Chapter 468 keep going

Ye Yuesheng learned the thoughts of Yu Linger and others.

A smile appeared on his face.

After he glanced at the road ahead, he said:

“Since you all plan to relax in this water curtain secret realm later.

“Then move forward as soon as possible now.

“Just finish exploring this mountain.”

“As long as this is done, we can take a good tour of this secret realm.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

The Ling Yao Yao standing behind him suddenly became a little anxious.

After she nodded, she said to Ye Yuesheng:

“Since you have said so, Master.”

“The demon monster must speed up the exploration of the secret realm.

“Qingxian, why don’t we start right now?

After saying this, Ling Yao Yao took the lead and walked out.

Then he turned his head and signaled Ye Qingxian to let her follow her.

And the other side.

Ye Qingxian saw this behind the scenes.

A look of helplessness flashed across his face suddenly.

I saw that she looked at the somewhat anxious spirit demon, and said directly:

“Yao Yao, go slower.

“Now in this mountain, there may still be chaos monsters.”

“If you go too fast.”

“Maybe you will meet these chaotic monsters alone.”

“The strength of these demons is not weak.

“Believe the monsters, you shouldn’t want to meet these monsters alone.”

Hear Ye Qingxian’s words.

Ling Yao Yao’s face suddenly flashed a faint color.

She suddenly remembered.

I was attacked by the monsters hiding in the void before.

Next, I saw a trace of entanglement in Ling Yao Yao’s eyes.

He trot back again, walked to the side of Ye Qingxian and Yu Ling’er, and whispered:

“Qingxian, you are right.”

“Now this secret realm is still very dangerous.”

“You must be more careful so that you can avoid trouble.”

Ye Yuesheng, Yu Linger and others stood aside.

After seeing the actions of the Ling Yao Yao.

Suddenly smiled a little helplessly.

Ye Yuesheng glanced ahead and said immediately:

“Now we have wasted a lot of time.”

“It’s better to set off immediately and go and finish exploring this mountain.”

“You will follow me later.

“If you can’t keep up with the speed, then remind me out loud.”

“I will stop and wait for you.

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng moved his body and turned directly into a stream of light toward the front.

The women standing beside Ye Yuesheng saw this.

Naturally, it will not stay in place.

After their postures moved, they also turned into rays of glow.

Follow Ye Yuesheng right away.

With extraordinary speed.

Under the leadership of Ye Yuesheng, everyone soon came to the end of the road.

Ye Yuesheng scanned the surrounding environment for a while, then said:

“If there is no accident, this should be the end of 847 inside the mountain.”

“Just under my observation.”

“There are no resources that can be used for cultivation.”

“It seems that the Qing Mingshi we harvested before is all the resources of this mountain.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

The blood queen on the side also nodded involuntarily, as if she felt very agree with it.

After seeing her smile slightly, she said:

“Since my husband has confirmed that we will finish exploring the first mountain.”

“Then now is the time to leave here.”

“Otherwise, your disciple can’t wait any longer.”

Ye Yuesheng laughed at the words after hearing the blood. .

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