Chapter 429: You’ve been lying to me?

“This kind of girl is really rare! Ziling, you have to cherish it!”

Even the ancient existence in the necklace was really moved by Mao Ruo.

Ask the world, where is there such a pure girl!

This stupid boy is really stupid!

“Don’t worry, if it is true, I will be fine. Have you forgotten who I am? I am the heir of the obliterated Heavenly Emperor! I have obliterated aura in my body! If there is any adverse reaction in my body, the obliterated aura will protect me. I am comprehensive.”


“Relax! Okay, I promise you that you will not take these Medicine Pills for the time being, and wait until you go back and count, and then decide how to eat to get the most effect! Okay?”

Mao Ruo nodded, “Well, you must be careful of your body.”

Holding Mao Ruozhen’s weak boneless jade hand, Xiao Ziling felt that he was extremely happy, as if he had found another meaning to live besides defeating Su Changyu!

He asked Mao Ruo to wait for him outside, while he was rummaging through the cabinets in the mansion, looking for the most precious Lotus flower platform and enlightenment stone!

“Lotus flower platform? Is it the Lotus flower platform?”

There is a cave inside the mansion!

Xiao Ziling found a hidden door, and after pushing it open, he found that it turned out to be an extremely spacious and bright passage!

At the end of the passage, a Lotus flower floats quietly under the milky white light, exuding a holy breath!

And on the Lotus flower, there is still a stone floating!

It is the stone of enlightenment!

That enlightenment stone is exactly the same as the enlightenment stone that Heavenly Emperor held in the hand before.

“Yes, it is really Lotus Flower Platform and Enlightenment Stone! Ziling, you finally found it!”

The voice of ancient existence came from the necklace, and even his voice became excited at this moment.

This lotus flower platform and the enlightenment stone are the treasures of the Heavenly Emperor, and he has followed the Heavenly Emperor for so long, how can he not recognize it!

The necklace continued: “But… how come there are only Yang Stones? Yin Stones?”

Xiao Ziling asked suspiciously: “What Yang stone? Yin stone?”

Necklace said: “This enlightenment stone is divided into two pieces, Yin & Yang. When the two pieces are fused together, it is the real enlightenment stone and has the greatest power! Yang stone can control Yin stone, Yang stone is the main one, Yin stone As a supplement! This one is a Yangshi!”

Xiao Ziling said: “Since the Yang Stone is here, the Yin Stone should be nearby. Isn’t it? As long as I get the Yang Stone, I can find the Yin Stone?”

Necklace said: “Theoretically, as long as the Yang stone is close enough to the Yin stone, it will be sensed. When it is close enough, the Yang stone can control the Yin stone.”

See the Lotus flower platform and the enlightenment stone!

Xiao Ziling’s tight heart was finally let go!

“I…I am invincible!”

“With the Lotus Flower Platform and the Enlightenment Stone, I can be invincible! I can finally prove to all people in the world that I am not the inheritor of magic arts, but Su Changyu is!”

“Hmph, Su Changyu, I have completely got the master’s inheritance now, if you want to harm me, it is no longer possible!”

While talking, he walked towards the Lotus flower stand excitedly!

Suddenly, the necklace opened its mouth!

“Ziling, someone has come in!”

When Xiao Ziling stopped, he quickly turned and looked back!

I saw that Mao Ruo really came here step by step from the door.

Xiao Ziling said in a puzzled way: “If it’s true?”

If Mao really ignored him, this made Xiao Ziling even more puzzled.

Seeing Mao Ruozhen walking towards him step by step, his face was extremely calm, even a bit cold.

Xiao Zilinghu questioned: “If so, what are you doing in here? Didn’t I ask you to wait at the door?”

Mao Ruozhen came to the level with Xiao Ziling, stopped, glanced at Xiao Ziling’s face, and then his gaze fell on the Lotus flower platform and the enlightenment stone in the distance.

“Xiao Ziling, you finally found the Lotus Flower Platform and the Enlightenment Stone!”

Xiao Ziling nodded and said, ‘Yes! I finally found it. ’

The necklace hurriedly spoke to remind Xiao Ziling.

“No! Ziling! She is very wrong, be careful!”

I saw Mao Ruo really staring at the Lotus Flower platform for a few breaths, then shook his head and said, “It’s pretty, but it’s a pity… it doesn’t belong to you!”

Xiao Ziling said in a puzzled manner: “If so, are you okay? What’s wrong with you?”

Mao Ruo really sneered, and said: “I’m fine, I’m fine! Xiao Ziling, I have been so hard with you all the way, traveling through mountains and rivers, not far away! Now you have found the Lotus flower platform and the enlightenment stone, shouldn’t you divide me? One?”

Her words shocked Xiao Ziling!

Xiao Ziling couldn’t think of it, Mao Ruo really could say such a thing!

Because, not long ago, Mao Ruo really was still caring about his body and caring for him everywhere!

“If so… you… are you okay?”

“I said, I’m fine! Xiao Ziling, just say, don’t you divide it!”

Xiao Ziling was stunned for a while, wondering what happened to Mao Ruo!


“Why? Not willing?”

Xiao Ziling shook his head and said: “No! If it is true, if you want something outside, I can give it to you no matter what, but… But the Lotus flower platform and the enlightenment stone are very important to me, I don’t…I can not……”

“Okay, stop talking, I know!”

Mao Ruo really interrupted the other party and said with a sneer: “It seems that Xiao Ziling is nothing more than that! In this case, I have accepted both of these things, including all the treasures in this mansion!”

Xiao Ziling’s face was cold, even if he believed that Mao Ruo was true, at this moment, he also noticed that something was wrong!

“Mao Ruozhen, you…what do you mean?”

“Xiao Ziling! Are you really stupid or fake!?”

“You said I’m… stupid?”

“Heh! Extremely stupid! It’s hopeless!”

“If so, are you okay?”

“Ha ha!”

Mao Ruo really sneered, and didn’t bother to pay attention to Xiao Ziling, and walked towards the Lotus Flower Platform and the Enlightenment Stone!

Xiao Ziling immediately got serious and shouted: “If it’s true, you can’t touch it!”

With that said, Xiao Ziling ran towards Mao Ruozhen, reaching out to Mao Ruozhen’s shoulder!

Mao Ruozhen suddenly turned around and slapped Xiao Ziling’s chest with a palm!

Xiao Ziling didn’t expect that the other party would make a killer move and dodge hurriedly!

At this time, the ancient existence in the necklace spoke, “Ziling, you may have been in the calculation, this woman has been calculating you from the beginning!”

“How… how is it possible!”

Mao Ruozhen’s speed suddenly increased, and he ran towards the Lotus Flower platform!

Xiao Ziling was shocked, incarnate in an aurora, coming first, blocking Mao Ruozhen!

“Go away!”

“Mao Ruozhen, have you been lying to me all the time!?”

By now, Mao Ruo really didn’t want to continue acting.

too tired!

It’s too disgusting!

“Yes, it’s a pity, you stupid, I only understand now! It’s so stupid that you can’t help it! You don’t believe it yourself!”

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