Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 113: Welcome to the first battle, walk through the scene

Yan Chengfeng smiled indifferently and said, "You don't need to release the water, the Imperial Court can also win the competition."

"Besides, there are many good men in this world. You don't have to keep sticking to me, it's too cheap."

"You still have to have backbone to live. You don't have to keep chasing people who don't like you."

"Not only will it fail, it will make the person disgusted."


Yi Cailin's eyes darkened slightly, and she said angrily, "Yan Chengfeng, what do you mean?"

"I'm not bad either! Are you still not satisfied?"

Yan Chengfeng was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yi Cailin, so he got up and left.

Yi Cailin wanted to catch up, but Tang Haoyue and the others naturally blocked in front of her, preventing her from chasing Yan Chengfeng.

"It's a pretty little look."

Tang Haoyue reached out and grabbed Yi Cailin's butt, and said with a smile, "It's better to be cheap to me than you are to Yan Chengfeng."


Yi Cailin took a few steps back in horror, and scolded: "It's cheap for your family, get out of the way, shameless dead woman, disgusting."

She scolded and walked away.

Tang Haoyue didn't care. Although she didn't like it, she didn't reject it.

Just flirting with a few pretty girls, she doesn't have any pressure.

Yan Chengfeng returned to the guest room, and sat cross-legged on the road to practice, meditating and cultivating.

Time passed by like a white horse, and the dawn came in an instant.

In the center of Tianxu City, there is a sea of ​​people.

There are many monks here, and everyone is waiting, waiting for a new round of conquest to start.

Today's battle is the Chudi Academy against the Ancient Demon Academy.

The reopening of the Imperial Palace is no secret in the Sanctuary.

The former Imperial Court was truly a dominant party. Later, for some reason, the Imperial Palace was sealed.

Now that the Imperial Presbyterian Academy has reopened, everyone wants to know how terrifying the strength and talent of the disciples recruited by the Imperial Presbytery Academy this time.

The monks of the Ancient Demon Academy have already come here, and they value this expedition very seriously.

If they win, they will definitely be famous.

Tang Haoyue and his party came out of nowhere, and they still valued today's competition.

"Why didn't Yan Chengfeng come over?"

At this time, Yao Haitang came over, she stared at Gan Mei, and wanted to know the trace of Yan Chengfeng from Gan Mei.

The relationship between Yan Chengfeng and Gan is the best, and Gan Mei must know where Yan Chengfeng is.

Gan Mei glanced at Yao Haitang and said, "It's rude, whoever asked you to call him by his first name will call him uncle in the future."

"Get to know me, I'm Gan Mei, and I'm also your aunt."


Yao Haitang frowned slightly, she didn't like dry charm very much.

In the end, however, she gave in.

Yao Haitang asked, "Aunt, where did my uncle go?"

Gan Mei didn't hide it, and told him, "He was stopped by Yi Cailin, and he won't be able to come in for a while."

This morning, Yi Cailin came directly to block Yan Chengfeng, looking at the posture, it was definitely a bad person.

However, they didn't care.

Yan Chengfeng's trivial matters, it is better to let Yan Chengfeng handle it himself, they don't need to intervene.

Even if Yao Haitang didn't ask questions, she knew that Yan Chengfeng and Yi Cailin had broken things.

She may not know about others, but she still understands Yan Chengfeng's nature.

Yi Cailin wanted to attack Yan Chengfeng, but it was as difficult as going to the sky.

Unless Yan Chengfeng is tired of eating a top-level seductive woman like Ganmei, and wants to change her taste.

However, no matter how much you change your taste, a person who is used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas probably won't be able to swallow rough food!

Sure enough, Yan Chengfeng came over quickly.

"How did you deal with Yi Cailin?"

Seeing Yan Chengfeng approaching, Gan Mei immediately asked.

Yan Chengfeng didn't hide it, and told her: "What else can I do, use the most straightforward method to drive her away."

Gan Mei hooked her lips into a small smile, and it could be seen that she was very happy.

"What are you doing here if you don't go to prepare for the game?"

Yan Chengfeng's eyes fell on Yao Haitang, inexplicably a little unhappy.

"I want you to take care of it."

Yao Haitang snorted coldly and left quickly.

She would not be afraid of Yan Chengfeng, nor would she give Yan Chengfeng any face.

Yan Chengfeng didn't care, she was just a little girl, could he still know her in general?

"She is your niece after all, can't you be nice to her?"

Gan Mei came to Yan Chengfeng's side and said charmingly: "Or you still have her mother in your heart, and you want to have a play with her mother in the water."

"piss off."

Yan Chengfeng shoved Gan Mei and walked away cursing.

He really didn't want to pay attention to these people, he was so tired.

Gan Mei didn't care when she saw Yan Chengfeng scolding and left, but she was more happy in her heart.

At this time, Qin Wu and Qing Ya came.

Qin Wu glanced at the audience and said indifferently: "The rules of this competition will still not be changed."

"It's also a rotation system. If some of you can be invincible, maybe the others won't have to play."

"I won't talk nonsense anymore. Next, I will announce that the Imperial Court will fight the Ancient Demon Academy, and the expedition will officially begin."

As Qin Wu's announcement came down, everyone's blood was boiling, and they were all very excited.

"Yan Chengfeng, who do you think would be more suitable for us to send up?"

Tang Haoyue stepped forward to ask, she was still quite worried.

The young Tianjiao of the ancient demon academy is not weak, and it may be difficult to win.

Yan Chengfeng said calmly, "I'm just here to go through the motions. How to fight the creatures of the ancient demon academy, you decide for yourself!"


Tang Haoyue was quite speechless, Yan Chengfeng really didn't take these so-called big ratios to heart.

Perhaps, what Yan Chengfeng wanted was to enter the Golden Divine Sea!

And these places need Tang Haoyue and others to fight for.

"I'll go up and test the other party's details first!"

At this time, Qi Yunxiao came out.

He stepped to the Taoist stage and said solemnly: "The Ancient Demon Academy, who do you send to the stage, I'm quite busy, and I don't have time to delay with you."

He originally didn't want to fight this time, because the Emperor was pregnant, and he just wanted to accompany the Emperor.

However, unable to bear the threat of the emperor, he had to follow the crowd.


The Ancient Demon Academy has completely exploded.

They all thought that Qi Yunxiao was too arrogant.

A handsome young man wearing a moon-white robe with a pair of horns on his forehead stepped out.

His breath is strong, even if it is far away, you can feel the fierceness surging in his body, that breath is terrifying.

This man is extraordinary, his strength is strong.

Everyone felt the fierceness, and they were a little frightened. They knew very well that this battle would definitely end soon, and no one could stop him.

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