Chapter 541

In other words, Su Xiaoshan felt that he couldn’t say Su Changyu!

There are many reasons for Su Changyu!

“Su Changyu, you immediately put on your clothes, I order you to put on your clothes!”

Su Changyu said with a sad expression on his face: “Old ancestors, if you don’t forgive Changyu, then Changyu… will definitely die in front of you today!”

With that said, Su Changyu even lifted the sword in his hand and wiped it toward his neck!

This frightened Su Xiaoshan!

Also scared the big guys watching around!

“What is Su Sect Leader going to do?”

“Su Sect Leader wants to kill himself?”

“Why? What happened?”

“What did the Su family ancestor tell Su Sect Leader?”

“Su Sect Leader is the son of heaven! Is it possible that the ancestors of the Su family are going to kill the son of heaven? To kill Su Sect Leader?”

When Su Wangtian was nervous, he was about to rush out, but he was held back by Li Wanshan on the side.

“Brother Wangtian, don’t get excited, the other party has no intention of killing Su Changyu!”

The Great Demon God couldn’t wait, and similarly, he was also held back by his own daughter.

“Father, wait a minute, let’s take a look first! The other party is the ancestor of the Su family, and he has also discovered our existence. It is definitely impossible for Changyu to slay himself in front of him!”

The great devil said viciously: “Whoever dares to hurt my grandson, even if it is the ancestor of the Su family, I will burn the jade and stone that I have been fighting with the other party!”

Su Xiaoshan’s expression changed, and with a quick finger, he directly shattered the long sword in Su Changyu’s hand.

Thinking of him as a Saint Emperor, he has never been forced so helpless!

“The old man is afraid of you! Let’s do it!”

“No! This matter is indeed the fault between Changyu and the emperor! Old ancestor, my father is a good emperor. Under his leadership, the Su dynasty is flourishing and powerful. He fought in the south and the north. The Northern Wilderness and Southern Xinjiang did not dare to raise their heads, conquered the east, and completely suppressed the Eastern Regions and the Western Desert, and the Central Prefecture dominated! He made countless achievements for the Su dynasty. I hope you can look at this point and forgive my father. The fault of the year!”

Su Changyu’s voice was low, “I know that even if you don’t find him, you will always hate him and hate me. But Changyu has a devil in his body, which is a curse, and death is not a pity! So, you have to blame, you have to punish, Just punish Changyu… Anyway, the devil’s heart will not be accepted by the world. Instead of being killed by the world, it is better to… die on the debt-paying nine races! It can be regarded as… Seems to be well, old ancestor! You do it !”

Su Xiaoshan’s angry nose was crooked.

No wonder the ancestor Taishang said that he often deflated in the hands of Su Changyu, and now it seems that this kid is really difficult to deal with!

“Su Changyu! Don’t follow me in this set…”

Before he finished speaking, Su Changyu took out a long sword from the kitchen and bathroom space.

Su Xiaoshan hurriedly changed his words, “I forgive me, I forgive you, father and son! Is this the head office? Put it away, put it away!”



Su Xiaoshan really wanted to slap this kid to death!

“Thank you ancestors! The ancestors are kind-hearted, and Changyu remembers it!”

“All right, get out, get out!”

The sadness on Su Changyu’s face disappeared, and he stood up and said, “Then…I’ll leave it to the ancestors! Changyu is unwell, so I will go back to Zhongzhou for some training.”

“You kid…”

Su Xiaoshan almost crushed the roots of the yellow teeth.

Su Changyu sighed suddenly, looked at Su Xiaoshan who was gritted teeth, and said: “It seems that our ancestors still refuse to forgive our father and son…”

Su Xiaoshan hurriedly smiled, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: “No, the old man is not so stingy! I really forgive! Well, Changyu, you just broke through the holy realm soon, the body of Thunder Tribulation still needs to be absorbed and digested, and then I will hand it in. It’s for the old man, you can rest! Go, go…”

He longed for Su Changyu to leave quickly.

“Old ancestor, don’t force it, if you really don’t forgive, then Changyu’s life…”

“Stop talking nonsense! If you forgive, you will forgive! Fuck off! Hurry up!”

“Old ancestors, with your attitude, Changyu believes that you still have not forgiven!”

Su Xiaoshan couldn’t cry or laugh, couldn’t laugh, and didn’t dare to be angry!

“I… I really forgive, Changyu, your father and son may also be in love with each other. There are difficulties. This old man can understand! You can understand!”

Su Xiaoshan pressed all his emotions to the bottom of his heart, smiled very happily, patted Su Changyu on the shoulder, and said: “Okay, go back, the old man will clean up the end for you, you just wait for the good news from the old man!”


“Really, get out of here… I mean, leave now, it will be dangerous to wait here!”

Su Changyu is proud, old fellow, can’t heal you?



Su Xiaoshan’s patience has really reached its limit. If Su Changyu doesn’t leave, he will really hit someone!

Over and over again, so annoying!

Su Changyu nodded, “Okay, then trouble ancestors!”

What can Su Xiaoshan say?

Don’t even dare to even make a cold snort!

I had to wave his hands with a smile, “It’s a little thing, it’s nothing! Let’s go!”

Su Changyu turned into a divine rainbow and disappeared into the horizon!

As soon as he left here, Su Xiaoshan’s expression changed!

If you can’t find anyone to vent, you can only put all your anger on the Peacock clan!

“Where is your ancestor? Let him get out and die! Hurry up!”

“Old…old senior…”

“Senior! Let your ancestors get out and die!”

With a flick of the hatchet on Su Xiaoshan’s waist, all but the master of the holy realm were killed on the spot!

At this moment, the malachite gate at the end of the valley slowly opened!

A golden sun floats out of it!

It was a golden peacock, full of Sacred light that could compete with the sky, the sun and the moon!

“Why call me?”

“Old… ancestor? You finally woke up!”

The few Peacock tribe members who bowed down below showed joy!

The ancestor Peacock looked forward and his eyes were suddenly full of anger!

In the entire Peacock Valley, blood has already flowed into a river!

So far, only eight of the Peacocks have survived!

Among them, the Confucian leader is still dying!

“Who! Who did it—”

“It’s me, grandpa!”

The ancestor Peacock just yelled, and a hatchet flew in front of him, directly breaking the golden light outside his body, and slashing on his wings!

“Give me death for grandpa!”

The anger in Su Xiaoshan’s body can’t be suppressed anymore. When has he suffered this kind of suffocation for tens of thousands of years!

At the moment, the ancestor of Peacock is his best punching bag!

The ancestor of Peacock never expected that as soon as he woke up, he saw the extinction of his tribe, and even encountered a powerful Saint Emperor!

He is just the pinnacle of the human emperor realm, and there is no room for parry. In a breath, Su Xiaoshan has already cut 78 times!

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