Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 111: Monster Begonia, grouped by lottery

Gan Mei didn't say much, and quietly followed Yan Chengfeng's side.

This time, the big competition between the four universities is in the center of Tianxu City, which is very empty.

Today, many monks gathered here, all of whom came to participate in the competition of the four universities.

Every academy is led by a powerhouse at the level of a palace master.

Qing Ya, Qin Wu has already come here, waiting for the monks from the four universities to come to the assessment.

This time, Tang Haoyue, Wu Tianxin, Qi Shuiyao, Guan Aoxue, Yu Xiaowei, Lin Yichen, Yue Changming, Lu Feng, Qi Yunxiao came over from the Imperial Palace.

In addition to the Imperial Palace, the other three universities have ten people.

There is one less person in the Imperial Palace, and they will suffer a little.

However, Yan Chengfeng didn't care.

As long as the strength is strong, even if there is only one person, he can roam the world and look down on the world.

"Brother Yan, this time there are only nine people in the Imperial Palace. I can open the back door for you and ask you to find another foreign aid to replace it."

Qin Wu stepped forward and said with a smile, "After all, if you have one less person, you will be at a disadvantage in the team battle."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "Since the team battle will suffer, then give up the team battle. Besides, this time, they are only here to experience."

"Winning or losing doesn't matter, it's about participation."

When the girls heard Yan Chengfeng's words, they felt nauseous.

"This guy does one thing in front of an outsider, and another thing behind an outsider's back. It's disgusting."

All the girls wanted to vomit, Yan Chengfeng was a big liar, not honest at all.

Qin Wudao didn't care, and said with a smile, "Since Brother Yan has such an awareness, I won't say more."

"Get ready! The competition should start soon."

At this time, the Palace Master of the Ancient Demon Academy came over. The person who came was wearing a dark red robe and had an unparalleled aura. Although she was only a strong sage, her combat power was several times more terrifying than that of ordinary sages.

"I was still curious just now, who is the person in charge of the Imperial Palace, I didn't expect it to be an old friend!"

This person is the mansion owner of the Ancient Demon Academy, Hu Yumingluan.

It is said that she is a descendant of Jiushou Luanfeng, but Yan Chengfeng does not know whether it is true or not.

However, he and Hu Yumingluan are indeed old friends.

Yan Chengfeng smiled lightly and said, "I haven't seen you for many years, and you are becoming more and more pretentious."

"I don't believe it. I'm the head of the Imperial Reserve Academy, and you haven't heard any news from you."


Hu Yuming smiled and said solemnly, "It's really uncomfortable to chat with you."

"By the way, I'll introduce you to someone you've met once before."

As soon as Hu Yumingluan finished speaking, a girl in a red dress walked over quickly.

This woman is none other than the girl in the red dress who was hunted down by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School when she was in the secluded capital.

She stayed in the official mansion for a day or two, then left quietly, and no one cared about her whereabouts.

"My name is Yao Haitang."

The girl in the red dress stared at Yan Chengfeng and said, "Thank you for your help last time."

"Demon Begonia."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep and he said, "Her surname is rarely seen in the demon clan. What does it have to do with the woman in the ancient demon court?"

Hu Yumingluan did not hide it, and said solemnly: "This is the princess of the ancient demon court, and the daughter of the adult."


Yan Chengfeng sighed and said with emotion, "I really didn't expect her daughters to be so old."

Hu Yumingluan's eyes sank, and he said, "The lord doesn't want her daughter to meet you. You should know the reason very well."

Yan Chengfeng smiled indifferently and ignored Hu Yumingluan. He shifted his gaze to Yao Haitang and said, "You have a good talent, let's practice hard! I hope you can get a good ranking this time."

After Yan Chengfeng finished speaking, he immediately backed away.

When he saw the daughter of an acquaintance, he was not happy at all.

"Palace Master, what is the relationship between Yan Chengfeng and my mother?"

Yao Haitang frowned slightly and said, "Why do I feel that Yan Chengfeng doesn't seem very happy, and when my mother mentions him, she also has a look of disgust."

She didn't understand what kind of grievance Yan Chengfeng had with her mother.

Hu Yumingluan's eyes were deep, and he said leisurely: "The relationship between him and your mother is not ordinary!"

"If you really want to pay attention, you should also call him uncle, he is your grandfather's adopted son."

"Your mother should have liked him back then, but I don't know what happened. Your mother married your father in a confused way."


Yao Haitang didn't ask any further questions, this was another childhood sweetheart plot.

"No wonder my mother hates him."

Yao Haitang calmed down and stopped thinking about these trivial matters.

the other side.

"Yan Chengfeng, are you familiar with the demon Begonia?"

Gan Mei knows Yao Haitang and has met several times before.

Yan Chengfeng didn't hide it, and told her: "She is my niece."

The charming Liu Mei frowned slightly and said, "That is to say, I am her aunt."

Yan Chengfeng nodded, he actually didn't want to care about this relationship.

Originally, I had a very unpleasant quarrel with that woman.

However, seeing that she finally let go, Yan Chengfeng was also very relieved.

There is really no need to care about some things, let alone with that woman.

"Dong dong!"

With the sound of gongs, the competition of the four universities also kicked off.

Qin Wu walked out, his breath was strong, and he said solemnly: "This time the big ratio of the four universities is very important, and the university that wins will have the opportunity to enter the Golden Sea of ​​God."

"If you fail, you may have to wait ten or twenty years before you are eligible to set foot in the Golden Sea of ​​God."

"A total of 39 people participated in the competition of the four universities this time."

"The rules of the competition are very simple. The four universities are divided into two groups, and the first round will be eliminated."

"Then the two universities that won the final competition, from which the champion of this competition was born."

"If in this expedition, Tianjiao, who has never been defeated once, will be the first place in this competition."

"Being the first will be rewarded handsomely."

"Next, we start to draw lots, and the serial numbers drawn will be allocated from small to large."

"Send each person in charge to draw lots! Don't delay everyone's time."

Now that the Golden Divine Sea is in jeopardy, he has no time to delay. He must finish the competition of the four universities as soon as possible, and then enter the Golden Divine Sea.

Yan Chengfeng, Hu Yumingluan, Ye Gubai, and Qin Di came out and took a serial number at random.

They didn't care about how they were grouped. No matter which school they fought against, there was only one outcome in the end. The winner was the king, and the loser was the bandit.

Expanding the serial numbers, Yan Chengfeng drew No. 1, Hu Yumingluan drew No. 2, Qin Di drew No. 3, and Ye Gubai drew No. 4.

After the draw is complete, the next step is to fight in groups.

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