Chapter 467 The purpose of the question

Yu Ling’er standing beside the blood back.

After hearing the words after the blood.

He could not help but smiled slightly.

She looked at Ye Yuesheng and said directly:

“My husband, my thoughts are the same with them.”

“Let’s finish exploring this mountain as soon as possible.”

“Then go to other places and search for resources for cultivation.”

“After all, this water curtain secret, except us.”

“There are also people from Tianbao Pavilion.”

“August 47” “If the action is too slow, maybe the resources will be taken away by others.”

And Ye Yuesheng listened to this remark.

Then smiled slightly.

He directly said:

“Since you are all willing to continue exploring.

“Then I will take you off.

“I thought it was.”

“You will feel a little boring in this place.”

“I plan to take you outside to see the scenery later.”

“Since everyone has this idea, let’s continue to explore.”

Yu Linger and others heard what Ye Yuesheng said.

A hint of helplessness flashed in my heart.

It turns out that Ye Yuesheng just asked questions one by one.

It is to see if they want to continue to explore the secret realm firmly.

This approach is really surprising.

And the other side.

Seeing Ling Yao Yao curled his lips, he said to Ye Yuesheng:

“Master, you say this now.”

“It’s too late.

“Since you have such a plan, you should say it at the beginning.”

“This way Yaoyao will definitely support you.

“However, if Master, you are after exploring here.”

“Take us to play again, that is also a very good thing.”

“Yao Yao very much hopes that Master can do this.

Ye Yuesheng heard what Ling Yao Yao said.

Immediately laughed.

After he nodded slightly, he said directly:

“Well, since Yao Yao, you have this requirement.

“Then I will promise you as a teacher.

“After all, you did a lot of effort to follow the Master to this secret realm.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

A trace of joy flashed in Ling Yao Yao’s eyes.

She did not expect what she said.

Ye Yuesheng would actually agree directly.

This is really amazing.

And the other side.

After hearing this, Ye Qingxian also followed up and said:

“Master, why are you doing this?”

“Now it’s in the secret realm, if you don’t collect resources as soon as possible.”

“Maybe you will suffer a lot of losses.

Ye Yuesheng heard Ye Qingxian’s words.

Immediately laughed.

He looked at Yu Ling’er and the Blood Empress and others, and smiled:

“Qingxian, although you are quite reasonable.”

“This action is the first time that you have followed the Master to explore the secret realm.”

“If in this secret realm, there are only boring killings and boring gathering of cultivation resources.

“That’s really boring.

“After all, my teacher hopes that this action can become your fond memories.

“That’s why I asked you just now.”

“I hope you will tell the truth.”

And the other side.

After hearing what Ye Yue 5.8 Sheng said.

In the eyes of Yu Ling’er and the others, extremely moved expressions flashed.

They did not expect.

Ye Yuesheng actually thought of them so much.

This is really amazing.

After seeing Yu Ling’er smile slightly, he said:

“My husband, your idea is really good.”

“After all, this is our first expedition in the Secret Realm of Chaos.

“That should indeed be a good tour.”

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