Chapter 466 reward

Ye Yuesheng condenses the essence of Qingming stone wall.

It did not take too long.

It only took a meal.

He will thoroughly use all the essence in the Qingming stone wall.

All turned into cyan jade.

Looking at the cyan jade flying in front of him.

A smile flashed across Ye Yuesheng’s face.

After he nodded, he said:

“Very good, with this ~ some cultivation resources.”

“Presumably, I and my own disciples can all be able to cultivate to a higher realm as soon as possible.”

After speaking, Ye Yue-sheng turned around.

Flew directly towards Yu Ling’er and the others not far away.

With extraordinary speed.

Ye Yuesheng came to Yu Linger and the others in a blink of an eye.

Next, after seeing him smile slightly, he spoke to Yu Ling’er:

“Ling’er, these blue jade stones should be enough for us to cultivate for a while.”

“If you have no problems.”

“I will take you later and continue to explore.”

“If you are lucky.”

“Let us discover other cultivation resources.

“Then put all these resources into the bag.”

“And if there is no luck.

“Then we will go directly to the other peaks, without delaying time here.”

“Continue to collect the cultivation resources of other mountains.”

Yu Linger, who was standing next to him, heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

Nodded immediately.

After seeing her smile slightly, she said:

“Husband, you don’t have to value our ideas too much.

“After all, this time we are just following your husband to collect cultivation resources.”

“If you don’t think there is any problem, husband.

“It can lead us to action at any time.”

“No need to explain this to us specifically.”

Ye Yuesheng heard the words and immediately shook his head slightly.

He directly said:

“Ling’er, you are wrong.

“Since you all came to this water curtain secret realm with me.”

“Then naturally you should also have the idea of ​​acting on your own.

“If you don’t want to move on next, then I will take you out of here.”

“I will never force your ideas.”

Upon hearing Ye Yuesheng’s words, Ling Yao Yao’s eyes flashed a smile.

After she smiled, she said:

“Master, you are so kind to us.

“Since this is the case, Yao Yao hopes that Master, you can lead us forward.”

…For flowers…

“Go and unearth the cultivation resources in this mountain.”

“After all, until now.”

“We haven’t finished exploring this mountain yet.”

“If you give up halfway, wouldn’t it be a pity?”

And Ye Qingxian standing beside the Ling Yao Yao.

After hearing these words, he couldn’t help but nodded.

She looked at the road ahead and said:

“Master, I think Yaoyao makes a lot of sense.”

“Although we already have a lot of resources for cultivation.”

“But if you just leave here like this.”

“That would be a shame.”

“So Qingxian also hopes to move on.

After hearing this, Ye Yuesheng nodded immediately.

He looked at the blood queen and Yu Ling’er on the side, and said directly:

“Both of my disciples have stated that they want to move on.

“You guys also tell me if you want to keep going.”

After the blood queen felt Ye Yuesheng’s gaze, he meditated for a moment.

Then he said directly:

“Since everyone chooses to move on.

“Then naturally I won’t say anything against it.”

“Husband, you can take us out.”

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