"This is Icewind Valley! Ziyang Sect is built in Icewind Valley, and can only be entered and exited through Icewind Valley.

"So, if we want to sneak into the Ziyang Sect, there is only one way!"

"That's right!"

"This is very difficult! How to deceive the gatekeeper of Ziyang Sect?"

It was Ye Fan and Nangong Xuefu who spoke.

After careful preparation, the two of them had arrived at the territory of the Ziyang Sect, ready to steal the Tribulation Fruit from their sect.

At this time, the two of them were sitting in a lotus-shaped flying Law Treasure.

On the top of a mountain about two to three hundred miles away from Icewind Valley, overlooking the Purple Sun Sect below.

The flying Law Treasure shaped like a lotus platform is exactly Nangong Xuefu’s flying Law Treasure, a gilded lotus.

This flying Law Treasure has a strong concealment function, and ordinary Nascent Soul monks cannot see through its whereabouts.

Three days ago, Ye Fan and Nangong Xuefu had arrived here.

But as for how to sneak into the Ziyang Sect, the two of them haven't thought of any good ideas yet.

"Don't Ziyang Sect sell the Tribulation Fruit?"

Ye Fan felt that the risk of sneaking into Ziyang Sect was too great. Icewind Valley was surrounded by cliffs thousands of feet high, with only a narrow exit leading to the outside world.

If the two of them were discovered by someone inside the Ziyang Sect, they would be trying to catch a turtle in a urn, and they would not even have anywhere to run.

"If they were selling it, would I still need to come here and steal the 267 Tribulation Fruit so deliberately?"

Nangong Xuefu snorted coldly.

"That's true! Then do you know where the moving fruit tree in their sect grows?"

"This is not very clear.

Nangong Xuefu shook his head.

"You came here to steal the Tribulation Fruit without understanding anything. I feel like our trip is in high jeopardy.

Ye Fan was speechless, why did this little girl do things like this?

"How about we capture a Ziyang Sect disciple and come over to ask?"

"I've tried it before. The average disciples don't know about this at all. Moreover, I'm afraid all the disciples of Ziyang Sect have been banned. Even if someone knows the exact location of the Tribulation Fruit, I'm afraid they won't be able to tell it."

"Fairy Xuefu, in this case, we only have one solution now!"

Ye Fan rolled his eyes and immediately came up with a clever plan.

"any solution?"

"This method is to make beauty prosperous!"

Ye Fan smiled proudly and carefully told Nangong Xuefu what he thought was a clever plan.

"This is a good idea, but..."

Nangong Xuefu always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't think of a better way, so she had to agree.

"Do you have a Law Treasure you can pretend to be?"

Ye Fan asked again.

"I can put you in the Spirit Beast bag first, and it shouldn't be a problem if you stay there for a few days.

"Forget it, just use mine!"

Ye Fan had no choice but to take out the Void Tower, and with a thought, he turned the Void Tower into a hairpin.

"Ye Fan, you actually have a portable cave?"

Nangong Xuefu was shocked.

"Yes, after we finish the play later, I will get into this hairpin. You can just wear the hairpin on your head as usual."

"All right!"

"Then let's rehearse first so as not to reveal our secret later."

The two found a private place, and after several days of rehearsal and discussion, they appeared outside again.

"Remember, in order to act more realistically, you have to sacrifice a little bit of color, and you must not have any expression of resistance when the time comes, otherwise it will be easy for others to see the clues.

"I know! I've told you so many times, are you bothered?"

The two of them have changed their appearance.

The girl knelt down on the ground and kept kowtowing to the evil young man to plead for mercy.

"Stop! Your father owes a debt and has already paid you to me. Why are you running away!"


"You ignorant bitch!"

"Master Yun, please spare me! Please, please spare me!"

This routine is extremely vulgar. If you meet a person with rich experience, you will already know that something is wrong.

"Bitch, why are you running away? This young master has taken a liking to you, but you will be blessed for the rest of your life, so why are you running away!"

This city is an important industry of the Ziyang Sect and is only a few hundred miles away from Icewind Valley.

"Then get ready, remember not to resist later, we are just acting. In order to get the tribulation-resolving fruit, such a small sacrifice is nothing."



So he didn't see anything wrong.

Lin Yi looked towards where the sound came from and saw a wolfish figure stumbling towards him on the hillside a few miles away.

The evil young man who rushed from behind had already caught the sad-looking girl and scratched her ear. One side of the girl's cheek immediately swelled up.

The two of them sat on the gilded lotus again, hid their whereabouts, and began to search outside the Wuguang City.

Afterwards, the two came to Sunless City.

After another scratch, the girl's other cheek immediately turned red.

Ye Fan, on the other hand, pretends to be a playboy.

It didn't take long for them to find a suitable target.

"Spare you? Then who will return my spirit stone?"

Nangong Xuefu's cultivation has been suppressed to the Qi Refining Late Stage, and her appearance has also changed drastically. She now looks like a beautiful girl.

Soon, a faint cry for help caught Lin Yi's attention.

The evil young man refused to give up and tore open the girl's clothes, revealing her left side.

"Well, this person is wearing the clothes of an outer disciple of the Japanese sect. He is a young man, so he seems to be easier to deceive."

"This man looks very simple and honest, as if he has no experience in the world. He must not be able to tell that we are acting at all.


Soon, two figures, one behind the other, ran towards Lin Yi.

"Let's walk around outside the city and start acting when we meet the more honest Ziyang Sect disciples. w(bieb) Ye Fan said to Nangong Xuefu: "Now, let's hide ourselves first, choose the target and then come out.

The bad boy's face became even more gloomy, "Why, you are unwilling to be my companion? Do you know how many women are vying to climb into my bed?"

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

On the gilded lotus platform, Ye Fan lowered his voice and spoke to Nangong Xuefu.

But Lin Yi lacks such experience.

The gilded lotus disappeared quietly, and Nangong Xuefu and Ye Fan disappeared immediately.

Lin Yi couldn't stand it any longer and shouted angrily, startling the bad boy.

He entered the Ziyang Sect when he was very young, and after more than ten years of hard work, he became an outer disciple. Lin Yi has been busy practicing these years, and is really lacking in other aspects.

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