"Senior Huang, please!"

"Hey, Senior Lin, please have a few more drinks!"

"Haha, senior Ying, this junior is already a bit drunk, so I won't drink it after finishing this glass!"

In Yanwu Square, Ye Fan accompanied Wan Song to entertain the distinguished guests who came to watch the ceremony. At the same time, he secretly estimated that King Haijiao and the others would soon be discovered.

The earlier the Soul Formation of the Sea Clan such as Ying Dingchang is discovered, the less damage will be done to the Human Clan's territory.

After two sticks of incense, someone among the guests finally received the message.

"No, there is an invasion by the Sea Clan Soul Formation..."

Finally, the leader of Hanhai Sect, the first-class sect of the human race, Nascent Soul Late Stage monk Huo Xuchao suddenly stood up and shouted.

"Lao Huo, are you not mistaken? What is the Sea Clan Soul Formation Sixty?

Before an old man next to him finished speaking, he suddenly noticed more than ten terrifying auras rising into the sky.

It is the Soul Formation strongman of both human and demon clans who stayed in Xuanshuang Sect.

"Could it be that there really is a Sea Clan Soul Formation?"

The guests at the banquet stood up one after another in surprise.

"Finally found it!" Ye Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"What else are you eating? Come and take a look!"

Huo Xuchao roared, and many human Nascent Soul experts stood up one after another, followed him, and rushed towards the northwest.

"Wan Perfected Being, you stay in the sect and I'll go over and take a look."

Ye Fan also got up and left Xuan Shuang Sect.


Half an hour later, Ye Fan arrived near Qi Jue Valley.

What I saw along the way was simply shocking.

The destructive power of Soul Formation masters is really terrifying. In order to make the trick more realistic, Ying Dingchang and the others really resorted to death.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, there was almost no sign of life anywhere along the path of the five sea people Soul Formation.

That’s just the monks who were killed and injured. There may have been tens of millions of casualties among mortals.

"If I don't kill Boren, Boren will die because of me! Alas!"

Ye Fan stayed silent outside Qijue Valley for a long time before leaving and heading straight to Wanghai City.

He waited all day and night in Wanghai City.

Until the evening of the next day, a violent spiritual energy storm appeared in the sky far away from Wanghai City.

The chaotic spiritual energy accompanied by the violent sonic boom made the nearby monks feel an incomparable palpitation.

At this time, Wanghai City had naturally already activated the city defense formation.

The city guards were already on alert, preparing to meet the invading enemy, but this time the enemy was coming from the interior.

Ye Fan controlled the Void Tower to bypass Wanghai City's defensive formation and entered the waters of the South China Sea. Soon, he discovered something.

"Hai Jiao King, Beikun Fellow Daoist, hold on!"

A terrifying scene like a catastrophe suddenly appeared in the sky not far from Wanghai City.

A group of Soul Formation warriors from the Sea Clan finally discovered the identities of the two warring parties. They were immediately frightened and angry, and they all fled towards the land.

At this time, Ying Dingchang, Patriarch Beikun, Yuan Chenzi, Qin Changkong, and Mu Duo were all covered in blood and were dying.

This Sea Soul Soul Formation instantly appeared not far outside the Void Tower and began to search carefully.



"Yes, the aftermath of this battle is so strong that it seems most likely to be a Soul Formation-level battle. So, the human-monster clan has completely broken up?"

"Quick, hurry up and pick him up!"

It is roughly estimated that the Sea Clan can dispatch at least hundreds of Soul Formation-level sea monsters at a time. In terms of numbers, it can be said that it can completely crush both the human and demon clans...

The Soul Formation masters of the Sea Clan quickly fought against the masters of the human and demon tribes, and took advantage of the chaos to successfully take back Ying Dingchang's five demons.

These Sea Clan Soul Formation are obviously only a small part of the powerful Sea Clan, maybe less than 10%.

Ye Fan hid in the Void Tower and looked out, inevitably a little surprised.

"Who, who's there?"

At this time, there was greater movement from the direction of Wanghai City, attracting the attention of the Sea Clan Soul Formation.

Even if they refine more than one calamity puppet, it will be difficult for 3.2 to escape the calamity.

"That's...the Sea Dragon King! Are they still alive!?"

"What's going on? Why did such a violent battle erupt in the human territory? Is it possible that there was some conflict between the human and demon clans that led to a fight?"

"The number of strong men from the Sea Clan is indeed much greater than ours!"

"No! How can he be from our sea tribe!"

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

In the Void Tower, Ye Fan looked at the Sea Dragon King who had fallen into a coma and breathed a sigh of relief.

If Bai Ze hadn't secretly released the water, the five of them would have been besieged and perished long ago.

Among them, there are thirty to forty soul formation level sirens.

Ancestor Beikun! King of Sea Dragons!"


While these Sea Clan Soul Formation powerhouses were discussing, more Sea Clan powerhouses appeared nearby, and the number had reached hundreds.

Several soul formations from the sea tribe that Ye Fan didn't recognize were suspended in the air at an altitude of 10,000 meters, looking towards the land in confusion.

Ye Fan was distracted for a moment and failed to restrain his spiritual thoughts in time. After all, a Sea Clan Soul Formation was aware of it.

Because the location of the battle was still far away from here, these Sea Clan Soul Formation experts were unable to detect any clues.

I saw chaotic spiritual energy fluctuations dividing the entire sky into tiny ripples, and an extremely despicable roar suddenly sounded: "They are at the end of their strength, don't let them escape!"

"If there is internal strife between humans and monsters, that would be a good thing. In this way, we can divide and disintegrate their alliance. Maybe we can unite with the land Monster Race to destroy the human race in one fell swoop."

Therefore, it is simply a miracle that Ying Dingchang and the others can survive until now.

After all, the number of Soul Formations from the human and demon tribes was more than double that of theirs, and they were really chasing them. There were no less than seven or eight Soul Formation experts from the Monster Race who also joined in the pursuit.

"I feel something is wrong. They are also Soul Formation experts after all. How could they be so stupid? I'm afraid there is something fishy about this matter.

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