Chapter 428

The conscious Qibao Divine Wing is what Su Changyu wants most!

He now wants to activate the consciousness of Qibao Divine Wing, and graft the consciousness onto his own consciousness, and be controlled by own!

Moreover, he will plant this pair of wings on himself!

I don’t know if this mysterious spirit is enough!

“True Dragon Linghu! Can be molded into a true dragon body!”

“It’s skyrocketing, 87,600 catties, made of meteorite iron from the outside world, a low-grade weapon!”

“Lingxuanjing, can temper the body, invulnerable to swords and guns!”

“Sea gentian, forcibly Ascension a Realm!”

“Sansheng Stone, resist the blow of the Saint King Realm!”

Xiao Ziling looked at the treasure in front of him, everyone was already stupid!

At this moment, he has come to the so-called “secret realm”!

It is the real Immortal Cave that annihilated the Heavenly Emperor!

Here, there are treasures everywhere!

This secret realm is not big, not even one ten thousandth of the Zhongzhou mainland.

It’s like a desert island, shielded by a light curtain.

On the only desert island, a mansion was built!

And all these things were found in the mansion.

The plaque on the mansion reads “Destroy the Heavenly Emperor Mansion”.

Here are all the treasures left by the Heavenly Emperor to Xiao Ziling!

In addition to some treasures that can be used directly, there is also a room of books!

All are high rank Cultivation Technique!

The most inferior is also the middle grade of the mysterious rank!

The highest, even reached the top grade!

Spirit Stones, jewelry, and medicinal materials are countless!

Seeing this, even Mao Ruozhen couldn’t move.

It’s so tempting!

However, to Su Changyu, most of them are rubbish, and there are not many that can be used.

As for those Cultivation Technique supernatural powers, even if it was a heavenly rank, Su Changyu couldn’t look down on it.

But there is one thing to remember!

Not everyone is Su Changyu!

Su Changyu is a pervert, an alternative!

Except for Su Changyu, anyone who sees these will be excited and unable to take any steps!

“Hahaha… I found it! I found it! I finally found it!”

Xiao Ziling stood in the middle of the treasure chest and turned around, looking at the surrounding treasures, laughing excitedly.

“If so! I found it! Did you see it? I finally found the treasure left to me by Master! These are all mine! Have you seen it!”

Mao Ruo really nodded and smiled: “Great Ziling, you finally did it!”

“Lotus flower platform? Enlightenment stone?”

Xiao Ziling suddenly thought of the two most important treasures, and immediately looked around.

“Senior, do you know where the Lotus Flower Taiwan Enlightenment Stone is?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never been here. This is the place where the Heavenly Emperor himself built it. Only he knows it! Don’t worry, since you have found this place, everything here is yours! Lotus flower platform and enlightenment stone , Must be here, look slowly, you have time.”

Xiao Ziling nodded, picked up the sea gentian on the table, and threw it directly into his mouth without even thinking about it!

Sea dragon, generally refers to the demonic beasts, Jincang Fuhailong!

This Jincang Fuhailong is very rare, some people call it a holy beast!

Because he is full of treasures!

The horns of Jincang Fuhailong have the magical effect of raw meat on white bones.

Jincang Fuhailong’s tendons, that is a good bowstring!

The bone of the Jincang Fuhailong is an excellent weapon handle!

The skin of the Jincang Fuhailong can be made into a big drum, which can be beaten with bones to send out soul shock waves and attack the enemy’s soul!

The gall of Jincang Fuhailong is born a panacea! Can directly make Practitioner Ascension a Realm!

Jincang Fuhailong’s heart…

Too much!

Jincang Fuhailong, although not a holy beast, is more valuable than holy beasts!

However, due to excessive hunting, Jincang Fuhailong has become extinct!

If this sea gentian is sold, it is definitely a sky-high price!

The world is snatching up!

It can even cause war!

The only one of that year was snatched by the Heavenly Emperor.

Xiao Ziling has only passed through the secluded realm now. If the Heavenly Emperor sees him eating sea gentian, he will vomit blood!

Wouldn’t it be better to wait until it hits the Saint King Realm?

Used in the Tongyou Realm, it is simply a violent thing!

Xiao Ziling was also excited for a while, didn’t think so much.

There are too many treasures here, and there are not no items equivalent to sea gentian!

Looking at the dazzling array of Medicine Pills, Xiao Tianchu screamed in excitement.

“Su Changyu! When I go out, I will definitely kill you!”

These Medicine Pills are enough for Xiao Ziling to break through the Holy Realm!

Plus the treasures here…

After Xiao Ziling went out, I didn’t know how strong it would be!

If he gets the strongest treasure of the Heavenly Emperor, the Lotus Flower Platform and the Enlightenment Stone, then Xiao Ziling will be even more incredible!

No wonder Xiao Ziling in the previous life can rise, this is all justified.

While looking for the Lotus flower platform, Xiao Ziling picked up the Medicine Pill on the table and stuffed it into his mouth!

Mao Ruo really saw this scene and hurriedly stopped it.

“Ziling, don’t eat it yet!”

She was from Su Changyu’s side, and of course she didn’t want Xiao Ziling’s Ascension strength so fast.

Su Changyu will be here soon, even though Xiao Ziling is no matter how Ascension, Ma Ruo really doesn’t believe that he can beat Su Changyu, but is it good to keep these things?

Anyway, they are all dying. Why waste so many good things before you die!

Xiao Ziling was taken aback, and threw the bottle of Medicine Pill in his hand to Mao Ruozhen, and said, “I gave you to me, I’m sorry, Ruozhen. You eat it quickly, that bottle of Medicine Pill is Tianmang beef tongue pill. You will definitely have a surprise if you eat it!”

Mao Ruo really caught the Medicine Pill, put it aside, and shook his head: “No, I don’t want it! Ziling, you can’t eat Medicine Pill blindly now! The medicine is just an aid! Your own Ascension is the most important thing!”

Seeing Mao Ruo really put Medicine Pill back again, Xiao Ziling’s heart was still moved.

I feel like I really picked up a treasure.

Mao Ruo is definitely not that kind of material woman!

At this moment, if you change to anyone, it is estimated that you will follow yourself crazy.

But if Mao really doesn’t, she can still keep a clear head, which shows that she doesn’t care about it at all!

“I know! But, if you want Ascension Realm, Medicine Pill is also indispensable! Those tianjiao who were born in a big family, do you think they are born as tianjiao? In fact, their talents are not much higher than others, they all rely on The family’s resources are piled up and the panacea is used to force the Ascension. This is why the big family often appears Tianjiao! With the support of so many geniuses and treasures, as long as it is not a waste, it will definitely be able to achieve something!”

Mao Ruozhen said: “I know, but if you take such a way of eating, you will overwhelm your own body! It’s three-point poison!”

Mao Ruo is really caring about his own body! ?

Xiao Ziling felt warm, and immediately walked up to hold Mao Ruozhen in his arms.

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