Chapter 430

“How… how is it possible!”

Knowing the truth of the matter, Xiao Ziling’s heart was broken!


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value is increased by 30,000!

Xiao Ziling didn’t believe it, and asked Mao Ruozhen again, “If it is true, you tell me this is not true! You are lying to me, right?”

“He didn’t lie to you!”

At this moment, a dark shadow appeared outside the door!

That dark shadow, with a wing growing behind it, slowly flew towards this side!

The distance is getting closer, and the appearance of the black shadow slowly becomes clear!

Seeing this person, Xiao Ziling was shocked and angry!

“Su Changyu!? You… why are you here?”

Mao Ruo really smiled and said, “Of course I told him!”

“well done!”

Su Changyu raised a hand and stretched it toward Mao Ruozhen.

Mao Ruo really cleverly came to Su Changyu’s side and nestled under Su Changyu’s arm.

Su Changyu played with Ma Ruozhen’s ears smoothly.

“Sister Cat, this time, I really worked hard for you. Wait a minute, you can choose all the treasures out there!”

“Thank you, Master!”

Mao Ruozhen smiled flatteringly, and hugged Su Changyu tighter!

She glanced at the Seven Treasure Wings behind Su Changyu, and said, “Congratulations, Master, congratulations, Master. The master has finally refined the Seven Treasure Wings!”

Su Changyu shook his head, “No, it’s a bit too close. Unfortunately, the profound spirit is not enough! Fortunately, there is still a stone of enlightenment here! In this case, the other wing will be lost!”

The mysterious spirit machine obtained earlier was only enough for Su Changyu to fuse one wing.

After experiments, Su Changyu has confirmed that the Xuan Ling Ji is indeed effective!

The Seven Treasures Divine Wing, under the influence of the mysterious spirit machine, has completely integrated into Su Changyu’s body, and also has a sense of autonomy, which is tied to Su Changyu’s consciousness.

It is equivalent to… a soul slave!

There is nothing to disobey Su Changyu’s order!

Su Changyu can take the wings into his body at will, just like Ye Fan.

Moreover, since the Seven Treasures Divine Wings are activated and awakened, this Seven Treasure Divine Wings are the real Seven Treasures Divine Wings!

It can continue to evolve!

The Eight Treasure Divine Wings and the Nine Treasure Divine Wings are all promising!

Su Changyu’s wings flapped twice, and he turned to look. Now, he can control this wing like an arm’s finger. As long as he obtains another mysterious magic machine, the pair of Seven Treasure Divine Wings will be completely grafted by Su Changyu. On yourself!

It’s perfect!


Xiao Ziling was about to explode with anger when he saw Mao Ruo really treat Su Changyu.

But what shocked him and couldn’t believe it was that Mao Ruozhen was called Master Su Changyu!


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value will be increased by 20000!


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value is increased by 22000!


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value is increased by 18000!

In Su Changyu’s system, prompts sounded one after another.

This made Su Changyu couldn’t help but look at Xiao Ziling. At this moment, Xiao Ziling’s chest was already as angry as a blower, and he fell together and fell together…

His face was green with anger!

“Oh, you are angry? Don’t be angry. Xiao Ziling, you can’t blame others, you can only blame yourself!” Su Changyu laughed mockingly.

Mao Ruozhen on the side also showed a mocking look, “Master, this guy is really stupid, if it wasn’t for the master’s order, I really don’t want to stay with him for a moment!”

Xiao Ziling gritted her teeth, her body trembling, “If it is true, you… your feelings for me are… all false?”

“I bother!”

Mao Ruozhen said with a disgusting expression: “How do you feel about you? You really dare to think about it! Do you think it depends on you, do you deserve it?”

Xiao Ziling clenched his fists and asked, “So…so…so the one who betrayed me is actually you, not…not Shangguanxue…”

Su Changyu smiled and said: “You are wrong about this if it is true! She really didn’t betray you! This is because those guys have soul marks in their bodies and can perceive your specific position. In fact, you betrayed yourself. ! However, it is true that the cat sister has been telling me about it all the time!”

“So… so… this is all fake? Are you lying to me?”

Xiao Ziling staggered two steps! The voice can still be kept normal, but The next moment, he screamed out frantically!

“So! It’s all lie to me! Isn’t it—”

Mao Ruo really sneered, “Don’t shout so loudly! If you are deceived, you will be deceived. Take a lesson, next life, don’t be so lustful!”

The necklace sighed, this time, he also looked away!

He really thought Mao Ruozhen’s feelings for Xiao Ziling were true!

Unexpectedly, it was a trap!

“Ziling…you lost in the hands of a woman in your life! I’ve said it a long time ago…”

Before the necklace was finished, Xiao Ziling roared, “Who said I lost! I didn’t lose! Su Changyu, today you must die!”


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value will be increased by 20000!


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value is increased by 30,000!


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value is increased by 35000!

Xiao Ziling’s hatred for Su Changyu is rising wildly!

However, this is what Su Changyu loves most!

Before killing Xiao Ziling, he could cut a wave of leeks. It’s worth it!

It’s not in vain to spend so much time and effort, the final harvest is still very worthwhile!

Xiao Ziling suddenly turned into a black tiger!

This tiger is condensed from pure extinguishing aura, lifelike, mighty and domineering!

The fierce tiger flew towards Su Changyu, accompanied by a deep and deep tiger roar!

Su Changyu sneered and didn’t put the other person To put in one’s eyes!

With a flap of wings behind his back, countless feathers flew out!

This is the trick Ye Fan once used against Su Changyu!

Moreover, Su Changyu was almost killed by this trick!

Bone spurs!

The feathers are as fast as the aurora, and they shoot into the black tiger’s body instantly!

Puff puff puff…

Just listening to a series of explosive sounds, the black tiger instantly became a sieve!

When he threw himself in front of Su Changyu, he was already full of holes and deformed!

Su Changyu sent out with a fluttering palm, and the tiger suddenly collapsed and turned into nothingness!

And over there, Xiao Ziling fell out of the void, with a hint of bright red overflowing from the corner of his mouth!

Su Changyu smiled and said, “Yes, you are still very good at it. This bone spur and a palm of mine could not kill you! Your vitality is very tenacious!”

“Su…Su Changyu…”

Xiao Ziling looked at Su Changyu unwillingly, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, “I won’t die! It’s you who died—”

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