Chapter 542

“This… Saint Emperor Realm!”

Not many people can see the strength of the Saint Emperor Realm!

The Practitioner below the holy realm can only see fireworks blooming in the sky, and even how Su Xiaoshan and the ancestor of Peacock did it, and what moves they used!

The air is exploding in front of you, dazzling!

Only the Saint King Realm can barely capture the two figures!

Su Xiaoshan is too strong, don’t look at his rags, he looks like a woodcutter, and he is so sloppy, but his strength is terrifying!

Perhaps, the higher the Realm, the less caring the appearance!

When the ancestor of the peacock flew out, the movement was very loud and the light was very gorgeous!

It’s like a round of Sunday, and it looks very high!

But who would have thought that she is just an empty shelf!

This is not accurate enough. If the ancestor of the Peacock is carried out alone, it is indeed strong and nothing to say!

The Human Emperor Realm is completely unqualified in front of him!

In the ordinary Saint Emperor Realm, it can also perform two tricks!

But it is a pity that he met Su Xiaoshan!

This is a top-notch existence among all the ancestors of the Su family!




The ancestor of the peacock screamed from people and screamed from time to time. The hatchet seemed to be everywhere. No matter which direction it dodges, the hatchet can always be one step faster!

“Peacock Ling——”

The feathers on the ancestor of the peacock began to harden and grew rapidly!

In a blink of an eye, it became like a spear monster!

Su Xiaoshan gritted his teeth, the chopper in his hand was even more fierce!

“Peacock Ling!”

“Supernatural powers, right!”

“Long hair is right!”

“The ancestor of the peacock is it!”


The hatchet in Su Xiaoshan’s hand fell madly!

The feathers that the ancestor peacock had just grown were useless at all, and hardened, they couldn’t stop the sharp edge of the hatchet!

The hatchet looked ordinary and unremarkable, and even had a bit of curling edge, thrown on the ground, no one thought it would be an artifact!

However, in Su Xiaoshan’s hands, this thing is much better than any taboo ancient artifact, sacred artifact, and super sacred artifact!

It is invincible, just like cutting melons and vegetables!

Every cut will surely bring a rain of blood, accompanied by a large swath of peacock feathers!

This is the real pit ancestor!

The ancestor of the peacock was so depressed that he vomited blood!

Do these little bunnies of the Peacock clan want to die as soon as they are born?

How did you provoke such a powerful enemy?

The woodcutter in front of him is much stronger than the average Saint Emperor!

The hatchet in his hand is no disadvantage, stronger and sharper than any treasure on the ancestor of the peacock!

“Look at my peacock tripod!”

The ancestor of the peacock sacrificed a three-legged Qingding tripod!

However, as soon as that Qingding flew into the air, a ray of light smashed down!

“I will make you a peacock tripod!”


The peacock tripod shattered and broke into two halves!

“Look at my Golden Crow flag!”

“I give you the Golden Crow flag!”


There was another one, and the small triangular flag split directly from the middle!

“Look at my Divine Phoenix 100 transfer!”

“I’ll let you Divine Phoenix 100 transfer printing!”

Su Xiaoshan raised the hatchet and slashed the Phoenix Dayin that was flying out!

This Shenhuangbai transfer should be a good treasure, Su Xiaoshan’s knife failed to transfer the Shenhuangbai to pieces!

However, it cut off the spiritual connection between the Peacock Patriarch and the Emperor Baiji!

The Shenhuangbai transfer fell into the valley below, and the ancestor of the peacock could not sense his own treasure!

“Shenhuangbai transfer, right!? Golden Crow flag, right? Peacock tripod, right? Come, let me see what treasures you have, take it out, and I will split it for you!”

“You…you…Your Excellency! What kind of hatred do you have with my Peacocks, and hate my Peacocks to such a degree?”

“It’s gone? If it’s gone, stop talking nonsense! Go to hell!”

Su Xiaoshan suddenly disappeared, and the ancestor of Peacock panicked and hurriedly transformed into a human form!

However, he had just changed into adulthood, and a light flashed quickly from his neck!

The figure of the ancestor Peacock froze in the air, and the hatchet in Su Xiaoshan’s hand was full of blood!

However, those bloody waters are rapidly dissolving.

It seems that this chopper can suck blood!

“Old ancestor…he…he…no…no!”

“Old ancestor’s! Old ancestor…”

“Devil! You are Devil!”

The few remaining members of the Peacock clan pointed at Su Xiaoshan in the sky and roared in grief and anger!

Su Xiaoshan glanced at several people indifferently, “So much nonsense!”

He didn’t make a move, just snorted coldly.

The few people suddenly felt the Spiritual Qi in their bodies confused, Dantian contracted so much, the color of horror in his eyes became stronger and stronger, but after a breath, he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Soul attack!

These Peacock clan members are no more than a holy realm. In front of Su Xiaoshan, they are just like a slightly stronger grasshopper!

You can squeeze to death at will!

Is there a difference between a grasshopper and an ant?

At best, it’s two more jumps than ants!

The end result is the same!

“Master, ancestor is he so powerful?”

Seeing Su Xiaoshan angrily slaughter the emperor, and still beheaded so easily, this can’t help but let Su Jiu’er have a new understanding of this ancestor of his family!

This old man, looking sloppy and disgusting, did not expect to hide such a powerful strength!

It’s really surprising!

The great ancestors also made waves in his heart!

“Not so powerful, but very powerful! Even me, without the help of the hidden sword valley formation, will be easily beheaded by him! Even with the help of the hidden sword valley formation, I may not be able to easily win!”

Su Jiu’er stayed in the Tibetan Sword Valley for a while, and still had a certain understanding of the Tibetan Sword Valley Great Formation.

After all, it is the site of the Heavenly Sword Gate. Whether it is Hidden Sword Valley or Heavenly Sword Mountain, there are hidden secrets inside and super formations are arranged.

This allows those who control the formation to explode in a short period of time that is several times stronger than their own combat power!

The ancestor of the Supreme Being is in the human emperor realm. With the help of the hidden sword valley and the Tianjian mountain formation, he is fully capable of fighting the holy emperor realm!

However, at this moment, he said that even with the help of the big formation, he may not be able to beat this Su Xiaoshan.

It can be seen how strong Su Xiaoshan is!

at this time!

The valley of the Peacock clan shook suddenly, and there was a loud bang, as if the sky had fallen.

The Peacock Valley split from the middle, and thousands of divine lights flew out from below, and shot towards Su Xiaoshan at the same time!

Su Xiaoshan’s eyes were cold, “Also set up a big formation? What’s the use of turning it on now? Broken me!”

He stretched out his muddy feet, stepped on the void below, and a big footprint crashed down!

The entire Peacock Valley collapsed and shattered!

The corpses in the Peacock Valley all turned into mud at this moment!

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