Fantasy: I, The Longevity Body, Have Survived Ten Generations Of Geniuses

Chapter 2095: One General’S Success And Ten Thousand Bones Withered

"Senior Brother Ye, we should be the ones to invite him!"

Cao Wei scratched his head in embarrassment.

"No, no, I know how to brew spiritual wine myself. There is no need to buy it. Besides, it's just a few pots of spiritual wine. Why are you being polite to me?"

Ye Fan laughed, and walked arm-in-arm with Cao Wei into a Cave Mansion in Yingbin Building.

After having a drink, Ye Fan had a preliminary understanding of the four people's characters and was quite satisfied with them.

He is smooth but not cunning, and his abilities are quite good. If he is well cultivated, he should be able to stand alone in the future.

More than an hour later, Ye Fan sent Cao Wei and the others away, who were already slightly drunk, and stayed alone in the Cave Mansion sighing.

There was a communication talisman in his hand, and Ye Fan was a little hesitant to send a message to Ying Dingchang and the others now.

Once he activates the communication talisman, Ying Dingchang and the other five Monster Race Soul Formations will immediately rush out from Qijue Valley and head towards the South China Sea.

At that time, the human monks and mortals along the way will inevitably suffer unreasonable disasters.

But in order to make the play more realistic, Ye Fan could only sacrifice these innocent monks and mortals.

"Alas, one general's success can lead to the death of thousands of bones!"

Ye Fan now somewhat understands the difficulties of being a general.

Compassion does not control soldiers. This is an eternal truth.

"That's all, let's wait until tomorrow!"

After a long time, Ye Fan finally put away the communication talisman, turned around and left the Cave Mansion.

In the early morning of the next day, under the Heaven-Connecting Peak of Xuan Shuang Sect, in Houwu Square.

All the members of the Xuanshuang Sect, from Yang Yibing down to a few new disciples who had just started the school for a few days, came to Yanwu Square early.

Today is the ceremony to take over the new head of Xuan Shuang Sect. Even the disciples who were punished at the Penitence Peak were sent to Yanwu Square to witness this scene.

All members of the Xuanshuang Sect were dressed in formal attire, looking solemn and solemn.

More than a dozen representatives of Monster Race Soul Formation and Cangxuan Immortal Cultivation World human race stood quietly on the outside of the square to watch the ceremony.

The sea of ​​clouds surged in the distance, and a ray of glow shone through the clouds on Yanwu Square, raising a purple auspiciousness.

Yang Yiti, who stood at the front of the crowd with a serious expression, took the lead in singing a sacrificial song composed by ancestor Xuan Shuang himself in the past.

"The dark moon is frosty, thousands of mountains are snowing at dusk... How can I say that I have no clothes, and I share the same robe with you...... My eyes are thousands of miles away, and my soul is coming back... Thousands of years of sun and moon, majestic spirit Last forever…………

This is a sacrificial song, but also a war song. After being sung by tens of thousands of Xuanshuang Sect disciples at the same time, it has a huge momentum of conquering thousands of miles with a golden sword and an iron horse.

In the crowd, Ye Fan could only feel his blood boiling, vaguely seeing the scene of his ancestors rising up to resist thousands of years ago and fighting bloody battles with the Demon Race army.

"This is a battle of life and death, failure means destruction!"

"We have no choice but to win!"

Ye Fan slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, Cai Ge had finished singing.

"Wan Song takes the sword!"

At this time, Yang Yifo shouted loudly!

Wan Song walked out of the crowd, walked slowly to Patriarch Yang, and knelt down with Luo Ming in front of a portrait of Patriarch Xuan Shuang.

"Luo Ming, the 106th head of Xuanshuang Sect, resigned as head, and Wan Song took over as the 107th head!"

A sword belonging to ancestor Xuan Shuang was transferred from Luo Ming's hand to Wan Song's hand, which means that the handover of the head of Xuan Shuang Sect has been completed.

"From now on, Wan Song is the head of Xuanshuang Sect! Another true disciple, Ye Fan, is appointed as the deputy head of Xuanshuang Sect! Disciple Yang Yifu hereby informs ancestor Xuan Shuang!"

"Oh, this boss is really tired in front of me!"

"Wan Song, Ye Fan, you two have taken over the position of chief and deputy head of the Xuanshuang Sect. From now on, you must fulfill your duties faithfully, be brave enough to take on your responsibilities, and take the sect to a new level!"

"Could this be the sect's luck?" Ye Fan thought thoughtfully.

"But it's not fair to the man who was killed! He had a chance to live."


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·Please give me flowers...

Wan Song sighed and grabbed Ye Fan's hand, "Let's go, come with me to deal with those people.

Lin Qingxue, Cheng Lingyi, Su Jingqiu, Xue Hui and others came over to congratulate Ye Fan.

Lin Qingxue motioned to several friends to leave first, and she came to Ye Fan's side.

After the ceremony, dawn has already broken dawn, and the purple energy comes from the east, making people feel comfortable.

Ye Fan shook his head gently and said with a wry smile: "I just work hard!"

"Junior brother, congratulations!"

"Follow the teachings of our ancestors!"

"There is no fairness in this world! As long as everything is up to your own heart.

Ye Fan sighed softly and was speechless for a long time.

Wan Song suddenly ran over panting and seemed a little worried.

Lin Qingxue saw that Ye Fan was worried, so she softly comforted him with a few words.

Ye Fan raised his head and looked at Lin Qingxue: "Senior sister, if it were you, what would you do?"

As soon as the head succession ceremony was over, Wan Song hurried away, leaving Ye Fan alone in the square in a daze.

Mu Qingxue replied without thinking.

"What's wrong? You don't seem happy?"

"How did you do this?"


Ye Fan had a look of pain on his face.

"If you have to kill one person to save a hundred people, that person has no grievances against you, but you have to kill him to save others."

With a slight sigh, Ye Fan had quietly taken out a communication talisman and sent out a secret code: Bergamot, Cyperus rotunda, Angelica sinensis.

Somewhere in the air, Ye Fan seemed to feel an indescribable distant aura entering his body.

When Patriarch Yang stepped aside, Wan Song and Ye Fan slowly turned around. The disciples of Shiyu Xuan Shuang Sect saluted them all.

"Yes, when has heaven ever been fair? Heaven and earth are unkind and treat all things as stupid dogs!"

Ye Fan glanced at him curiously.

"Xiaofan, why are you so dazed! Hurry up and go with me to receive the distinguished guests!"

Under the signal from Yang Yidi's eyes, Ye Fan also came to the portrait of Patriarch Xuan Shuang and knelt behind Wan Song.

"If this is the case, then of course I have to kill one person to save a hundred. At worst, I will give some money to the family of the person who was killed as compensation.

"Meet the leader!"

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