"Human boy, you are so brave!"

Tai Mang was somewhat impressed when he saw that Ye Fan showed no fear and looked like he wanted to compete with him.

"Feng Wei, relax, I'll take you to a safe place."

Ye Fan said something to the desperate Feng Wei, and then put it into the Void Tower.

"Hey, you have a portable Cave Mansion?"

Tai Mang was a little surprised. He had obviously guessed the meaning of Ye Fan's move, and his eyes became hot at the same time.

You know, even in the prosperous Zhongzhou of Immortal Dao, portable Cave Mansion is extremely rare.

"Senior, I'm offended!"

After Ye Fan finished speaking, he already activated the purple and green swords and attacked Tai Mang.

"How brave!"

Tai Mang was frightened and angry, and his head was almost cut off due to an accident.

A fight broke out between the two.

However, to Tai Mang's expectation, he did not take advantage at all. Instead, he was in danger and fell into a disadvantage.

The human race in front of him was extremely powerful, and his swordsmanship was even more exquisite. He relied on the power of the fairy sword to completely suppress him.


Tai Mang felt bad, turned around and ran away.

But the next moment, a dangerous warning sign suddenly appeared in his mind.

Immediately, a strange beast appeared beside him silently and attacked him.

"Chaos beast? This is impossible!"

What appeared next to Tai Mang was a Divine Level Chaos Thunder Beast.

Under attack from two sides, Tai Mang's figure was in a miserable state, with many injuries on his body.

"help me!"

As a last resort, Tai Mang sent a distress signal to his companions, but unfortunately it was too late.

He was eventually captured by Ye Fan.

Ye Fan threw Tai Mang into his system space and ignored it for the time being.

At this time, two more Monster Race experts appeared nearby, both of whom were in the middle stage of the Demon God stage. They were summoned by Tai Mang.

Ye Fan followed suit and once again captured these two demon-god powerhouses.

"The Wind Wolf Clan has treated me well, so let's save as many people as possible.

Ye Fan's eyes flashed and he transferred Feng Wei out of the Void Tower again.

"Brother Ye, what about the Great Monster?"

"I captured him alive. Brother Feng, let's go back and rescue people."

After Ye Fan finished speaking, he took Feng Wei back, saving many little demons from the Wind Wolf tribe along the way.

If you encounter enemies of the Wind Wolf Clan, they will all be captured.

It's a pity that the Wind Wolf clan's great defeat has dispersed all the clan members.

Although Ye Fan showed his talents, he only saved more than a thousand people from the Fenglang tribe.

On the contrary, the number of strong men from other tribes captured by him reached as many as two thousand.

Most of them are strong men in the demon infant stage, and there are also dozens of demon gods.

"Brother Feng, I still have something important to do, so I can only help you here."

In the Void Tower, Ye Fan said to Feng Wei apologetically.

"Brother Ye, you have helped us a lot, but Fengling Island no longer has a place for my clan. Can these members of my clan live here temporarily?

Feng Wei said sadly.

"No problem. After you leave here, if there is a suitable habitat, I will help you resettle it."

Ye Fan agreed immediately.

In the evening, Ye Fan and Feng Wei, who had left Fengling Island, were standing on the heights of an unnamed island, looking towards the east.

"Yes, but it's not good."

Ye Fan thought for a while and agreed.

"Nothing important at the moment, I just came here for a walk."

"Thank you, Brother Ye!"

"Brother Ye, this area is still far away from the core area of ​​Zhongzhou. If Brother Ye wants to go to the core area of ​​Zhongzhou, I'm afraid he will have to find a large human cultivation city nearby and use the teleportation array there to conduct multiple long-distance teleportations."

"Okay, sir, I'm in Peaceful Cloud City, but what's the matter?"

Feng Wei thought for a while and said: "Let's leave Monster Race's territory first, and then go look for it after we reach the human race's sphere of influence.

"All right.

"Brother Feng, is there a faster and more convenient means of transportation that can take us to Lingxi City?"

What Ye Fan saw and heard on Fengling Island before was a bloody example.

Two days later, Ye Fan controlled the Void Tower and came to the outside of a small human town.

"The nearest large human cultivation city is called Lingxi City. It is a large cultivation city under the control of the second-rate human sect Lingxi Sect. It has a population of tens of millions and is still a million miles away from our current location."

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Not to mention the battle between the human race and the monster race here, the battle within the human race or within the Monster Race is also extremely fierce.

A middle-aged man with a stubble on his face and a slightly downcast appearance came to Ye Fan and recommended him emphatically.

"Haha, Brother Feng, you're welcome."

In this way, Ye Fan led a group of people from the Wind Wolf clan and left Fengling Island by controlling the Void Tower.

Ye Fan murmured to himself, inevitably a little shocked.

Therefore, he became low-key again, used a Law Weapon mask to transform himself into an unremarkable man in his thirties, and strode into Peaceful Cloud City.

"Young Master is entering the city for the first time. Do you need someone to guide you? The villain Lu Zhongde only needs one Middle Grade spirit stone to serve the Young Master for ten days.

"Okay, okay, sir!"

After paying a Middle Grade spirit stone and registering simple personal information, Ye Fan successfully entered Peaceful Cloud City.

After Ye Fan reaches the human race's sphere of influence, it will be difficult for Feng Wei to come out.

The two of them talked as they walked.

"Okay, you can follow me first."

Lu Zhongde led the way diligently, and Ye Fan flashed a sneer on his face and followed him forward.

"According to what Feng Wei said, this city seems to be called Peaceful Cloud City, and it is a small city with a population of only a few hundred thousand. I might as well go here to ask first.

Ye Fan glanced at Lu Zhongde with a half-smile, "Let's find a better inn and stay there.

At the speed of the Void Tower, if you slowly fly from here to Lingxi City, it will take at least a month or two.

Ye Fan nodded. Fortunately, he knew that Fengling Island was not far away from the human forces.

"A million miles away? Zhongzhou is really vast."

(cjfc) Feng Wei introduced the general situation of the neighborhood to Ye Fan.

After all, Zhongzhou is not as peaceful as Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World.

Seemingly inadvertently, Lu Zhongde made an inconspicuous gesture with his hand behind his back.

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