Chapter 519 Who Is Transcends Tribulation?

“No one can survive the origin of the thunder, or destroy it, even more than one hundred and eight! Hmph! It is estimated that after ten times, you will have to be hacked to death! Hahaha! Let’s not be afraid!”

“Yes! Put your heart in your stomach, there will never be any accidents, this person can’t handle the thunder calamity!”

“Hey, I don’t know what thunder formation Su Sect Leader will summon when he breaks through the holy realm!”

“Yeah! Su Sect Leader is the son of heaven, and his strength is unprecedented. I feel that if he breaks through the holy realm, he has to summon three thousand thunders no matter what! It may also be one hundred and eight!”

One hundred and eight ways are the highest scale of the thunder tribulation. In addition to this, there are eighty-one, seventy-two, forty-nine, thirty-six, eighteen and nine!

Even Su Changyu himself did not expect that he actually summoned the highest scale and highest type of thunder robbery!

This is Heavenly Dao trying to kill him!

It stands to reason that when he breaks through the fairyland, he will almost summon this kind of thunder tribulation, but now he breaks through a small holy realm, is it necessary for him to move the crowd like this?

“Oh shit……”

Su Changyu felt the pressure from above. Although he did not see Shattering Void Origin Thunder, he could perceive that the danger was approaching.

And it’s still a big danger!

He guessed that his own breakthrough is likely to lead to thunder and robbery, or it may be very strong.

But he absolutely couldn’t believe that what he attracted was the strongest god of fashion.

Regardless of the type of the gods or the number of the gods, they are all top!

Heavenly Dao directly gave Su Changyu a big gift!

“If this person does not die, it will become a major disaster for me in the future!”

Su Xiaoshan and the ancestor Taishang took Su Jiu’er and looked in the direction of Jie Yun.

Taishang Ancestor nodded and said: “Yes! I don’t know which old monster of the Xianyuan Continent has attracted the highest level of the thunder! If he can successfully survive the thunder, then… …Brother Su, even if you and I join forces, I’m afraid they won’t be the enemy of one move!”

Su Jiu’er looked at the Divine Thunder formation and said in a puzzled manner: “What a terrifying power! But how do I feel, this Divine Thunder is murderous!”

“How can God Thunder have murderous intent!” Su Xiaoshan and the ancestor Taishang did not take Su Jiu’er’s words to heart, “If it is not the highest level of God Thunder, then you and I might still be able to go in and take a look!”

“Yes, the people of Transcends Tribulation are very fragile, especially after Transcends Tribulation! Maybe we can kill this person at that time! But this kind of thunder… forget it! It is estimated that even if it is over, inside We can’t resist the remaining power!”

“You said… that kid Su Changyu, will he have this kind of battle in the future? Uh…hahahaha! I think too much! That kid is amazing, but it is impossible to summon a thundercloud of this level! ”

“Changyu is the son of heaven. One day, if he can break through the fairyland, he will probably call forth the thunder of the origin, but it is not clear whether the nine or eighteen paths, thirty-six or seventy-two paths!”


In the cave of the Spirit of Origin, a soft drink from Su Changyu came out!

It sounded in the ears of Mao Ruozhen and Murong Yan’s followers.

This shout also awakened Mao Ruozhen and those followers from shock.

At the same time, this drink seemed to contain soul power, which reduced their fear of the god thunder a lot, and the body was not shaking anymore!

“Master, you…”

“Escape!” Su Changyu said another word.

Mao Ruozhen said: “No! Cat sister is willing to use her life to help her master withstand the first thunder calamity!”

If Mao knew it really well, he knew that this thunder catastrophe was caused by Su Changyu!

Even though she couldn’t figure out ten thousand and ten thousand in her heart, why Su Changyu could attract such a terrifying thunder disaster.

But these are not important!

If Su Changyu is dead, will she live too!

A total of 108, from weak to strong!

The first God Thunder is the weakest!

If Mao really feels that no matter how weak he is, he can help Su Changyu block the first way!

Block one, then one less!

“You don’t need to stop! I order you now to leave immediately!”

Those followers of Murong Yan around did not want to leave!

After all, their highness is still inside!

Even if you die, you must die with His Royal Highness Murong!

“Fuck me all! Hear you!”

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew out of the cave, blowing everyone out!

After those people stabilized their bodies, their faces were painful.

“Your Highness!”

“Su Sect Leader!”

“His Royal Highness Murong!”


No one wants to leave!

I saw the thunder in the sky rolling, “Thunder Dragon”‘s big mouth opened, and the first divine thunder had fallen!

Everyone looked up, suddenly holding the will of death, and rushed to meet the god of thunder!

“A bunch of idiots!”

Su Changyu was stupid when he detected the behavior of these people! But also loyal!


“Through the sky!”

“Eight-Party Spirit Gathering Technique!”

“A Thousand Miles God Eye!”

The powerhouses on the Xianyuan Continent in Hongzhou, Lanzhou and other places all saw the divine thunder, but they did not dare to approach it.

Some talented people have displayed magical powers similar to “clairvoyance” to watch the situation under Thunder Tribulation!

Including Su Wangtian, Taishangzulao, Li Wanshan and others in Zhongzhou, they also used god-tier skills, wanting to find out, to see which power they are, they called out this thunder tribulation!

“A person from Zhongzhou?”

“Mao Ruozhen?”

“Why are they there?”

When those experts in the Saint King realm saw the first divine thunder, they rushed out dozens of Zhongzhou Tianjiao, all of them were shocked!

Shouldn’t it be a certain strong Transcends Tribulation in Xianyuan continent?

Then how could Zhongzhou Practitioner resist the first divine thunder?

The third Elder of the Su dynasty lineage looked suspiciously at Su Wangtian. He didn’t have a clairvoyance, so he couldn’t see so far. Not everyone had cultivated this kind of “chicken rib” magical power.

“The emperor, what’s the matter?”

“The first divine thunder, it turned out to be my Zhongzhou Tianjiao resisting!”

“What?” The third Elder was startled, and then looked in the direction of Leiyun, “Could it be…Could it be that this is the Jieyun called by a senior in Zhongzhou?”

Su Wangtian shook his head slightly, a little disbelief.

There are not many Saint Emperor Realms in Zhongzhou, let alone the Heavenly Emperor Realm!

This robbery cloud, at first glance, is what the Heavenly Emperor Realm Immortal Ascension has attracted!

Therefore, it is unlikely to be Zhongzhou.

The chances of Xianyuan Continent are greater!

“You said, could it be the Young Lord! The Young Lord has always been a talented and unparalleled son of heaven, annihilated heir, he…he, hehehe, I think too much!”

Su Changyu’s cousin, Su Wuxin said this way, but halfway through the speech, he saw everyone staring at him, so he smiled and denied it.

Su Changyu’s cousins ​​dissatisfied him at first, and even robbed him of the position of the young emperor!

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