Chapter 543 Another Su Sect Leader?

Su Xiaoshan!

It’s a big killer!

“Huh! It’s amazing!”

After seeing this scene from a distance, Su Changyu said something unsatisfactorily, not knowing whether he was talking about Su Xiaoshan or satirizing Su Xiaoshan!

Su Xiaoshan’s strength is really powerful, and it is also the middle and upper reaches, and even the top group in the Saint Emperor Realm!

Especially the chopping hatchet in Su Xiaoshan’s hand, an extraordinary product!

It has greatly improved Su Xiaoshan’s combat effectiveness!

These are all seen by Su Changyu!

Ask yourself, if Su Changyu really started with Su Xiaoshan, even if he used Heavenly Demon’s real body, he might not be able to kill this old guy!

But no matter who it is, Su Changyu has the ability to protect himself absolutely!

So he only needs to consider whether he can play, and does not need to consider his own security issues.

Fortunately, he started quickly, otherwise, the old man would have to trouble him.

“Holy Emperor Realm, haha.”

No longer nostalgic for the battlefield, Su Changyu flew directly towards the space crack and returned to the mainland of Zhongzhou!

The ancient Restrictions of the Xianyuan Continent were completely destroyed by myself. Today’s Xianyuan Continent has become a battlefield for several other continents!

Su Changyu wants to come back anytime!

There will be no more cracks disappearing and closing.

It may become the back garden of Zhongzhou in the future.

“The Su dynasty actually sent a Saint Emperor Realm powerhouse? This… how can this be good?”

Other Sect powerhouses in the fairyland continent are watching this scene from a distance.

Originally, the mainland of Zhongzhou was strong, and the strong in the holy realm could form a legion.

Only those holy realm warriors, Xianyuan Continent can no longer handle it.

Unless it is an ancestor-level shot, it is possible to escape this catastrophe!

However, Zhongzhou also sent an ancestor-level powerhouse!

Now Zixianyuan Continent is even more panicked!

I couldn’t beat it, but now I don’t need to fight it!

The more you resist, the more you die!

“Sect Leader, we…”

“Go back and go back, thank you behind closed doors these days, don’t walk around if there’s nothing wrong, no, don’t walk around if something happens! Call back all the disciples outside, don’t leave Sect for half a step! Wait for Shenmu Elder to negotiate with Zhongzhou. Now! Next, the unlucky one should be the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan! At that time, see what Elder Shenmu said, alas, it’s best if you don’t fight!”

“Yes! I will do it now!”

“No one is allowed to go out these days! Especially those disciples who are usually more arrogant, all are brought back to me! Locked in the room! Who dares to go out for a step, the leg will be interrupted!”


“Also, Elders don’t go out. Even if something goes out, they must not conflict with the people in Zhongzhou. You must let the other party anything! Hear?”

“Yes! Sect Leader, our people didn’t join the ranks of besieging Su Changyu last time in the Cangnan Mountains! Maybe Zhongzhou wouldn’t attack my sect, right?”

“Then who is right, didn’t you see the old monster of the Su Dynasty just now? Kill the red eyes! Directly flatten the valley of the Peacock clan! Who can guarantee that they will not do anything to us innocent people? In short, don’t cause trouble! Everything waits for news from Shenmu Elder!”


In the territory of Hongzhou on the Xianyuan Continent, all the people of Sect have become tortoises!

After seeing the strength of Zhongzhou, who would dare to jump out of this knot?

As for “protecting the fairyland continent” and “removing the alien species in Zhongzhou from the fairyland”, I dare not even mention it!

There has been no news from Elder.

But no news is good news!

Everyone could only pray, and when the flames of war reached the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan, they stopped!

But this kind of thing, no one can say for sure!

“Stop! Bold! Who are you? How dare you come to the Central Plains!”

The cracks in the space between the Xianyuan Continent and the Zhongzhou Continent are heavily guarded!

At present, most of the people from Zhongzhou have entered the Xianyuan Continent, and there are really few disciples who have left from the Xianyuan Continent!

This is retrograde!

These inverse practitioners must be investigated carefully. Maybe there are people from the Xianyuan Mainland who want to flee to Zhongzhou for refuge!

After Su Changyu came here, he was also stopped!

“Blind your dog’s eyes!”

The disciple had just stopped Su Changyu, and was kicked out by a middle-aged man behind him, vomiting blood in the air, and his eyes were red.

Estimated to be a waste!

The middle-aged soldier is in the Holy Land. This disciple is only in the Two-Year Land. Even if he doesn’t die, he has to make him Realm nothing!

“Su Sect Leader, do you dare to stop? Seeking death!”

The middle-aged man yelled at the disciple, and then reverently rushed to Su Changyu and bent down, “I’m sorry Su Sect Leader, he is a disciple of Zhongzhou Sect, he has not seen you, please forgive me!”


A vicious flash flashed in Su Changyu’s eyes, and said: “Open the passage, I want to go back to Zhongzhou!”


Without any hesitation, the middle-aged man immediately led Su Changyu to the crack, “Su Sect Leader, do you want me to escort you back?”

“Do you think this Sect Leader will be dangerous?”

“No, no! Su Sect Leader is supernatural and invincible. I didn’t mean that!”


“Yes Yes!”

The middle-aged Practitioner nodded twice and retreated respectfully.

After Su Changyu entered the space crack, he disappeared in a hurry.

The middle-aged Practitioner wiped a cold sweat and patted his chest with lingering fear!

The rumors about Su Changyu are very mysterious!

Some people say that Su Changyu has a very bad temper!

But later, it was rumored that Su Changyu was very magnanimous, tolerant, and thoughtful of the world!

So he is dizzy now, I don’t know which one is the real Su Changyu!

Just when the middle-aged Practitioner just recovered his mood, a divine rainbow fell in front of him!

“Stop! What are you doing…huh? Su…Su Sect Leader?”

The middle-aged Practitioner habitually checked in the past. When he looked up, he found that the young man standing in front of him was actually Su Changyu!

“Su Sect Leader, you…”

The middle-aged Practitioner scratched his head and looked at the space crack, “You…you… why are you back again?”


Su Changyu raised his brows and asked, “What do you mean?”

“You didn’t go in just now… Oh, nothing! Su Sect Leader, do you want to go back to mainland China?”

Su Changyu took a close look at the middle-aged man in front of him, and saw that he was puzzled, so he asked, “Why don’t I come back to the mainland of Central China to come here? Chat with you?”

“Yes, yes! Su Sect Leader, please!”

The middle-aged Practitioner respectfully took Su Changyu to the crack of space. Looking at Su Changyu’s clothes, he couldn’t help but curiosity, “Su Sect Leader, why did you change your clothes again?”

“What’s the meaning?”

“It wasn’t this dress you were wearing just now! You are… Ah! Sorry, I was the one who talked too much!”

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