Chapter 427

Over the years, the heart of the bone emperor has long been fused with Su Changyu’s body!

Become a part of Su Changyu’s body!

Strictly speaking, Su Changyu has only one knowledge of the sea!

However, Su Changyu has two hearts. Sometimes, the heart of the bone emperor will give birth to consciousness and talk to Su Changyu!

It’s the so-called “good thoughts”!

This situation often occurs when the Bone Emperor’s Heart is just connected to the body!

However, as the bone emperor’s heart fits perfectly with Su Changyu’s body, the number of occurrences of this situation decreases.

In recent years, Su Changyu basically didn’t use Bone Emperor’s power very much, but that doesn’t mean he can’t use it!

The bone emperor has the world in his heart, fraternity in his heart, contrary to the devil’s heart!

This creates two consciousnesses!

It is impossible for two consciousnesses to exist in the sea of ​​consciousness, otherwise, the devil energy and the breath of the bone emperor are incompatible, and problems will occur in the sea of ​​consciousness sooner or later.

Later, the heart of the bone emperor spawned a sea of ​​consciousness, dedicated to storing the breath of the bone emperor!

This Sea of ​​Consciousness was not incidental to Su Changyu’s body, but was “created” by the Bone Emperor’s Heart!

Su Changyu basically never used this sea of ​​consciousness.

This knowledge of the sea is not important to Su Changyu either.

Just now, when the annihilation Heavenly Emperor planted the soul seal on Su Changyu, Su Changyu brought out this sea of ​​consciousness.

Rao is a suspiciously obliterated Heavenly Emperor, and without any doubt, he directly planted the Emperor Seal in the Sea of ​​Bone Emperor Consciousness!

No one can doubt it.

Even the gods can’t think of it, Su Changyu has two seas of consciousness in his body!

However, if the Heavenly Emperor is obliterated and observed carefully, he will definitely be able to see through this fake “sea of ​​consciousness”! After all, it is not a real sea of ​​knowledge, there are still some differences in more or less.

So, how can he control Su Changyu if he planted the wrong soul mark of the sea of ​​knowledge?

Annihilation Heavenly Emperor is right, the emperor seal is indeed difficult to remove, even the bone emperor’s breath, failed to annihilate the immortal soul imprint planted by the Heavenly Emperor!

But it is not important, as long as the soul seal is not in the sea of ​​knowledge, it will not be able to exert its power!

As long as Su Changyu killed the Heavenly Emperor, then the soul seal would naturally disappear!

Or, you can kill Xiao Ziling.

“Double knowledge of the sea?”

“It’s not just Double Consciousness Sea, I still have two hearts! Alright, it’s useless to tell you these things, go on the road obediently, don’t worry, your heirs will come to accompany you soon!”

The blood-red light swept out, and the Heavenly Emperor hurriedly shot the annihilation mirror image in front of him.

Facing the remnant soul of heaven and earth, Su Changyu did not dare to underestimate the enemy’s carelessness, and directly showed his trump card!

Dark sky source!

“You…you are crazy! This place will be destroyed by you!”

As soon as the dark sky source appeared, the Heavenly Emperor immediately realized the seriousness of the matter!

The devilish energy contained in this dark source is simply hairy!

This thing can definitely destroy this place easily!

“Huh! Chaos space, can’t kill me!”

“You are too arrogant! The Chaos Beast can’t stop even the Immortal Emperor! Do you think you can survive with your two or two devilish energy?”

“Chaotic Beast?”

Su Changyu has never heard of this stuff before!

“Kid, listen! Let’s fight, it’s not good for anyone! In this way, you and I will step back! I’ll give you…”

“Can’t do it!”

Su Changyu is very vengeful!

Also very cautious!

This old guy lied to himself once, and Su Changyu would never even believe the other’s punctuation marks from now on!

No one can lie to Su Changyu twice!

Seeing Su Changyu looking desperately, the Heavenly Emperor was gone, he turned around and got into the space channel, and entered the secret realm!

It is him that Su Changyu wants to kill. As long as he runs away, Su Changyu will not be stupid enough to destroy the secret realm node!

He will definitely chase the secret realm!

Looking at the Heavenly Emperor disappearing in the space channel, Su Changyu did not rush to chase in, but sat cross-legged on the ground!


He has to study this stuff first!

Anyway, he is now holding the exit, no one can think of it!

Not in a hurry!

Play slowly!

Su Changyu disappeared in place, and the next moment entered the earth world together with his body.


The founding Yuan inspired by Su Changyu’s arrival, immediately led people to fly over.

Su Changyu nodded and asked, “What about the seven-color wings I placed here before?”

“I have accepted Heaven Court, Master, please follow me.”

Heaven Court has just been established and it is not perfect yet.

At present, the demons of the earth are dancing wildly, and all parties are in turmoil.

In the east, there are ancient fierce beasts that dominate one side, and there are three dragons in the south…

Because the founding Yuanling accepted three apprentices, and his three apprentices spread the Fa in four directions, many creatures have learned the spells, and they went astray because they were not right in their minds!

Because the world has just opened up, opportunities are everywhere!

For example, if Su Changyu’s remaining magical energy is swallowed by a certain Demonic Beasts, it will be amazing!

This is Heavenly Dao breath!

If that Demonic Beasts knows a few more spells, it will be even more invincible!

Even if Yuanshi Tianzun made a move, he might not be able to win it!

And if the fierce beast recruits the younger brother and teaches spells, the evil forces will spread even more and faster.

This is an important part of the evolution of the world. Evil is also the driving force for the growth of the world!

If the world is peaceful, there will be no competition and no pressure.

Therefore, Su Changyu would not intervene in the affairs of this world, he even ordered the founding Yuan Ling not to intervene!

Founder Yuan Ling is too heaven-defying, he is the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, in the earth world, no creature will be his opponent!

It would be too boring if he interfered.

At most, only the characters of the Sanqing level can do it.

The disciple and grandson of the founding Yuanling, Nuwa, proposed the rules of heaven. Heaven Court has just been established, and some Magic Treasures are needed to “town hall” to demonstrate the power of Heaven Court!

The Qibao Divine Wing was taken by the founding Yuan Ling and hung in the Heaven Court.

Su Changyu followed to the Heaven Court. Not to mention, it was built in a similar way. Although it was just completed, it was already quite large and not as crude as Su Changyu had imagined.

Tianhe has also been built, but Tianshui has not been poured in yet.

Su Changyu walked around and looked at the flowers and came to the Ling Xiao Hall.

The Jade Emperor has not yet been selected, so in the Ling Xiao Palace, there are only the founder Yuan Ling and San Qing veterans.

“Master, Qibao Divine Wing!”

Old Ancestor Hongjun followed Lu Ya Daoist from left to right, and carried in the Qibao Divine Wing.

“You all go down.”

Su Changyu took out the jar containing the mysterious spirit machine, and asked the ancestor Hongjun and Daoist to place the Qibao Divine Wing in front of them.

Founder Yuan Ling responded and led the crowd to leave the Ling Xiao Palace.

Su Changyu raised his hand, and he sucked the pair of wings.

This wing has become a dead thing, without Spiritual Sense, so I don’t know how to resist.

This reduced Su Changyu’s troubles to a certain extent.

However, Su Changyu does not want this thing to become a dead thing!

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