"The Wind Wolf Clan seems to be one of the Monster Race races unique to Zhongzhou!"

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Ye Fan temporarily settled down on Fengling Island. The Wind Wolf tribe here was quite friendly to him. Of course, this was also because Ye Fan was more generous and gave away a lot of spiritual wine.

"Ye Fellow Daoist."

That evening, Feng Wei came to visit Ye Fan, looking a little lonely.

"Brother Feng, is a war about to break out?"

Ye Fan knew at a glance that something big was going to happen. This day's incompetence was the war that the leader of the Wind Wolf Clan had mentioned before.

"Yes, the war will start tomorrow. I don't know if I will have a chance to have a drink with Brother Ye again."

Fengwei sighed slightly.

Obviously this kind of racial war is extremely fierce, and Feng Wei is only a demon infant in its early stages of cultivation, so he obviously wants to participate in the war.

"Brother Feng, this is a Rank Five spiritual talisman, just give it to Brother Feng."

Ye Fan thought for a while, took out a Rank Five sword talisman and gave it to Feng Wei.

"Thank you, Brother Ye. With this talisman, maybe I can escape the disaster."

Feng Wei was overjoyed at the sight and solemnly handed over to Ye Fan.

"Brother Feng, you don't have to be polite. I hope we can still drink together after the war."


Feng Wei left with a hint of expectation. Ye Fan was silent for a long time, sighed slightly, shook his head, turned around and walked into the Cave Mansion.

In the early morning of the next day, the war came as promised.

Early in the morning, the Wind Wolf clan gathered tens of thousands of people and walked down the mountain.

Ye Fan watched them leave and thought for a while before following them.

He turned back to the Cave Mansion and continued his retreat.

Feng Wei and the others had been away for two full months.

It wasn't until two months later that Ye Fan heard something going on outside and felt something was wrong, so he came out to check what was going on.

"What's going on~.?"

Ye Fan grabbed a panicked Wind Wolf tribesman and asked.

"Mr. Ye, our clan has been defeated!"

This man from the Wind Wolf Tribe only had the cultivation level of Foundation Building, and said with a panicked look: "News came from the front line that our tribe was defeated. Now the enemy is heading deep into the hinterland of our tribe, trying to annihilate us in one fell swoop."


Ye Fan was taken aback and started thinking with twinkling eyes.

In his opinion, the Wind Wolf clan has hundreds of strong people in the demon infant stage, and even dozens of strong people in the demon god stage. As for the Core Formation and Foundation Building Stage tribesmen, there are even more countless people.

Such a powerful race could be defeated at the drop of a hat.

Moreover, the enemy also came to knock on the door.

“It seems that Zhongzhou’s overall strength is more than one level stronger than Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World.

Lingdao has such a powerful force, and the strength of Zhongzhou can be imagined.

However, the battle here seems to be much more intense than in Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World.

In Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World, at least on the surface, there are few fights among the major sects.

Even between humans and Monster Race, only those with average strength will fight.

"Although Zhongzhou's resources are more abundant, competition is also more intense. This may be the reason for the intensified fighting."

While Ye Fan was thinking about it, a tired voice came from far away.

"Brother Ye, leave with me."

It turned out that Feng Wei was back, and all he could see were scars all over his body. He was obviously seriously injured. Fortunately, his breath was still stable, and his life was not in danger for the time being.

"Brother Feng, are you okay?"

"It's okay. Fortunately, the Rank Five talisman you gave me helped me escape a few times."

Feng Wei said to Ye Fan in shock: "Brother Ye, the enemy is coming, let's run away!"


Behind the two people, shrill howls continued to be heard. It was obvious that the people of the Wind Wolf Clan were undergoing a brutal pursuit.

The person who came was none other than a well-known strong man from the enemy named Tai Mang (Wang Lihao), who was in the middle stage of Demon God level.

"what is going on?"

Ye Fan's voice appeared next to his ears, and the two of them looked at each other, making a secret decision.

He didn't place anything valuable in Cave Mansion and left directly with Feng Wei.

"Not bad, you were able to escape my sneak attack!"

A deep voice appeared in front of them.

"I don't know, if you can escape with your life now, you've earned it."

Ye had no fear on his face and summoned his purple and green swords, preparing to fight Tai Zongfa to the death.

"Then where are we going to escape to?" Ye Fan frowned.

Feng Wei was completely helpless, and he only focused on escaping deep into the mountains.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Only then did he remember that Ye Fan was still in front, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Human boy, why do you appear on Fengling Island?"

After Tai Mang finished speaking, he was ready to start something private.

At this time, Feng Wei let out a panicked roar and retreated hundreds of meters.

He didn't know if the Zhongzhou human race would be better off. If so, it would be really troublesome.

"Really?" Tai Mang's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

"Senior, this junior is from the Eastern Domain. He was caught in a space storm during the teleportation process and ended up on Fengling Island.

Ye Fan has a deeper understanding of the situation in Zhongzhou.

"The strong demon god!"

Immediately, a majestic figure appeared in front of them as if teleporting.

Feng Wei shook his head, obviously the situation of the Wind Wolf Clan was extremely bad.

On the way, Ye Fan couldn't help but ask.

"not good!"

"¯||It's so tragic!"

"Well, boy from the human race, you are out of luck. I don't care whether what you say is true or false. In short, you are now with the boy from the Wind Wolf clan, so you can only consider yourself out of luck.

Feng Wei's face turned pale.

Ye Fan thought for a while, and that was all he could do.

Tai Mang looked at Ye Fan, a little surprised.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the other party actually invited several other powerful clans nearby. Someone on our side betrayed us, which made us suffer from enemies from both sides. We were defeated after a short period of persistence. Even the clan leader, 11B..."

"Brother Feng, don't worry!"

Ye Fan bowed his hand to Tai Mang.

"If that's the case, then you're welcome, junior!"

"Brother Ye!"

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