"There are many unreasonable things about these systems!"

In a certain room in the Xuan Shuang Sect's main hall, Ye Fan couldn't help but sigh after reading all the sect's regulations page by page.

"What are the unreasonable aspects that the deputy leader refers to?"

Xu Yingyue, who has reached the peak of Core Formation cultivation, couldn't help but ask.

She is now responsible for the chores in the deacon's palace.

"How should I put it? These regulations seem to be too harsh and exploitative for outer disciples and handyman disciples. Even ordinary Foundation Building elders are not having an easy life."

As soon as Ye Fan spoke, the expressions of several Core Formation monks present changed slightly. As for the Foundation Building monks, they all showed expressions of approval.

"This is unavoidable. After all, the ancestors of Nascent Soul and the monks of Core Formation are the foundation of a sect, and it is appropriate for resources to be appropriately tilted towards them.'

Xu Yingyue said thoughtfully.

"Is this an appropriate tilt? This is simply corruption." Ye Fan couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

A few years ago, he gave Zuijian Ancestor a large amount of resources.

But in the end, most of this resource is probably still in the pockets of the Nascent Soul monks and Core Formation ancestors, and the large number of outer disciples have hardly received a 29-salary salary increase in recent years, let alone the handyman disciples.

Of course, Zui Jian Ancestor cannot be entirely blamed for this. After all, he has to take care of the major affairs of the sect, so he has no time to take care of these trivial matters.

"The war between us and the Demon Race Sea Clan will only break out in more than a hundred years, or one or two hundred years later. At this time, if possible, we should try to improve the treatment of the lower-level disciples and strive to allow more disciples to rise up! "

"Otherwise, once the Human-Monster Alliance is defeated, it is still unknown whether our Xuanshuang Sect can still exist. Therefore, I think we can no longer be stingy with resources at this time.

Ye Fan said slowly.

"Of course this is possible, but...Xu Ying'er said it rightly.

"Haha, uncles can rest assured that the treatment of everyone will not decrease and will be moderately improved. It is just that the treatment of the outer disciples and handyman disciples will be slightly improved. Of course, the treatment of the inner disciples and true disciples will be slightly improved. The same goes for disciples.”

Ye Fan knows that it is best not to touch the interests of too many people, otherwise there will inevitably be resistance, and the people who resist are often high-ranking people.

Once these people collectively oppose it, it will be difficult to carry out reform.

"The deputy head's idea is naturally good, but resources are limited. How to achieve what the deputy head said is probably a difficult problem!"

Su Zhanhao, another Core Formation elder who holds real power in the Xuanshuang Sect, said in embarrassment.

"This is indeed a problem!"

Ye Fan frowned. The upper class had basically divided up the resources, leaving too little for the disciples at the bottom.

The landlord’s family has no food left!

He sighed inwardly, and after hesitating for a moment, he took out something from the system space.

"You try to auction this thing, and the spiritual stones obtained can be used to improve the treatment of the sect disciples!"

"Hiss! Red gold!"

Xu Yingyue, Su Zhanhao and other Core Formation monks all took a breath.

Such a large piece of red gold could be sold for tens of millions of High Grade spiritual stones.

"Is it enough?"

Ye Fan asked with a half-smile.

"That's enough, it can last a long time!"

Su Zhanhao swallowed a mouthful of saliva and replied with a smile.

"Master, can we buy the spiritual stones ourselves?"

Xu Yingyue stared at the red gold in Ye Fan's hand with longing eyes.

A few days later, a series of reform measures of Xuanshuang Sect were announced one after another, which immediately attracted the attention of many low-level disciples.

Ye Fan said solemnly: "What's more, we have to face a catastrophe in the near future! I hope the changes now are not too late!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Ye Fan nodded and handed the red gold to Xu Yingyue.

"Not only that, it says that in the future, disciples can go to the Alchemy Palace to buy ten Foundation Building Pills [Song Kang's Hundred Thousand Low Grade Spirit Cloth] at any time, but each disciple can only buy the first one at most!"

Ye Fan asked with a smile again.

"Can the sect's contribution value be owed on credit? The maximum sect's contribution value can be owed on credit is 10,000? In special circumstances, with the approval of the leader, more can be owed on credit?"

For a time, more and more disciples stood in front of the notice, talking endlessly.

"In the future, as long as your cultivation level reaches the peak of Qi Refining, you can receive a Foundation Building Pill for free?"

"We have no objection, everything depends on the leader!"

Several other Core Formation elders also had the same idea, waiting for Ye Fan's answer.

"The sect's big competition and the sect's small competition, whoever wins ten games in a row will be rewarded with one thousand Middle Grade spirit stones?"

If she can add a little red gold to her natal Law Treasure, there should be a good chance that she can be promoted to Spirit Treasure.


"Ancestor used to take care of the sect's major affairs, how could he have so much time and energy? The sect's high-level monks were living a good life, and naturally they would not want to change the status quo. However, these low-level disciples, including the handymen, Disciples are the true foundation of a sect. If they keep floating at the bottom, they will never rise up. As time goes by, this sect will decline sooner or later."

Drunk Sword Ancestor shook his head reproachfully.

"Well, this matter has been settled for the time being. I will discuss it with the leader and all the ancestors. If there are no big problems, we will prepare to implement it!"

Ye Fan glanced at everyone with twinkling eyes.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

"I see, Deputy Head Ye is really kind to us!"

The faces of several Core Formation ancestors were all filled with smiles. They were the first to win, and such a large piece of red gold was enough for each of them to upgrade their Law Treasure to Spirit Treasure, and there were even a lot left over. few.

Xu Yingyue, Su Zhanhao and other Core Formation elders said in unison.

"This is natural. Deputy Head Ye was also a disciple of the outer sect before, so he understands our suffering."

Since the reform does not affect their interests anyway, why would they bother to be bad guys?

"Is this a benefit that the new head gives to us poor disciples?"

Two disciples on the sixth level of Qi Refining stood behind the crowd and whispered, completely unaware that Ye Fan and Zui Jian Patriarch were standing behind them.

"Of course! If our ancestor needs it, he can buy it at 20% off the market price. However, the required spiritual stones must not be less."

Early that morning, at the entrance of the Xuanshuang Sect's main hall, a notice that had just been posted attracted the attention of many disciples. The content on the notice made these usually bitter disciples angry.

When the time comes, if you put it up for auction, you might be able to earn a lot of commission.

"I heard that the new leader doesn't take care of things very much. This is a policy specially proposed by Deputy Leader Ye to take care of us. By the way, it seems to be called reform, that's the word."

"It was my mistake, I didn't notice this before.

"Are there any rewards for improving your cultivation? The big realm will reward you with 10,000 Low Grade spiritual stones, and the small realm will reward you with 1,000 Low Grade spiritual stones? Oh my God, am I dreaming?"

"That's great!"

The two of them looked at the sea of ​​clouds opposite the sect hall and didn't speak for a long time.

"Do you have any other opinions on the sect's system reform?"

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