Chapter 518

What a terrible thing that would be!

“What are you looking at? Don’t hurry to refine the spirit of the source.”

“You don’t need to say, of course I know.”

Su Changyu said lightly, and then found a place to sit down casually around Murong Yan.

Murong Yan also began to refine the original spirit.

Refine all the rules contained in the original spirit body into your body, wait until there is time in the future, and then take it out slowly Insight!

This is one of the ways to use the spirit of the source!

The other is to swallow it directly to recover from the injury.

To be honest, Murong Yan was a little surprised if Su Changyu could give all the original spirit to himself.

This is something she never expected!

Su Changyu has been calculating all his life, including this sudden appearance, it must be the result of his calculations!

He has no reason to give all the spirit of the origin to himself.

What is his purpose?

This is like going to the toilet and not shit, is it to smell?

Although the analogy is a bit ugly, but the truth is such a truth!

“Regardless of him, I have nothing to lose anyway! Maybe…Perhaps I have always been subjectively biased against him.”

With this in mind, Murong Yan began to sit down cross-legged, refining the original spirit.

The refining speed is very fast.

When this Immortal Cave is discovered by those old monsters in the future, it is empty!


The followers of Mao Ruozhen and Murong Yan were guarding in the big formation, outside the entrance of the cave.

Suddenly, they felt a hint of coolness passing by.

“What’s wrong?”

Ma Ruozhen held his chest with his hands and kept rubbing his own skin, how could he feel that goose bumps were about to rise.

Those followers of Murong Yan also noticed something was wrong and began to look around.

“How do I feel all over my body? As if being stared at by something.”

“Yes, yes, I feel that way too.”

“Is there something going to happen? My heart is always holding and can’t let it go!”

A chill made everyone anxious, but the source of the chill could not be found.

Mao Ruozhen raised her head to look up, and this inadvertent glance scared her to death!

See you!

At some point in the sky, a “thunder dragon” condensed!

The Thunder Dragon opened his mouth, facing the place where Mao Ruozhen and the others were!

Cover a hundred miles!

This “Thunder Dragon” can be clearly seen within a radius of thousands of miles or even 50,000 miles!

This is not a real “Thunder Dragon”, but a celestial phenomenon formed by thunder and lightning.

It’s just like a dragon!

That breathtaking coercion just makes Mao really take a look, there is an illusion as if he has fallen into a bottomless abyss!

I couldn’t stop shaking, I couldn’t even think of resistance!

“This is… this is…”

Mao Ruozhen’s pupils were dilated, and his whole body shuddered, and his tongue seemed to be knotted. After a long pause, he couldn’t say a complete word!

“God… my goodness, what is that! What is that! Look!”

“No… isn’t it!”

“This…this is too scary!”

All of Murong Yan’s followers were so scared that their faces were pale, and they wanted to escape, but their legs trembled and refused to obey their orders.

And within fifty thousand miles, almost everyone has discovered this kind of astronomical phenomenon!

Deep in the mountains, a pair of muddy eyes slowly opened!

“Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow God Thunder Array!? No! It’s not!”

“This is the elimination of the Quartet’s lore!”

“No! Nor! This is the Thunder of Destruction! It is the Thunder of the Origin of the Dao!”

The village chiefs, towns, and Practitioners all raised their heads together.

Many of them are Tianjiao of Zhongzhou mainland!

“One… one… one hundred and eight… one hundred and eight Shattering Void Origin Thunder! No… this is impossible!”

“How can anyone summon such a terrifying divine thunder!”

“My… my God! Shattering Void Origin Thunder! It’s still a hundred and eight! Is this going to destroy the Xianyuan Continent!”

“Who… who is it? Who called such a terrifying Thunder Tribulation! Who is it? Who the hell is it!”

“The stronger the Thunder Tribulation, the higher the Cultivation Base of this person! The more terrifying the hidden strength! The one hundred and eight Shattering Void Origin Thunder can be summoned, so the strength of this person…I dare not imagine!”

“Is this the Heavenly Emperor going to break through the fairyland? That’s right! It must be! Only the Heavenly Emperor is going to break through the fairyland! Can such a terrifying avenue of thunder be called out!”

“Hahahaha! Our Fairy Continent has reappeared after 500,000 years! This time our Fairy Continent is saved!”

“Damn it! A fairy appeared in the Xianyuan continent! This is a lot of trouble!”

“Fairy, annihilate the Heavenly Emperor powerhouse with a wave! I wait for the four continents to have no Heavenly Emperor level powerhouse, this time… alas! It’s not good to be a master!”

“How could it be such a coincidence, when we just came here, there is an immortal breakthrough?”

People from the Four Continents have joys and sorrows, sorrows and worries with those on the Xianyuan Continent!

all know!

A breakthrough in the holy realm may cause thunder robbery!

However, that area is just a small area, and a palm-sized cloud appears in the sky.

No one believes that such a terrifying top god thunder was brought about by a breakthrough in the Holy Realm!

Because when the Heavenly Emperor realm breaks through the fairyland, there will be another thunder catastrophe.

So they all think that this is the Heavenly Emperor Realm in the breakthrough fairyland!

After all, the energy contained in this thunder tribulation has never been seen before, shocking the past and the present!

Even the Celestial Breakthrough from the Xianyuan Continent hundreds of thousands of years ago did not bring this kind of power!

The level of Thunder Tribulation is about the same as the origin of the Dao!

The highest level is the Thunder of Dao Origin!

Next is the Thunder of Three Thousand Avenues!

Then came the ordinary god thunder of 100,000 trails!

There is also the last one, which is the ordinary celestial thunder.

This thunder tribulation, directly reached the top level, belongs to the original destruction thunder!

In addition, there are the Thunder of Origin Creation, Five Elements and the like, Thunder of Origin Darkness, and so on.

And destruction is undoubtedly the most threatening of all sources! Also the most aggressive one!

“If the people of Transcends Tribulation can’t handle this thunder tribulation, then Xianyuan Continent is probably over!”

“Yeah! I don’t know which immortal who possesses such powerful magical powers directly summoned the Thunder of Destruction of the Great Dao, and I don’t know if it is a blessing or a curse!”

“Oh! I hope this time will be the blessing of my Fairy Fate Continent! Since this senior has the ability to summon such a powerful Thunder Tribulation, she must be even more powerful! He must be able to hold it!”

“I hope so!”

The Tianjiao in the Central State Continent are all frowning, let alone them, even the strong in the Central State Continent are languishing, constantly shaking their heads and sighing.

Some people are still praying secretly!

“Chop him to death! Chop him to death!”

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