyard, it is no different from the strong victory of the sect.

The strong victory of a sect will never depend on one or two invincibles.

Relying on fresh blood, if there is no young invincible Tianjiao born, then this sect will never last forever, and one day it will decline.

Today's Tiandao Institute is such a model.

No one was surprised by the defeat of the Tiandao Institute. Everyone knew that the Tiandao Institute had already fallen.

This time, Xingchen Academy won the Tiandao Academy.

However, Guan Aoxue and the others were not very happy, because the cultivators of the Tiandao Academy were simply too weak.

The people of Xingchen Academy have not yet emerged, and they do not know how powerful the monks of Xingchen Academy are.

If you know yourself and your enemy, you will be able to fight a hundred battles.

After the competition was over, Qin Wu and Qingya announced the results of the competition to determine the time for tomorrow's battle, and everyone left.

There are competitions between the four universities every once in a while.

It used to be once every hundred years, now it is once every thousand years.

Because the war on the Golden Divine Sea is very tense, if most of the time is wasted on the big competition between the four universities, it will definitely not work.

Therefore, the time line for the comparison of the four universities has been extended a lot.

Red Dust Inn.

Yan Chengfeng and Gan Mei stayed in the guest room, and the room was filled with a strong sense of spring.

"Isn't it about cultivating concentration and creating a perfect Dao Heart?"

Qian Mei was lying in Yan Chengfeng's arms and said with a smile, "Why do I feel that your concentration is getting weaker and weaker."

Yan Chengfeng smiled lightly, and said, "The little goblin is so attractive, it makes me taste the essence, of course I have no patience."

"whispering sound!"

Gan Mei sneered, and then said: "The seal of Liangjieshan is broken, the Demon Suppression Division is destroyed, the old man of Jiuquan is dead, and you don't seem to care about the big competition of the four universities."

"However, I think you seem to be very concerned about the Forbidden Land of Chaos. You have made so many preparations just to enter the Forbidden Chaos."

"Yan Chengfeng, what do you want from the Primal Chaos?"

Gan Mei was very curious and wanted to know Yan Chengfeng's purpose.

Yan Chengfeng didn't speak, and his expression was frosty.

"Don't say it."

Gan Mei said angrily: "It seems that you still don't take it to heart. Are you afraid that I will spread your secrets out!"

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, and said indifferently: "There are no secrets in the Primal Chaos that deserve my attention. If I really care, it must be your two little mouths."


Gan Mei spat and complained, "I believe you, a guy full of lies, just trying to change the subject."

"It's fine if you don't say anything, then don't touch me."

She was too lazy to ask, anyway, Yan Chengfeng refused to say.

Yan Chengfeng didn't care, he got up and got out of bed. After washing up, he left the guest room.


When he walked out of the guest room, he ran into Qi Shuiyao and others.

Everyone walked to the vacant seat to the side, sat down, and ordered some wine and food.

"What is the strength of the monks of Xingchen Academy?"

Yan Chengfeng asked, and he was very sure that the Xingchen Academy must have won this competition.

The descendants of Tiandao Academy are too weak. If Yu Xiaowei is still in Tiandao Academy, there may be some opportunities to make a comeback.

Yu Xiaowei left, the new blood of Tiandao Academy was powerless, and it was destined that no one could carry the banner of Tiandao Academy.

The fall of the Tiandao Institute was already doomed.


Qi Shuiyao sighed and said helplessly: "The Xingchen Academy crushed the Tiandao Academy. There is no suspense in this competition, and we have not seen the means of Tianjiao of the Xingchen Academy."

"If we win tomorrow, we will definitely face Xingchen Academy, but I don't know how many chances to win."

Yan Chengfeng had a calm expression and said calmly, "Let's just follow the fate! Don't worry too much about it."

"whispering sound!"

Tang Haoyue rolled her eyes at Yan Chengfeng and complained, "Yan Chengfeng, I think your designation is a little wrong."

"You always let us win and lose, but you fight with others for a trivial matter."

"In my opinion, no matter what school you go to, do it for me. Those who dare to stand in the way will be killed."

Yan Chengfeng smiled without saying a word, not wanting to fight Tang Haoyue.

This woman came to fight him on purpose.

What he said was a matter of fate, he just wanted Guan Aoxue and the others not to put too much pressure on them.

The road to the strong, fearless.

"Yan Chengfeng."

At this time, Yi Cailin came to the door again.

She obviously dressed up on purpose, and her temperament has improved a lot, making it difficult to take your eyes off her.

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent and said, "Is there something wrong?"

Yi Cailin did not hide it, and said bluntly: "As long as you are willing to promise to be my Taoist companion, in the competition of the four universities, I can release water and let the Chudi Academy win the final victory."

"If you don't want to, it's probably not that easy for the Imperial Court to get the first place."

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