"Two Fellow Daoists, this catastrophe seems to be inevitable now! Our three major sects should work together to help each other and strive for a brighter future for our human race in Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World."

"What Drunken Sword Fellow Daoist said is true. We at the Golden Sword Sect will certainly give our full support to the establishment of the Dao Integration Alliance!"

"We, the Fire Sect, are the same!"

At the base of Heaven-Connecting Peak, Ancestor Drunken Sword, Mo Jingfeng, and Gongsun Yuanxi had been together for three days and three nights.

The three people have basically reached a consensus on the establishment of the Dao Integration Alliance.

"Okay, since the two Fellow Daoists have no objections, let's take this opportunity to discuss some operational details of the Dao Integration Alliance!"

"Drunken Sword Fellow Daoist, don't worry, only our three major sects are taking the lead in this matter, so I'm afraid our strength is still a bit weak.

Mo Jingfeng pondered for a moment and then said.

"What does Mo Fellow Daoist mean?"

"We can also bring in the Taiyue Sect. The Taiyue Sect has developed rapidly over the years. The overall strength of the sect is actually no longer inferior to our three major sects. However, the Taiyue Sect has always kept a low profile. In addition, they have a close relationship with us in the Central Plains. There aren't many interactions with the forces in this area, so it's easy for everyone to ignore them.

"Invite Taiyue Sect to participate? This is a good idea."

Drunken Sword Ancestor nodded.

"I also agree with this. The Taiyue Sect and the Hai Clan have been fighting for thousands of years, and they must not betray our human race.

Gongsun Yuanxi nodded slightly.

"In this case, the three of us will simply pay a visit directly to see what the Taiyue Sect's attitude is before we say anything."

"Okay, let's set off!"

Mo Jingfeng and Gongsun Yuanxi both agreed to Zui Jian Ancestor's proposal, and the three of them left as soon as they could, immediately leaving Xuanshuang Sect and flying towards the mountain gate of Taiyue Sect.

The distance of twenty thousand miles would not take long for the Nascent Soul monks to reach.

However, after Zuijian Ancestor, Mo Jingfeng, and Gongsun Yuanxi arrived in the South Island waters, they did not immediately go to visit Taiyue Sect. Instead, they first walked around the South Island waters to check out the local waters. Current situation.

"It seems that there is nothing unusual about the Sea Clan for the time being." "

"Well, this is normal. After all, the strength of the Sea Clan is not much stronger than that of our human race. If Demon Race is not more difficult to deal with, we humans would not be afraid of the Sea Clan alone."

"The defense line built by Taiyue Sect in the waters of South Island is still very good. At least it can slow down the attack speed of Hai Clan.

The three of them were quite satisfied with the defense of the South Island waters. After seeing the situation here, the three of them went straight to Taiyue Sect without further delay.

The mountain gate of Taiyue Sect is located on the Taiyue Mountains, about a thousand miles north of Wanghai City.

"The leaders of the three major sects of the human race are visiting together?"

The current sect leader of Taiyue Sect is Murong Hexin, who is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

After hearing the report of the visit of the leaders of the three major sects of the human race, Murong He did not dare to neglect, and quickly asked people to bring the three ancestors of Zuijian over.

Soon, the great elder of Taiyue Sect, Nascent Soul Late Stage monk Ju Yufeng also rushed over.

"Ju Fellow Daoist, Murong Fellow Daoist!"

"Fellow Daoist Mo, Fellow Daoist Drunken Sword, Fellow Daoist Gongsun, what kind of wind brought the leaders of your three major sects together?"

After the two parties exchanged a few simple greetings, Mo Jingfeng got straight to the point and told the person's purpose of visiting this time.

"Established the Dao Integration Alliance? Joyous Union Sect betrayed the human race?"

Mo Jingfeng's words shocked Ju Yufeng and Murong Hexin.

The two frowned and immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

"So, the Demon Race remnants and the Sea Tribe are ready to make another move?!"

Ju Yufeng sighed worriedly.

"Exactly! To be honest, my disciple discovered this accidentally."

Ancestor Zuijian once again took out the "devil fetus" discovered by Ye Fan.

"Demon fetus? Hiss! Are you ready to lead the strong men of the Demon Race? It seems that a catastrophe is unavoidable again!"

Ju Yufeng and Murong Hexin looked at each other, their hearts becoming heavy.

The two thought for a while and immediately agreed to the three people's proposal to establish the Dao Integration Alliance and make the Taiyue Sect become the leading force of the Dao Integration Alliance.

Because this proposal is undoubtedly beneficial to Taiyue Sect, because together with the catastrophe, Taiyue Sect will bear the brunt of the Hai Clan's attack due to the location of the mountain gate, and is a force that needs to bear greater pressure.

The establishment of the Dao Integration Alliance can be said to be a huge benefit to Tai Yueying without any harm.

"Since Joyous Union Sect has betrayed the human race, it is no longer qualified to be among the four major sects in Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World. In my opinion, Taiyue Sect will replace Joyous Union Sect and become the fourth sect in Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World." The door is open."

Mo Jingfeng said with a smile.

"."It should be so!"

Drunken Sword Ancestor and Gongsun Yuanxi both claimed it was.

"Haha, the three Fellow Daoists are so polite!"

Ju Yufeng and Murong Hexin looked at each other with secret joy in their hearts.

The "four major sects of the human race" are not just a false name, but can also obtain many practical benefits in reality.

"Since the two Fellow Daoists have no objections, let's discuss the Dao Integration Alliance's charter and future operating mechanism..."

"Drunken Sword Fellow Daoist, there is no rush, I have important information that I would like to inform you first.

Ju Yufeng's face suddenly became serious.

"It doesn't matter if I live as a Fellow Daoist!"

"Okay, this is top-secret information about the Ziyang Sect. I also discovered it accidentally. The leader of the Ziyang Sect, Shangguan, has probably..." (Zhao's good) Ju Yufeng lowered his voice and shared the information he had obtained with some Guess and tell the truth.

"Fellow Daoist, how sure are you about this matter?"

Mo Jingfeng and others were shocked after hearing this.

"I can't say 100%, but I'm at least 60% or 70% sure!"

Ju Yufeng sighed with an ugly expression.

"If this matter is true, it seems that we must find a way to clean up the spies that Demon Race has lurked in our human race."

Mo Jingfeng said solemnly.

"Well, I think the first major thing after the establishment of the Dao Integration Alliance is to clean up the traitors and spies among the human race."

Drunken Sword Fellow Daoist said.

"It seems like this is the only way!"

Mo Jingfeng and others nodded gloomily.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

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