"So this is the Soul Refining Grass!"

On Yunxia Peak, Ye Fan is in his Cave Mansion, holding a spiritual grass in his hand.

The appearance of Soul Refining Grass is almost the same as that of Seven Sun Grass, but its medicinal properties have undergone great changes.

Ordinary Seven Sun Grass does not have much effect on increasing soul power.

However, the soul refining grass obtained after being induced through special methods has the effect of enhancing soul power.

After several years of cultivation, Ye Fan has now obtained a large amount of soul refining grass and can refine the "soul refining pill".

Ye Fan naturally plans to practice the "Nine Yuan Body Splitting Technique".

But before the Foundation Building, he was a little hesitant to refine a clone during the Qi Refining stage.

Ye Fan is a little worried that this move will affect his Foundation Building.

After all, to refine a clone, you need to cut off the Spirit Partitioning soul first, which will have some impact on your own soul.

"Let's go to Foundation Building first! We can consider this after Foundation Building. However, we can refine the soul-reading pill first and take a batch before talking about it."

The soul-reading pill has the effect of improving spiritual consciousness and soul, and its effect is certainly no worse than "Purple Bamboo Jade Liquid".

After making up his mind, Ye Fan naturally found Nangong Xuefu and handed her the batch of Tianlong fruits he had just harvested.

As for the recipe for Nianhundan and the auxiliary medicinal materials for the two elixirs, Ye Fan had already prepared them.

"You came just in time. I have something to discuss with you."

Nangong Xuefu's eyes lit up when she saw Ye Fan.


Ye Fan felt a little worried in his heart.

If the witch comes to see him for something, it's definitely not good.

"I'm going to Ziyang Sect to pick up something. Then you can come with me!"

"Go to Ziyang Sect to pick up something?"

Ye Fan was startled and then reacted.

Nangong Xuefu is planning to steal something!

"Are you crazy? Shangguan Moyue is a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. Maybe he has been promoted to Nascent Soul Late Stage now. Can you beat him?"

Shangguan Moyue is the current head of the Ziyang Sect and the father of Wang Wei, whom Ye Fan met before.

"We can't beat him, but we can use tricks! Besides, you can kill even the old monster Hong Yuan, so why can't you deal with Shangguan Mo Yue?"

Nangong Xuefu rolled her eyes at Ye Fan.

"Fairy Xuefu, in fact, in order to deal with old ghost Hongyuan last time, I almost consumed all the treasures in my hand! Now that I meet Shangguan Moyue, there is really nothing I can do against him.

Ye Fan pretended to be embarrassed.

After finally having a peaceful life for a few days, he would not be so stupid and follow Nangong Xuefu crazy.

"I don't believe it, you just refuse to help me! Thinking about how much I helped you before, it's really not worth it.

Nangong Xuefu put on a "you are so unloyal" look, leaving Ye Fan speechless.

"What exactly do you want to take away from Ziyang Sect?"

After a long time, Ye Fan frowned and asked.

"The Tribulation Fruit!"

"The Tribulation Fruit?"

"I can accompany you, but you must listen to me and not act recklessly! And if you encounter danger, you must escape with me immediately, otherwise, I will leave you alone.

"I am busy every day for resources."

Ye Fan came back to his senses.

After returning to his Cave Mansion, Ye Fan sent a message to Lin Qingxue, then closed the Cave Mansion and prepared to start cultivating another ghost-faced vine.

Ye Fan had never heard of this kind of spiritual fruit and couldn't help but be slightly concerned.

As for the strain in front of me, it is basically mature and cannot be cultivated further.

In his system space, another ghost-faced tree is about to mature.

The core of the Baby Transformation Fruit can also be planted in the Spirit Field of the system. When the time comes, Lin Qingxue and the people around her can use it.

"In the middle stage of Rank Four, after the sacrifice, you should be able to fight against the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul! I will call you Teng Xiaoer from now on!"

If he can get these two things, his success rate of Core Formation and Infant Formation will undoubtedly increase a lot in the future.

"Yes, in the entire Cangnan cultivation world, only the Ziyang Sect has a Transformation Fruit Tree. It is said that recently, several Transformation Fruits in that Transformation Fruit Tree are about to mature.

At the beginning, he got three seeds of the Ghost Faced Vine, among which the Little Vine had the least potential and had already been refined by him.

The Infant Formation Fruit can be refined into the "Infant Formation Pill", which can increase the success rate of the monk's Infant Formation.

Nangong Xuefu showed a smile of success on her face.

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Fan finally couldn't resist the temptation of the Infant Transformation Fruit and the Golden Spirit Pill provided by Nangong Xuefu, and agreed to go to Ziyang Sect with her.

One of them is still growing and seems to have the potential to grow into a Rank Five ghost mask.

The potential of the other two ghost-faced vines exceeds that of the small vine, but the potential of the two ghost-faced vines is different.

Ye Fan thought for a while and then said. 327

"One calamity-resolving fruit can usually be used to refine eight calamity-resolving pills, which can help cultivators overcome the calamity of inner demons."

"Okay, I'll listen to you then. As long as we can steal two 'Tribulation Fruits', we will leave immediately. Shangguan Mo Yue will be unable to do anything to us by then."

"Heart Demon Tribulation? This girl is going to condense Nascent Soul? This qualification is too good!"

Nangong Xuefu nodded with a smile.

"Okay, I'll wait for you for a while."

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Ye Fan complained secretly in his heart.

Ye Fan murmured.

At this time, Nangong Xuefu took out a colorful spirit fruit from the storage bag, which was a mature infant transformation fruit, and a jade bottle containing two 'golden Spirit Pills'.

The Golden Spirit Pill is a pill that improves the success rate of a monk's Core Formation. Ye Fan has a few pills in his hand, but they are not the Supreme Grade Golden Spirit Pill.

Nangong Xuefu took the initiative to introduce the function of the Tribulation Fruit to Ye Fan.

"By the way, Ye Fan, if you are willing to accompany me to Ziyang Sect, I will give you an Infant Transformation Fruit! In addition, I can also give you the two Supreme Grade gold Spirit Pills left during my Core Formation.

"By the way, you still have to wait for me for a few months, and then we will be more confident.

"The Infant Transformation Fruit! Supreme Grade Gold Spirit Pill! There is also the Transformation Tribulation Fruit. This temptation is a bit too great!"

Ye Fan shook his head, gathered his thoughts, and sank into the system space.

He planned to sacrifice the ghost-faced vine that had grown to the middle stage of Rank Four first, and then go to Ziyang Sect.

Such a big temptation inevitably made Ye Fan a little tempted.

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