"What a bad luck!"

On an unknown island, Ye Fan was lying on the beach with scars all over his body. It took a long time for him to recover.

He stood up with difficulty and looked at the island.

I saw a group of demon birds suddenly flying away from the beach with a "pounce".

After some investigation with his spiritual mind, Ye Fan discovered that there seemed to be no trace of human beings on this island.

On the contrary, there are a lot of Monsters, densely covering the entire island.

During this ultra-long-distance teleportation, something unexpected happened, causing six people to be involved in a space storm.

If Ye Fan hadn't refined tens of thousands of Jie Jie puppets in his body, and he was a Body Refining monk himself, I'm afraid he would have died by now.

As for the other five companions, Yuan Qingge and Luo Yu may be fine. After all, they seem to have many ways to save their lives. As for the others, it is hard to say.

Ye Fan took an excellent healing elixir, and the injuries in his body gradually improved.

He rested for three days and finally allowed himself to basically recover from his injuries.

"What kind of place is this? I wonder if it's Zhongzhou?"

Ye Fan got up and prepared to explore the island.

After walking a few miles, he encountered a group of monsters that looked like wolves but were not wolves at the entrance of a forest. It seemed that they were a unique race here.

"Human race, why did you break into Fengling Island for no reason?"

The strength of this group of Monsters was average, and the leader was a demon wolf in the early stage of a demon infant, speaking in human language.

"Oh, I didn't intentionally break into Fengling Island, but I was accidentally involved in a space storm during the space teleportation process, and that's why I appeared here."

Ye Fan said with a bitter smile.

"Space storm?"

The leader of the demon wolf frowned, as if he didn't believe it.

After all, Ye Fan's cultivation level is only Core Formation Late Stage, and the chance of surviving the space storm is almost zero.

"This is indeed the case. I only managed to save my life because I had a few ways to save my life. However, I also suffered a lot of injuries. I have been recuperating on Fengling Island for a while before I recovered."

Ye Fan bowed his hands to the demon wolves and said politely.

"I see."

The leader of the demon wolf looked thoughtful, as if he couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

"Brother, does this place belong to Zhongzhou?"

"It can be considered Zhongzhou, but our Fengling Island is located on the edge of Zhongzhou, not far from the Western Region."

"No way!"

Ye Fan had a headache. He knew that Zhongzhou was vast, but he didn't know how far away it was from the edge of Zhongzhou to its core area.

"Human race, since you are living on Fengling Island, you have no choice but to break the rules. So, come with me and I will take you to see the leader of our clan!"

The leader of the demon wolf thought for a long time and finally made a decision.

"Thank you very much!"

Ye Fan saw that the demon wolf seemed to be relatively easy to talk to, so he smiled at it.

On the way, Ye Fan also quietly stuffed Feng Wei into a small storage bag, which also contained dozens of pots of Wannian Spiritual Wine.

"No, it's from the Eastern Domain!"

"Haha, thank you very much. Human race, what's your name?"

"Ye Fan! Feng Fellow Daoist, Lao Feng Daoist has been born during this period."

The so-called cannibal is short-tongued. He didn't want to cause any trouble on Fengling Island, so he simply gave a heavy gift so that the old demon wolf could sincerely help him later.

After the demon wolf in the demon infant stage whispered a few words in the ear of the demon wolf in the demon god Late Stage, the demon wolf in the demon god Late Stage looked at Ye Fan deeply.

Demon God Late Stage Demon Wolf was shocked. After all, the Eastern Domain is quite far away from Zhongzhou, and there is the Tiandu Desert in between. They can only communicate with each other through a few ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays.

Ye Fan thought for a while and decided to tell the truth.

"This Cave Mansion used to be the Cave Mansion where a human Alchemist that our clan spent a lot of money to invite lived. Later, the human Alchemist left Fengling Island for something, and the Cave Mansion was abandoned. Little friend Just stay here for a while!"

Half a day later, Ye Fan was brought to a demon wolf in the late stage by this demon wolf in the infant demon stage.

Feng Wei gave some uneasy instructions, and then took Ye Fan to an abandoned Cave Mansion.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

"Good work!"

This Cave Mansion is located halfway up the mountain. Although it is abandoned, the facilities inside are very complete, and it is very similar to the human Cave Mansion.

"Yes, long."

"You're welcome, come with me!"

Feng Wei saluted the old 013 demon wolf, turned around and motioned for Ye Fan to follow it.

Demon God The demon wolf on the Late Stage looked a little embarrassed, but it seemed that he was not lying.

Ye Fan smiled and cupped his hands to Fengwei, and temporarily settled in the Cave Mansion.

Ye Fan followed closely behind the demon wolf.

The demon wolf took steps and flew towards the top of the mountain.


"Eastern Domain?"

"It's just a small matter, but in the next period of time, our clan and several powerful clans nearby are about to go to war. It's best for Ye Fellow Daoist not to run around. If anything happens, you can come to me.

"So that's the case, then I'm sorry to you, senior! This is a little thought from this junior, and I hope senior will accept it."

"Senior, this junior did not break into Fengling Island intentionally. It was because of an accident during the teleportation process that he was involved in a space storm. I wonder if the nobles can do a small favor and send this junior to the human race. territory."

"This is... Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Wine? Thank you very much, junior human race!"

Ye Fan nodded to Feng Wei, then bowed his hands to the old demon wolf, and then followed Feng Jie down the mountain.

"This is not impossible, but something has happened on Fengling Island now, and several powerful clans are about to start a war. If I send you out of our clan's territory at this time, I am afraid that accidents may easily happen, so you might as well stay in our clan's territory for the time being. Come down for a while, and after the war is over, I will send someone to take you away!"

"The leader of my clan lives on the top of the mountain. Come with me!"

"Okay, here's Brother Laofeng."

"Human race, are you from the Western Region?"

Ye Fan thought for a while, took out two hundred pots of ten thousand year spirit wine and gave them to the old demon wolf.

The old demon wolf seemed extremely happy. He glanced at Ye Fan with bright eyes and told the demon wolf in the infant demon stage beside him: "Feng Wei, find an uninhabited Cave Mansion and place this little human friend properly!"

Ye Fan followed the group of monster wolves towards the forest. After passing through this extremely vast forest, he appeared at the foot of a large mountain.

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