Chapter 520

But later, Su Changyu’s super strength showed them deeply impressed.

Especially after entering the Xianyuan Continent, Su Changyu appeared in the eyes of everyone in a crushing posture!

Luo Mengyu, crush!

Long Aotian, crush!

Tianjiao teamed up to besiege, and he was crushed by Su Changyu who was severely injured by a hammer!

Therefore, the younger generation of the Su dynasty now admires Su Changyu very much.

Their young master is famous, and their faces are also bright!

Su Changyu is amazing, but no one believes that he can summon this kind of thunder calamity!

And Su Changyu only returned to one state, where did the thunder robbery come from?

The last time I saw Su Changyu, I still belonged to the first realm, and there were nine Realms away from the holy realm!


The thunder and lightning that was as thick as the mouth of a bowl rushed straight down, Mao Ruozhen and Murong Yan’s followers, even the coercion brought by Shen Lei could not stop, and he had not touched Shen Lei. He was bounced off, and he was vomiting blood and wounded one after another.

If you encounter a divine thunder, it is not as simple as vomiting blood!

It is possible to break the bones directly!

“The first one, here comes!”

In the cave, Su Changyu’s expression condensed! Look up to the top of the cave!


When the divine thunder fell on the big formation, there was a wave of ripples, and the big formation trembled a few times, unexpectedly blocking the first divine thunder!

“This person also arranged the formation, it seems that he has been prepared for a long time!”

“Why does this formation look like my Zhongzhou formation?”

“Zhongzhou, Xianyuan, the same case, similar to Zhongzhou formation, there is nothing wrong with it!”

In the cave, Murong Yan suddenly opened his eyes.

“What sound? What’s the matter?”

The ground was shaking so badly that she could clearly feel it.

Su Changyu smiled at him and said: “It’s okay, you can continue refining. Refining faster, you may need your help for your husband.”

“You? Need my help? How can I help you?”

“Don’t ask so much, you are in the process of refining, so you shouldn’t interrupt, continue!”

Murong Yan was a little puzzled, she felt that something must have happened, but she did not radiate spiritual thoughts to explore outside the cave.

For one thing, she was refining the spirit of the source and didn’t want to be distracted.

Secondly, with Su Changyu here, there shouldn’t be any problems. Could Su Changyu still hurt her as a killer?

Now she didn’t believe Su Changyu 100%, but she didn’t believe that Su Changyu would attack her again.


The ground shook again.

This time, the large array outside has been completely shattered.

With its own strength, Dazhen successfully resisted the two divine thunders, which was really good.

Next, I’m afraid we have to rely on Su Changyu.

This time Murong Yan didn’t open his eyes, but Liu Mei gently picked a few times, and then continued to refine the power of the source!


The third divine thunder directly smashed the rock and hacked into the cave from the mountainside!

The rock above Su Changyu’s head suddenly exploded, and a thick black snake-shaped lightning that was as thick as a thigh crashed down!

Su Changyu patted it out with a palm, blocking the serpentine lightning, but the ground under his feet was also shattered due to excessive force, and a cobweb crack appeared.

“God Thunder? Thunder Tribulation?”

Murong Yan Huo opened his eyes. From the hole at the top, he could see that a large number of black clouds and thunder and lightning had gathered in the sky.

In an instant, Murong Yan saw the level of this divine thunder!

“Essential Thunder? One hundred and eight? Su Changyu, is this…you got it?”

Su Changyuyun smiled lightly and said: “I didn’t expect it, too cruel! But it’s okay, with Yan’er here, I believe that my husband can survive the thunder catastrophe safely! Right!”


Murong Yan’s face was shocked, angry and angry.

Just forget the ordinary thunder robbery, this kind of highest level thunder robbery, Su Changyu still intends to let her help?

Didn’t this hurt her!

“You let me help you?”

“Yan’er, I know you have a lot of defensive Magic Treasures. Don’t use it at this time, but when will you wait!”

“Su Changyu! You calculated me? You deliberately ran to me to overcome the thunder, right?”

Murong Yan understood a little bit!

No wonder Su Changyu doesn’t want anything!

Is he embarrassed to want it?

It is equivalent to that Su Changyu used these fairy spirits in exchange for all the life-saving cards in Murong Yan’s body!

Damn it!

“Su Changyu! You mean!”

“Yan’er, look at what you said, why am I despicable? We are a husband and wife, is it possible that you want to watch me die in thunder?”

“You…you…I understand it, no wonder you are so kind and don’t need any of the original spirits in your hand! You…you…your abacus is so loud! I won’t help you! !”

Women, hard-mouthed and soft-hearted!

Su Changyu has already seen it.

“Oh, okay Yan’er, I was sorry for my husband in the last life. In this life… Weihu wanted to make up for you, but it seems… it seems that there is no chance! If Weihu is lucky enough to survive this thunderstorm If you do not die, then my husband will love you more in the future! Take care of you and protect you! I know that my last life caused you too much damage. If you don’t kill me, I’m very satisfied! Don’t worry, I won’t It hurts you! You can refine the spirit of the source at ease, and I will guide Jieyun to other places!”

After all, another divine thunder fell and slashed directly on Su Changyu’s forehead.

Su Changyu, who was struck by this divine thunder, smoked black smoke on his forehead, and his hair was scorched.


Murong Yan couldn’t help but smiled, but immediately took her smile back.

To be honest, she had never seen Su Changyu deflated. Su Changyu has always been strong, and he has always bullied people. How could he be bullied.

This divine thunder is really amazing!

Murong Yan, who was hacked, had a dark heart!

Su Changyu dissipated the black smoke above his head with his hands, and walked outside the cave without saying a word!

His upper body clothes were all torn, and his naked body was also charred, looking extremely embarrassed!

“Where are you going!” Murong Yan shouted.

Su Changyu said: “Stay away from you, I don’t seem to implicate you!”

“This is the Thunder of Origin! You will die!”

“Life and death are fateful, wealth is in heaven! People will always die.”

Murong Yan gritted her teeth and said: “You…you said that if you call an ordinary thunder robbery, I can still help you, but this original thunder…you…how do you ask me to help you!?”

Su Changyu turned around and said: “It’s very simple, you come and help me get through the seventy-two ways in front of me! The seventy-two ways in the front are not powerful, and the 36 ways in the back are the main force! I don’t want to be in the first seventy. Too much physical energy was wasted in Erdao!”

Seeing Su Changyu’s answer so decisively, Murong Yan opened her mouth slightly, feeling that she had been fooled again.

“You…you know that I will help you, right!”

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